" Crafty "patching system for Unity projects.

Sounds good thanks, I will check back in a few days.

So you relase the full source code? because if you relase the Visual Studio Version i will buy it because is more easy to edit it!

Mihai93 thats why we want to release it that way. So its much easier to edit.

We can release it as a normal program but that means that Launcher will be always the same with out any options on changing it.
We don’t want that as you may know we want all buyers to have their own unique Launchers for their game that they can feel proud of
we are just helping in that.

What are your plans for Linux and Mac? I see you have it planned, but how long? If its soon, I will instantly buy this.

We are sorry for not posting any news or providing the Crafty program already but our main programmer had an serious accident and he cannot resume work till he will get out of hospital.
Good news is that he is filling much better and he is allow to work with his laptop in hospital wanting to provide his indie developers with his work.
We will do our best to post info about Crafty and add it to shops as soon as possible. ( i cannot speed him up as you may understand and i cannot promise anything but MAYBE Crafty will be available in next few days ).

SeanPollman this program is originally made to develop our games, because we want the best for our game you can understand that we will provide the best for you. We have plans to release our game on Mac and most likely Linux we cannot tell you the date of software update, but re-coding program to make it work on mac should be easy for us.

Because of so late release date we will add few additions to Crafty allowing you to create even better Launcher, we also speed up patching system by more than 50 %. ( we try to not waste time ).

Once again i am sorry for delay.

Our programmer is out of hospital and he is feeling much better. It means that Crafty should Launch very soon.
We are sorry for such very long delay but we need to make sure you will get the best quality that for now we can provide.

Because of such long delay we will start Crafty with the version that we intended to add in month from now.
Code is much cleaner making it work much smoother and much more faster.

Is there any update on the release date?

If you add Mac and Linux support, detach the web service implementation so any web infrastructure can be used ( php, .Net etc ) if not already done so, and provide a source code license option, and we would be interested.

We are working on implementing Mac and Linux but first we want to release it for windows with you support of all our addition for it.
After that we will talk about Linux and Mac.
Launcher connects to the website only by the link only, everything is on the website so yes it will work on any kind of website.
About license you don’t have to be worried you can use it for commercial use. We will think about the source code thought. 50 $ for such work is not that much a special when we re-write it few days ago speeding it up by over 200 % ( to our shock to be honest ). But i think we can work something out.

Back to the web-site. Launcher works in very easy way it sends a message to the website asking it if there is something new in the Patch folder if it is, then website will send data to Launcher and after that patch it self. ( by data i mean for example News made by you ).
After patch is downloaded Launcher will install it to your Unity project ( or any other project ).

We are sorry for delaying so much release of Crafty.

But after a lot of work ( about 120 hours ) we rewrite our Launcher system to allow FULL access to source code. Now Launcher is set in two parts.

Part one ( the top one ) is build in such way that will allow non experience users to set a basic Launcher with there own graphic layout.

Part two ( the bottom one ) show every even the smallest part of the Launcher allowing every more advance users to do what ever they wish with the Launcher.

We also added two new features to our Launcher. First our version section is not treated as .txt file, that means that every patch can be named in every way you want. From basic Patch 1 to advance Patch 1.0.0B-Test-Project.

Second addition is adding new News detection protocol, that will check website for news before downloading the patch. Allowing users to get access to news before downloading the patch.

I rather not make any promises to not disappointing anyone but in worst case scenario Crafty should be available next weekend.
Once again sorry for delays.

this looks really great but I have one question. When is new patch released user must download whole game or user is downloading just edited files through launcher?
Hope you understand me:)

Only the patch that was created by Craft Patch. That’s the point of this whole project.

It creates a small patch from the differences in every binary change between your two projects and even then those files will be compress for super small size. Than Launcher will download and automatically install them in perfect order to your game. Player will not even know what happened.

Fast, easy and precises. I hope this answer your question :).

I can give an example based on my team’s project that we are developing.
Two days ago we added new level to the game so game risen in memory from 2 192 MB to 2 391 MB so 199 MB overall difference. When we create patch in Patch Craft it takes that difference only ( the 199 MB ) and also compress it. At the end we had a patch of 52 MB only.

wow great!
Thank you for answer. I will probably buy it next week.:slight_smile:

Hi, looks nice. by now I just have a question for your cool product. Does Crafty support mobile platform like iOS? :slight_smile:

I’m afraid we won’t be able to support mobile devices. For now only Windows and in short future Mac and Linux, we will try of course on extending the script to support mobile devices but i cannot promise anything.

Hello Guys my name is Michał Kiniorski and i am main programmer of Crafty Product. It’s shame to say but its my fault that product is not yet on the store, two months ago i had a serious car accident and had to spend 48 days in it. I was not able to work on Crafty much because of that i am doing my best as you may think but its still very hard to work with one hand.
In my opinion Crafty is ready to be sold but " Thinker " have a strict rule on releasing only products that work in 110 %, and i have to say that Crafty while its working it can give a small error, that is mostly reason why you have to wait longer.
But because of that when it will be release ( i can’t tell when because of my condition ) we will add soon after that an special addition that we wanted to sell when license drop. Let me explain 10 months ago we created something we named " Swarm " its a special program that works very similar to Torrents allowing you to transfer unlimited portions of data threw server with help of every Launcher online in the world that connect to each other speeding up the process. Just like the Swarm. Problem is we sold it on the " close private license " to one of the small company’s but for 1 years only. In two months this license will have its expiration date. After that we want to fully integrate it to Crafty making it Launcher on AAA level. ( very similar system is used by Steam, Riot ( in League of Legends ), Dota 2 and so on ).

Of course to apologize for such extended release date we will integrate Swarm to Crafty for free with no charge EVER.
Later on when Swarm will be updated to outside source programming it will be also release in the shop.
Once again i apologize i will do my best to release Crafty as soon as possible, right after Thinker will test it in every possible way to gave it an 110 % of work Achievement Title.

I’m interested in this. Please keep us updated with more info on Crafty’s release. Hope you fully recover from the accident!

The accident of our main programmer was very serious but he is feeling better and is still working on Crafty.
As for any updates well we already have working Crafty but Unity don’t like the part that it works out side of the engine and it works with everything you can possibly think of. That’s why we are rewriting Crafty a little to make it work with in Unity Only.
It will have almost exact same possibility, maybe even more. What we over all want to accomplish is to create a system that will update the game while playing the game it self. As you may imagine it is quiet complicated process in Unity, BUT we have already working basic programs. For now what i can say is that program will work with in Unity that will update the game after launching it. Something you can find in some MMO games made today. Like for example World of Warcraft inner patching system.

We are adding 1 more month to our work, so we can release Crafty on Linux Mac and Windows at the same time. If it will fail than we will release Crafty for windows instantly and later on ( few months ) we will add Mac and Linux support.

We are sorry for the wait but the accident really ruin all plans.

Any possibility of being a beta tester? I’m about to release my game into open alpha and would love to use something like this.

We already have testers on Linux, Mac and Windows but i will see what our programmer can do to make it a simplify test so you can use it and see if it works with your game. So i will see what i can do for you.

If i may ask on what system you will test Crafty if there will be such possibility even ?