Crash Cource: Intelectual Property

This series could be interesting. In general I’ve found their shows to be pretty good. But considering how many times the topic comes up in the discussion section I thought it was worth sharing.


“know thy enemy”

loool … sorta not really… scumbag copycat stuff is lame, but sometimes they take copyright infringement to ridiculous levels…


New episode (in the OP). This one is about copyright, which is the one most directly applicable to games.

Cool. Thanks!

Mind posting this in the Game Design forum? You’ll get a sticky vote from me.

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Very informative and entertaining. Thanks for sharing, @Kiwasi . Subscribed.

Imaginary Property, you wanted to say.

Here you’ll get info about what Copyright Monopoly really is:

Another bump. This one is on fair use. Probably applies here from time to time.

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Thank you.

Very good videos, thanks for the links.

The stuff on that site appears to be a collection of mindless paranoid rantings of fools and lunatics. I would pay it no heed.

Generally a pretty solid overview, though the intro montage was chock full of FUD. He should have followed up on that bit.

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I know copyright and intellectual property laws are annoying but judging from the actual content of the various app stores and the movies and so many other entertainment outlets they do nothing to dissuade entertainment makers that maybe an honest attempt at originality might be more profitable and rewarding.

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You can’t oppose free cultural exchange while supporting public libraries. You just can’t.

There is a subtle difference, alluded to in the third episode. Public libraries purchase copies of the work, they loan these copies. A public library cannot loan out more copies then they have purchased. In theory a library could kill sales, by purchasing a thousand copies of the work.

A file sharing system creates new copies. In theory only one copy of a work is required to be purchased to eliminate every sale.