angry bots doesn’t look right, I had a previous version of unity. I really don’t use unity that much but I thought id try it since some of the stuff ive seen looks cool.
anyway angrybots looks I guess sort of blueish,like textures are missing. idk
I think it may be because it was made with a previous version of unity right?
is there anyway 2 fix it?
2nd prj I dl was the survival shooter with the “zombie” bunnies or whatever.
well the problem when I ran it was the zombies don’t come out of the wall, I looked at it in the scene
I moved a spawn pt 4 them out of the wall,but the zombies don’t even move toward the player. or even
point at the player. also they move very slowly! are all these problems known??
im just curious why this prj was released 2 learn from if it doesn’t work right???
- This is the wrong subforum, it explicitly says this is not a tech support forum on the description of it.
So when you post this question to an appropriate forum:
If your issue has to do with something not looking right, include screenshots. “sort of blueish” tells us almost nothing.
You’ll get a better response if you spell out words and speak more professionally. Your English teachers weren’t just there to be babysitters.
Figure out what the technical problem is before you start with accusations of incompetence (“im just curious why this prj was released 2 learn from if it doesn’t work right???”). Those become REALLY embarrassing if the problem turns out to be on your end. And it’s rude to open up from that position regardless.
It works perfectly well in the version of Unity it was released for.