Crash Editor

Since yesterday, the editor crashes when I launch the game.
Unity 2022.3.12f1 built-in

Here is the log (I don’t understand much in this log)

According to the stack trace, it seems that the problem is related to profiling.

Can you please check if you have the Profiler enabled and, in that case, turn it off and see if it still crashes? You can find the Profiler under Window > Analysis > Profiler.

Received signal SIGSEGV
(Unity) profiling::smile:ispatchStream::WriteGlobalData
(Unity) profiling::smile:ispatchStream::EmitProfilerStateInternal
(Unity) profiling::smile:ispatchStream::SetEnabledAndEmitProfilerState
(Unity) profiling::smile:ispatcher::AddDispatchStream
(Unity) profiling::profilerSession::EnableProfilingForEditor
(Unity) profiling::profilerSession::GoToState
(Unity) CallbackArray::Invoke
(Unity) PlayerLoopController::EnterPlayMode
(Unity) PlayerLoopController::SetIsPlaying
(Unity) Application::TickTimer
(Unity) MainMessageLoop
(Unity) WinMain
(Unity) __scrt_common_main_seh
(KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
(ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

I haven’t started the profiler, it’s only in a tab. correct, the button was red !
But I solved the problem by deleting the Library folder