I’m relatively new to scripting and I made this script so that when 4 players (1 at the moment for testing) enter an area a countdown starts. The problem is that it isn’t counting down. Can someone please help me by making it count! Also when it gets to 0 how do I get the player to quit the scene? Thanks.
var playersAtEndPoint = 0;
var guiskin : GUISkin;
var timeTotal = 1800;
var timeUntilEnd = timeTotal / 60;
function OnTriggerEnter (Player : Collider){
playersAtEndPoint ++;
function OnTriggerExit (Player : Collider){
playersAtEndPoint --;
function Update (){
if (playersAtEndPoint == 1){
timeTotal = timeTotal - Time.deltaTime;
if (playersAtEndPoint == 0){
timeTotal = 1800;
function OnGUI(){
GUI.backgroundColor = Color.black;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
GUI.skin = guiskin;
if (playersAtEndPoint == 1){
GUI.Label(Rect(1,30,100,100),"Time left:" + timeUntilEnd.ToString());