Crash iOS - Unity 2019.2 - ConvertUTF16toUTF8

Hi Unity devs!

I have a rare issue that I cannot reproduce nor build a test case but has the following stack trace:

Stack trace

0 bloodandhonorlite 0x104a50038 core::contiguous_iterator utf8::unchecked::append<core::contiguous_iterator >(unsigned int, core::contiguous_iterator) + 54 (unchecked.h:54)
1 bloodandhonorlite 0x104a4fd34 core::contiguous_iterator utf8::unchecked::utf16to8<unsigned short const*, core::contiguous_iterator >(unsigned short const*, unsigned short const*, core::contiguous_iterator) + 177 (unchecked.h:177)
2 bloodandhonorlite 0x104a4fcb8 ConvertUTF16toUTF8(unsigned short const*, int, unsigned char*, int&) + 33 (UTF8.cpp:33)
3 bloodandhonorlite 0x104c7638c scripting_cpp_string_for(ScriptingStringPtr) + 56 (ScriptingApi_Il2Cpp.cpp:56)
4 AudioCodecs 0x1bf84e388 ACSBCEncoder::ProduceOutputPackets(void*, unsigned int&, unsigned int&, AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 1328

Any ideas what it could be or how could I track the source of the problem?


the same problem

I just got this, never happened to me but several users got this crash, did you solve it?

the same proble. I used Unity 2019.2.17f1, did you solve it?

Update to the latest 2019.4.x

I’m facing the same issue. Any update?

I had solved it by updating but it reappeared again. Seems to be related to Arabic

I am also facing the same issue, any idea what is the fix for this?