Hello. I have a problem with running build on android on some devices (Galaxy Tab SM-T231). Application crash before splash screen is appears. I tried many things (force GLES2, firce internal storage, using full .Net), but no one help. Please help me.
Logcat output
05-26 18:13:37.341 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: closing because is_eof=1 r=-1 s->fde.force_eof=0
05-26 18:13:37.341 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: entered. LS(11) fd=12
05-26 18:13:37.368 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: create_local_service_socket() name=shell:logcat -v long
05-26 18:13:37.368 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: service_to_fd() name=shell:logcat -v long
05-26 18:13:37.368 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: read_meminfo() mem_free=40332
05-26 18:13:37.369 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: create_subprocess() ret_fd=12 pid=20993
05-26 18:13:37.369 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: LS(12): bound to ‘shell:logcat -v long’ via 12
05-26 18:13:37.371 20993-20993/? W/ADB_SERVICES: adb: unable to open /proc/20993/oom_adj
05-26 18:13:37.377 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: recv: CLSE 0000000b 00000009
05-26 18:13:37.377 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: entered. LS(9) fd=11
05-26 18:13:38.362 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectedState{ when=-3ms what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:38.362 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-4ms what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:38.363 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:13:38.363 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:13:38.363 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:13:38.365 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:13:38.366 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-87
05-26 18:13:38.366 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:13:38.367 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiAndLinkSpeedNative, newRssi:-87, newLinkSpeed:13, SSID:“MasterLead”
05-26 18:13:40.843 659-914/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:40.844 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 before.
05-26 18:13:40.844 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, signalStrength=4
05-26 18:13:40.844 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), DataNetType=0 / 3
05-26 18:13:40.844 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.844 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:40.845 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:40.846 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.846 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), mNetworkType=Type_3G tempDataTypeIconId= 2130837709.
05-26 18:13:40.846 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.846 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), regState=1
05-26 18:13:40.846 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), hasService=true
05-26 18:13:40.847 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:40.848 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), isRoaming=false, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:40.848 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.849 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:40.849 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), tempDataNetType = Type_3G , simColorId=0 tempPhoneSignalIconId[0] = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:40.849 732-732/? I/StatusBar.NetworkController: [CMCC Performance test][SystemUI][Statusbar] show signal end [15938002]
05-26 18:13:40.849 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0) tempSIMCUSignVisible= true
05-26 18:13:40.849 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:40.850 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is true
05-26 18:13:40.851 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:40.851 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:40.851 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=2130837709 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:40.853 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:40.853 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:40.853 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:40.853 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:40.853 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 after.
05-26 18:13:40.876 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:40.876 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:40.879 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:40.882 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.59, dur:5116.10, max:4578.56, min:129.08
05-26 18:13:40.888 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.59, dur:5116.87, max:4580.47, min:125.22
05-26 18:13:40.889 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:0.59, dur:5116.87, max:4581.07, min:125.20
05-26 18:13:40.890 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:0.59, dur:5116.86, max:4581.15, min:125.20
05-26 18:13:40.890 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:0.586297,dur:5116.86,max:4581.21,min:125.20
05-26 18:13:41.371 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectedState{ when=-3ms what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:41.371 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-3ms what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:41.372 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:13:41.372 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:13:41.372 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:13:41.385 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:13:41.386 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-87
05-26 18:13:41.386 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:13:41.387 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiAndLinkSpeedNative, newRssi:-87, newLinkSpeed:13, SSID:“MasterLead”
05-26 18:13:42.659 659-695/? W/InputReader: inCount:16, pointer count:1
05-26 18:13:42.659 659-695/? D/InputReader: AP_PROF:AppLaunch_dispatchPtr:smile:own:15724504, ID:0, Index:1641932184
