I have been mulling over an advanced crafting bench that takes feed materials from say mining or found objects such as minerals and combining them with energetics which creates an array of discoverable, invented and manufacturable items depending on configuration. The base class setup is as follows…
public class MaterialComposite : MonoBehaviour {
public enum materialBase{
Leather = 0,
Wood = 1,
Zinc = 2,
Lead = 3,
Brass = 4,
Bronze = 5,
Silver = 6,
Gold = 7,
Platinum = 8,
Iron = 9,
Steel = 10,
Copper = 11,
Titanium = 12
}//in order of relative durability
public materialBase _materialBase;
public enum energeticComposite{
Hydrogen = 0,//thought unit water medium
Oxygen = 1,//fire medium
Nitrogen = 2,//air medium
Carbon = 3,//structure
Inert = 4,//enveloping
Salt = 5,//crystalizing
Orme = 6,//energizing
Solvent = 7,//dissolving
Precipitate = 8,//solidifying
Frequency = 9,//repeating
Sonic = 10,//glowing
Magnetic = 11,//attracting and repulsing
Magrav = 12//creating and positioning
}//in order of relative energies
public energeticComposite _energeticComposite;
public enum gemstoneComposite{
Quartz = 0,
Amythest = 1,
Beryl = 2,
Agate = 3,
Amber = 4,
Jade = 5,
Opal = 6,
Obsidian = 7,
Garnet = 8,
Ruby = 9,
Sapphire = 10,
Emerald = 11,
Diamond = 12
}//in order of relative value
public gemstoneComposite _gemstoneComposite;
The idea would be that each has inputs and outputs and using some sense of scientific discipline set up final outputs based on the composite order of connection mud like designing electronic circuits or chemical compounds. Only certain enums from each could be linked via their output to others inputs. I was thinking of using a plug and socket type system where the output plug may have one through six prongs that will link to various inputs that share a config. Of course equal sized outputs will plug into equal sized inputs. A three pronged output could link to a six pronged input for example leaving three sockets open. Manufacturable items are derived from an output-input recipe. Discoverables are made when certain linkages are made for example iron and magnetic would make a magnet. I would designate this a discoverableCompoundComposite. If designed right inventions could be discovered that would be entirely unique.
Comments, extensions, what ifs welcomed.