Crash in PlayAssetDeliveryAssetBundleProvider

Hi, after implementing PAD for my game I’m seing a lot of crashes in Crashlytics from PlayAssetDeliveryAssetBundleProvider. The stack trace is this:

Seems like the error is in CheckDownloadStatus method, which is implemented like this:

void CheckDownloadStatus(AndroidAssetPackInfo info)
            _progress = info.transferProgress;
            _downloadStatus.TotalBytes = (long)info.size;
            _downloadStatus.DownloadedBytes = (long)info.bytesDownloaded;
            _downloadStatus.IsDone = info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.Completed;

            string message = "";
            if (info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.Failed)
                message = $"Failed to retrieve the state of asset pack '{}'.";
            else if (info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.Unknown)
                message = $"Asset pack '{}' is unavailable for this application. This can occur if the app was not installed through Google Play.";
            else if (info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.Canceled)
                message = $"Cancelled asset pack download request '{}'.";
            else if (info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.WaitingForWifi)
            else if (info.status == AndroidAssetPackStatus.Completed)
                string assetPackPath = AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackPath(;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPackPath))
                    // Asset pack was located on device. Proceed with loading the bundle.
                    PlayAssetDeliveryRuntimeData.Instance.AssetPackNameToDownloadPath.Add(, assetPackPath);
                    message = $"Downloaded asset pack '{}' but cannot locate it on device.";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                m_ProviderInterface.Complete(this, false, new Exception("exception"));

The PAD has been implemented following the official sample (GitHub - Unity-Technologies/Addressables-Sample: Demo project using Addressables package). The project is using Unity 2021.3.32f1.

Can’t reproduce this error with any of my 2 Android devices.

Any help is appreciated.

I’m using Addressables 1.19.19

Please, anyone? I got many users complaining about this error.

It seems the code about m_ProviderInterface.Complete(this, false, ... in PlayAssetDeliveryAssetBundleProvider.cs is wrong. It should be m_ProviderInterface.Complete<AssetBundleResource>(null, false, ....

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Thanks for answering. The code is copied from the official sample project (, seems a bit strange to pass the first parameter as null but I will deploy one build with your suggestion to try. Thanks.

Thanks, it seems solved!

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