05-26 18:13:42.659 659-695/? I/AP_PROF: unable to open /proc/mtprof/status entry
05-26 18:13:42.661 659-694/? D/PowerManagerService: userActivityFromNative
05-26 18:13:42.662 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: Delivering touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=84.88211, y[0]=874.31696, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x1, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=15724504, downTime=15724504, deviceId=2, source=0x1002 }
05-26 18:13:42.663 659-694/? D/PowerManagerService: userActivityNoUpdateLocked: eventTime=15724504, event=2, flags=0x0, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:42.665 659-694/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onUserActivity: event=2, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:42.666 659-694/? D/PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=15838504 (in 113993 ms)
05-26 18:13:42.667 923-923/? D/Launcher3: PagedView, onInterceptTouchEvent touch down: finishedScrolling = true, mScrollX = 1440, xDist = 0, mTouchState = 0, this = com.android.launcher3.AppsCustomizePagedView{425422b0 V.E.H… … 0,0-720,1198 #7f100007 app:id/apps_customize_pane_content}
05-26 18:13:42.668 659-694/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:42.669 659-694/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:42.670 659-694/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:42.670 659-695/? W/InputReader: inCount:16, pointer count:1
05-26 18:13:42.671 659-694/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:42.672 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:42.674 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:42.676 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: Delivering touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, id[0]=0, x[0]=84.88211, y[0]=874.31696, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x1, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=15724515, downTime=15724504, deviceId=2, source=0x1002 }
05-26 18:13:42.676 923-923/? I/View: Touch down dispatch to com.android.launcher3.PagedViewIcon{425f0538 VFED…CL … 0,690-174,920 #34}, event = MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, x[0]=72.88211, y[0]=110.316956, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=15724504, downTime=15724504, deviceId=2, source=0x1002 }
05-26 18:13:42.682 659-695/? W/InputReader: inCount:16, pointer count:0
05-26 18:13:42.682 659-695/? D/InputReader: AP_PROF:AppLaunch_dispatchPtr:Up:15724527, ID:0, Index:1641933480
05-26 18:13:42.685 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: Delivering touch event: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=84.88211, y[0]=874.31696, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x1, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=15724527, downTime=15724504, deviceId=2, source=0x1002 }
05-26 18:13:42.687 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:42.692 923-923/? I/View: Touch up dispatch to com.android.launcher3.PagedViewIcon{425f0538 VFED…CL …p… 0,690-174,920 #34}, event = MotionEvent { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, x[0]=72.88211, y[0]=110.316956, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=15724527, downTime=15724504, deviceId=2, source=0x1002 }
05-26 18:13:42.697 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.698 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 696.00, 1150.00) opaque 0 <0x60296438>
05-26 18:13:42.698 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1150 - 1150.00 = 0.00, 696.00 - 0.00 = 696.00, 1150.00 - 0.00 = 1150.00) opaque 0 <0x60296438>
05-26 18:13:42.700 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x60296438>
05-26 18:13:42.700 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1280 - 1280.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 1280.00 - 0.00 = 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.701 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.702 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [queue] fps:3.35, dur:13133.60, max:12366.04, min:13.41
05-26 18:13:42.703 923-923/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = sound_effects_enabled , value = 0
05-26 18:13:42.703 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:42.703 923-923/? D/Launcher3: AppsCustomizePagedView, onClick: v = com.android.launcher3.PagedViewIcon{425f0538 VFED…CL …P… 0,690-174,920 #34}, v.getTag() = ApplicationInfo(title=Tap Inc id=-1 type=0 container=-1 screen=-1 cellX=-1 cellY=-1 spanX=1 spanY=1 dropPos=null pos = 0 isVisible = true)
05-26 18:13:42.703 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:42.704 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, startActivitySafely v = com.android.launcher3.PagedViewIcon{425f0538 VFED…CL …P… 0,690-174,920 #34}, intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity }, tag = ApplicationInfo(title=Tap Inc id=-1 type=0 container=-1 screen=-1 cellX=-1 cellY=-1 spanX=1 spanY=1 dropPos=null pos = 0 isVisible = true)
05-26 18:13:42.704 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:42.704 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, startActivity v = com.android.launcher3.PagedViewIcon{425f0538 VFED…CL …P… 0,690-174,920 #34}, intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity }, tag = ApplicationInfo(title=Tap Inc id=-1 type=0 container=-1 screen=-1 cellX=-1 cellY=-1 spanX=1 spanY=1 dropPos=null pos = 0 isVisible = true)
05-26 18:13:42.706 659-669/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} from pid 923
05-26 18:13:42.707 659-669/? I/libPerfService: 1: set: 2
05-26 18:13:42.708 659-669/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1111497520, flags=0x1, tag=“ActivityManager-Launch”, ws=null, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:13:42.708 659-669/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“ActivityManager-Launch”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:42.709 659-669/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:13:42.709 659-669/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:13:42.709 659-669/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:42.709 659-669/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:42.709 659-669/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:42.710 659-669/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:42.710 659-669/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:42.710 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:42.712 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [release] fps:3.43, dur:13130.95, max:12343.56, min:17.83
