public void InventoryWindow(int id){
int cnt = 0;
string itemToolTip;
for(int y = 0; y < _inventoryRows; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < _inventoryCols; x++){
if(cnt < inv.Stacks.Count && inv.Stacks[cnt] != null){
itemToolTip = "<b>" + inv.Stacks[cnt].Item.Name + "</b>
" + inv.Stacks[cnt].Item.Description + "
<size=10>" + inv.Stacks[cnt].Item.Type + “”;
} else{itemToolTip = “”;}
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(5 + (x * buttonWidth), 20 + (y * buttonHeight), buttonWidth, buttonHeight), new GUIContent(inv.Stacks[cnt].Item.Icon, itemToolTip), “box”)){
editing = true;
GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(32.5f, 280, 200, 90), comboBacker);
for(int i = 0 ; i < items.Length; i++){
int index = cnt;
print(cnt + " = Index!“);//Normal here********
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0, (30 * i), 200, 30), items*, “button”)){*
_ print(cnt + " = COUNT!!!”);//Always Zero here********_
_ selectedItem = items*;_
_ editing = false;_
_ switch(selectedItem){_
_ case “Use”:_
_ //print (“Use Item”);//Use Item*_
* UseItem(inv.Stacks[index].Item);*
* break;*
* case “Drop”:*
* //print (“Drop Item”);//Drop Item*
* break;*
* case “Cancel”:*
* //Do nothing, just close options*
* break;*
* default:*
* //Do nothing, just close options*
* break;*
* }*
* }*
* }*
* GUI.EndGroup();*
* }*
_ GUI.Label(new Rect(6 + (x * buttonWidth), 20 + (y * buttonHeight), 50, 50), inv.Stacks[cnt].Size.ToString(), “label”);_
* //print (inv.Stacks[cnt].Item.Name);*
* } else if(inv.Stacks[cnt] == null){*
GUI.Button(new Rect(5 + (x * buttonWidth), 20 + (y * buttonHeight), buttonWidth, buttonHeight), (x + y * inventoryCols).ToString(), “box”);
* }*
* //print(cnt);*
* cnt++;*
* }*
* }*
* Tooltip.Instance.TooltipGUI();*
* GUI.DragWindow();*
* }*
For some reason when i try to reference the ‘cnt’ variable at the switch statement it always equals ZERO?
About 4/5 lines from bottom i have a print which is working fine and the ‘cnt’ variales is working, but why not for the switch statement?
The ‘cnt’ variable stops working after line 18, but works fine before it.
*Added Whole Function_