crash in standalone app not in editor

hey there,
i’ve been making a game and it’s almost finished.
so i added a main menu and if i compile it into a standalone app (to test out the quit button)
the app says powered by unity and then there’s a black screen and then it crashes.
this happens on mac and windows.

here is the start script that loads the level when pressed the start button

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

	public class Start: MonoBehaviour {
		public void LoadLevel(int Index = 1)
		Application.LoadLevel(Index = 1);

and here’s the quit script that quits the application when th quit button is pressed.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Quit : MonoBehaviour {

	public void ExitApplication()

i’ve tried application.quit but that gives the same result… a crash

so this works in the editor but as a standalone application it crashes.

edit: i changed the start code it’s this now and it still crashes

	using UnityEngine;
	using System.Collections;
	public class Start: MonoBehaviour {
	public void NextLevelButton()

okay so i fixed it by giving the uibutton sprites a material. it loads a bit slow but it works. i’m not sure why i had to give them materials tough.