05-26 18:13:42.713 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:0.55, dur:1823.52, max:1823.52, min:1823.52
05-26 18:13:42.713 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:0.55, dur:1823.51, max:1823.51, min:1823.51
05-26 18:13:42.713 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:0.548401,dur:1823.48,max:1823.48,min:1823.48
05-26 18:13:42.714 659-669/? V/WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{42b713f0 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} to null Callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.setFocusedApp:4326 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.setFocusedActivityLocked:2407 com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityUncheckedLocked:1958 com.android.server.am.ActivityStackSupervisor.startActivityLocked:1333
05-26 18:13:42.716 659-676/? I/WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{42b713f0 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher}
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-276 BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb74401fc resize to 10 (force=true)
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb74401fc resize to 0 (force=false)
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-276 consumerConnect consumer=(133:/system/bin/surfaceflinger) controlledByApp=false
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-276 setConsumerName: unnamed-133-276
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: unnamed-133-276 GLConsumer
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc setConsumerName: Starting com.polygant.tapinc
05-26 18:13:42.718 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc setDefaultBufferSize: w=1, h=1
05-26 18:13:42.721 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, (Launcher)onPause: this = com.android.launcher3.Launcher@4242b470
05-26 18:13:42.721 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher.DragController, cancelDrag: mDragging = false, mLastDropTarget = null
05-26 18:13:42.721 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_PAUSE_CALLED ActivityRecord{42298260 token=android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0 {com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher}}
05-26 18:13:42.730 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc setDefaultBufferSize: w=720, h=1280
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20888/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: exiting
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20888/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: bye!
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20887/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: exiting
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20887/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: bye!
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20886/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: exiting
05-26 18:13:42.735 134-20886/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: bye!
05-26 18:13:42.736 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: pre gc
05-26 18:13:42.736 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize +
05-26 18:13:42.740 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 20998
05-26 18:13:42.740 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5b9db000
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bafb000
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.741 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.742 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:42.742 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.742 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.742 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.742 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.742 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 0
05-26 18:13:42.743 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get new systemTid : 20998
05-26 18:13:42.743 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: Late-enabling CheckJNI
05-26 18:13:42.744 659-2428/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.polygant.tapinc for activity com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity: pid=20998 uid=10232 gids={50232, 3003, 1028, 1015}
05-26 18:13:42.744 659-2428/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-2428/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.745 20998-21002/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5badb000
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-2428/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-2428/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86: interp stack at 0x64ead000
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-2428/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.745 659-682/? I/libPerfService: 1: set: 1
05-26 18:13:42.746 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-PAUSE_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0
05-26 18:13:42.748 20998-21004/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:42.748 20998-20998/? D/jdwp: prepping for JDWP over ADB
05-26 18:13:42.749 923-923/? D/AbsListView: onWindowFocusChanged: hasWindowFocus=false, this=android.widget.ListView{423e6ba8 V.ED.VC. …ID 0,348-672,348 #7f0e00b3 app:id/digital_appwidget_listview}
05-26 18:13:42.749 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc connect: api=2 producer=(659:system_server) producerControlledByApp=false
05-26 18:13:42.749 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:42.749 133-648/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:42.749 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.750 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86 (Thread-233): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.750 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86: exiting
05-26 18:13:42.750 659-21003/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=86: bye!
05-26 18:13:42.751 133-648/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:2) handle(0xb745f0f0) err(0)
05-26 18:13:42.751 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb74528f0, handle=0xb745f0f0, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=2
05-26 18:13:42.751 20998-21004/? D/dalvikvm: Elevating priority from 0 to -8
05-26 18:13:42.752 659-676/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x64adcf30) (w:720, h:1280, f:2)
05-26 18:13:42.752 20998-21005/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5ef6d000
05-26 18:13:42.752 20998-21005/? D/jdwp: JDWP: thread running
05-26 18:13:42.753 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: Adding socket 11 pid 20998 to jdwp process list
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-21005/? D/jdwp: trying to receive file descriptor from ADB
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-21006/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: interp stack at 0x5f08b000
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get thread init done
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.753 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21007/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: interp stack at 0x5f0ab000
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21007/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21007/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21007/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21008/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: interp stack at 0x5f1c9000
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-21008/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.754 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-21008/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-21008/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-21009/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8: interp stack at 0x5f2e7000
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-21009/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.755 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.756 20998-21009/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.756 20998-21009/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.762 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: create_local_service_socket() name=jdwp:20998
05-26 18:13:42.762 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: service_to_fd() name=jdwp:20998
05-26 18:13:42.763 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: looking for pid 20998 in JDWP process list return fds0(20) fds1(21)
05-26 18:13:42.763 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: LS(13): bound to ‘jdwp:20998’ via 20
05-26 18:13:42.763 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: trying to write to JDWP socket=11 pid=20998 count=1 out_fds=21
05-26 18:13:42.763 20998-21005/? D/jdwp: received file descriptor 38 from ADB
05-26 18:13:42.765 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: Starting com.polygant.tapinc [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.765 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74528f0 handle=0xb745f0f0 fmt=2
05-26 18:13:42.765 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000008
05-26 18:13:42.777 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, onSaveInstanceState: outState = Bundle[{launcher.state=2, apps_customize_currentTab=APPS, android:viewHierarchyState=Bundle[{android:views={-1694498816=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1694433024=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1694301440=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1694235648=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677656064={-1677656064=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427835=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427836=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427837=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427838=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427839=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427840=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427841=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427842=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427843=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427844=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427845=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427846=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427847=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427848=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427849=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131427850=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898}, -1677590528={-1677590528=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624054=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624112=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624113=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624114=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624115=AbsListView.SavedState{429de898 selectedId=-9223372036854775808 firstId=-1 viewTop=0 position=0 height=0 filter=null checkState=null}, 2131624116=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131624117=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898}, -1677590525=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677590270=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677590014=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677590013=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677589757=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677524992={-1677524992=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131492864=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131492865=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131492866=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131492867=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131492868=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898}, -1677524991={-1677524991=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230720=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230721=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230722=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230723=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230724=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230725=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2131230726=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898}, -1677524989=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677524733=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677524477=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677524221=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677459455=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677459453=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677459200=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677459199=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677458944=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677458943=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677458687=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, -1677458685=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 0=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 1=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 2=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 3=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 4=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 5=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 6=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 7=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 8=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 9=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 10=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 11=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 12=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 13=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 14=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 15=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 16=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@42099898, 17=android.view.AbsSavedState$1@
05-26 18:13:42.777 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-STOP_ACTIVITY_SHOW handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0
05-26 18:13:42.778 20998-21010/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=9: interp stack at 0x5f701000
05-26 18:13:42.779 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.779 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1280 - 1280.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 1280.00 - 0.00 = 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.780 20998-21011/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f81f000
05-26 18:13:42.783 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:42.792 659-2429/? D/InputReader: InputReader:: getSwitchState lock
05-26 18:13:42.793 659-2429/? D/InputReader: InputReader::getStateLocked:: return
05-26 18:13:42.794 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, (Launcher)onStop: this = com.android.launcher3.Launcher@4242b470
05-26 18:13:42.795 923-923/? V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =ViewRoot{42529bc0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher,ident = 1}, this =com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{425412f0 I.E… R… 0,0-720,1280}
05-26 18:13:42.795 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-HIDE_WINDOW handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0
05-26 18:13:42.803 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=0 mask=ffffffff oldVal=40000700 newVal=0 diff=40000700
05-26 18:13:42.803 732-732/? D/BarTransitions.PhoneStatusBarView: MODE_TRANSLUCENT → MODE_OPAQUE animate=false
05-26 18:13:42.804 732-732/? D/BarTransitions.PhoneStatusBarView: applyModeBackground oldMode=MODE_TRANSLUCENT newMode=MODE_OPAQUE animate=false
05-26 18:13:42.809 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: onRecv: MSG_FOREGROUND_ACTIVITIES_CHANGED pid:uid:act=20998:10232:true
05-26 18:13:42.810 659-701/? V/NetworkStats: setKernelCounterSet uid=10232 set=1
05-26 18:13:42.810 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: onRecv: MSG_FOREGROUND_ACTIVITIES_CHANGED pid:uid:act=923:10013:false
05-26 18:13:42.810 659-701/? V/NetworkStats: setKernelCounterSet uid=10013 set=0
05-26 18:13:42.811 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: onUidRulesChanged(uid=10232, uidRules=0)
05-26 18:13:42.811 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: onUidRulesChanged(uid=10013, uidRules=0)
05-26 18:13:42.815 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
05-26 18:13:42.816 20998-20998/? V/Provider/Settings: invalidate [system]: current 2 != cached 0
05-26 18:13:42.817 659-1006/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: from callerandroid.app.ApplicationThreadProxy@42e9c500 (pid=20998) to get content provider settings
05-26 18:13:42.817 659-1006/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: updateLruProcessLocked cpr.proc=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:42.817 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x62280460) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:42.818 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x5fe9f5a0) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:42.818 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x6298c8f0) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:42.818 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@422940d0,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@42294848
05-26 18:13:42.819 659-2428/? V/SettingsProvider: call(system:anr_debugging_mechanism) for 0
05-26 18:13:42.819 659-2428/? D/SettingsProvider: lookupValue table system cache contains Key anr_debugging_mechanism , value = Bundle[{value=1}]
05-26 18:13:42.819 20998-20998/? V/Provider/Settings: from db cache, name = anr_debugging_mechanism , value = 1
05-26 18:13:42.823 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x628abc58) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:42.824 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher disconnect: api=1
05-26 18:13:42.824 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:42.824 133-308/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000009
05-26 18:13:42.824 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb745ff68)
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7442728)
05-26 18:13:42.825 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000005
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000006
05-26 18:13:42.825 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb74770e8)
05-26 18:13:42.826 133-308/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0xb74430e8
05-26 18:13:42.831 20998-20998/? D/asset: AssetManager–>addDefaultAssets CIP path not exsit!
05-26 18:13:42.833 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 1)
05-26 18:13:42.835 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:42.836 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, onTrimMemory: level = 20
05-26 18:13:42.838 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.838 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.838 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.840 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.51, dur:1958.52, max:1958.52, min:1958.52
05-26 18:13:42.842 20998-20998/? D/Proxy: setHttpRequestCheckHandler
05-26 18:13:42.843 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
05-26 18:13:42.846 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: open_cached_dex_file : /data/app/com.polygant.tapinc-1.apk /data/dalvik-cache/data@app@com.polygant.tapinc-1.apk@classes.dex
05-26 18:13:42.852 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: installProvider: context.getPackageName()=com.polygant.tapinc
05-26 18:13:42.855 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.51, dur:1966.96, max:1966.96, min:1966.96
05-26 18:13:42.856 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.856 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.856 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.860 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: recv: CLSE 0000000f 0000000d
05-26 18:13:42.860 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: entered. LS(13) fd=20
05-26 18:13:42.861 20998-21005/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
05-26 18:13:42.861 20998-21005/? D/jdwp: trying to receive file descriptor from ADB
05-26 18:13:42.873 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.873 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.873 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.891 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.891 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.891 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.909 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.909 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.909 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.927 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.927 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.927 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.945 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.945 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.945 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.959 20998-20998/? I/dalvikvm: Could not find method android.content.pm.PackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.common.zze.zzi
05-26 18:13:42.960 20998-20998/? W/dalvikvm: VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 588: Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/PackageInstaller;
05-26 18:13:42.960 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000b
05-26 18:13:42.963 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.963 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.963 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.981 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.981 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.981 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: interp stack at 0x600e3000
05-26 18:13:42.991 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.992 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.992 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.992 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.992 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: exiting
05-26 18:13:42.992 20998-21012/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: bye!
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-21013/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: interp stack at 0x600e3000
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-21013/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: created from interp
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:42.993 20998-21013/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:42.994 20998-21013/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11 (pool-1-thread-1): calling run()
05-26 18:13:42.999 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:42.999 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:42.999 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.001 20998-20998/? I/GMPM: App measurement is starting up, version: 8487
05-26 18:13:43.001 20998-20998/? I/GMPM: To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.GMPM VERBOSE
05-26 18:13:43.006 20998-20998/? D/OpenSSLLib: OpensslErr:Module:13(114:155); file:external/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c ;Line:142;Function:ASN1_get_object
05-26 18:13:43.016 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.016 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.016 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.018 20998-20998/? E/GMPM: GoogleService failed to initialize, status: 10, Missing an expected resource: ‘R.string.google_app_id’ for initializing Google services. Possible causes are missing google-services.json or com.google.gms.google-services gradle plugin.
05-26 18:13:43.018 20998-20998/? E/GMPM: Scheduler not set. Not logging error/warn.
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-21014/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=12: interp stack at 0x60201000
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-21014/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=12: created from interp
05-26 18:13:43.029 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:43.030 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: installProvider: context.getPackageName()=com.polygant.tapinc
05-26 18:13:43.030 20998-21014/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=12: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:43.030 20998-21014/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=12 (Measurement Worker): calling run()
05-26 18:13:43.033 20998-21014/? E/GMPM: Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
05-26 18:13:43.035 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.035 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.035 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.039 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: BIND_APPLICATION handled : 0 / AppBindData{appInfo=ApplicationInfo{4228d4c0 com.polygant.tapinc}}
05-26 18:13:43.051 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.polygant.tapinc-1/libmain.so 0x42297628
05-26 18:13:43.052 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.052 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.052 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.055 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.polygant.tapinc-1/libmain.so 0x42297628
05-26 18:13:43.067 20998-20998/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-20998-0 BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:43.068 20998-20998/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0x5bd6b5a4 resize to 10 (force=true)
05-26 18:13:43.068 20998-20998/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0x5bd6b5a4 resize to 0 (force=false)
05-26 18:13:43.068 20998-20998/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-20998-0 consumerConnect consumer=(20998:com.polygant.tapinc) controlledByApp=true
05-26 18:13:43.068 20998-20998/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-20998-0 setConsumerName: unnamed-20998-0
05-26 18:13:43.068 20998-20998/? I/GLConsumer: unnamed-20998-0 GLConsumer
05-26 18:13:43.070 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.070 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.070 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.081 20998-20998/? I/Unity: splash_mode = 0 (integer)
05-26 18:13:43.082 20998-20998/? I/Unity: UseObb = False (bool)
05-26 18:13:43.088 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.088 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb74666e8 handle=0xb745b9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.088 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.089 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: Visibility change in com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine@42520398: 0
05-26 18:13:43.089 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: onVisibilityChanged(false): com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine@42520398
05-26 18:13:43.105 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher consumerDisconnect
05-26 18:13:43.105 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher ~BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:43.105 133-133/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb745b9e0)
05-26 18:13:43.262 20998-20998/? V/Provider/Settings: invalidate [global]: current 2 != cached 0
05-26 18:13:43.263 659-675/? V/SettingsProvider: call(global:send_action_app_error) for 0
05-26 18:13:43.263 659-675/? D/SettingsProvider: lookupValue table global cache contains Key send_action_app_error , value = Bundle[{value=1}]
05-26 18:13:43.263 20998-20998/? V/Provider/Settings: from db cache, name = send_action_app_error , value = 1
05-26 18:13:43.332 20998-20998/? D/SurfaceView: checkGLSurfaceViewlLogProperty get invalid command
05-26 18:13:43.337 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:43.337 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:43.337 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:43.337 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:43.338 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=13: interp stack at 0x61bb9000
05-26 18:13:43.338 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=13: created from interp
05-26 18:13:43.338 20998-20998/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:43.338 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=13: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:43.338 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=13 (Thread-1575): calling run()
05-26 18:13:43.361 20998-20998/? I/Unity: onResume
05-26 18:13:43.361 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{4228f848 token=android.os.BinderProxy@4228efb8 {com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}}
05-26 18:13:43.362 20998-20998/? V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4 ,Parent =null, this =com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{4230ba60 I.E… R…ID 0,0-0,0}
05-26 18:13:43.386 133-308/? I/SurfaceFlinger: EventThread Client Pid (20998) created
05-26 18:13:43.392 20998-20998/? V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{423134d0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity,ident = 0}, this =com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{4230ba60 V.E… R…ID 0,0-0,0}
05-26 18:13:43.393 20998-20998/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-LAUNCH_ACTIVITY handled : 0 / ActivityRecord{4228f848 token=android.os.BinderProxy@4228efb8 {com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}}
05-26 18:13:43.393 20998-20998/? V/InputMethodManager: Not IME target window, ignoring
05-26 18:13:43.394 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – onWindowVisibilityChanged, visibility = 0
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-277 BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb74556a4 resize to 10 (force=true)
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb74556a4 resize to 0 (force=false)
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-277 consumerConnect consumer=(133:/system/bin/surfaceflinger) controlledByApp=false
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-277 setConsumerName: unnamed-133-277
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: unnamed-133-277 GLConsumer
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity setConsumerName: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
05-26 18:13:43.396 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity setDefaultBufferSize: w=1, h=1
05-26 18:13:43.397 659-670/? V/WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} Callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:3414 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:191 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:235 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:126
05-26 18:13:43.399 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=1706 mask=ffffffff oldVal=0 newVal=1706 diff=1706
05-26 18:13:43.400 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.400 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.403 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.403 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.406 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.406 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.407 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.407 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.409 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity setDefaultBufferSize: w=720, h=1280
05-26 18:13:43.414 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.414 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.416 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.416 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.418 659-676/? I/WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}
05-26 18:13:43.420 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: Status bar WINDOW_STATE_HIDING
05-26 18:13:43.421 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – setFrame
05-26 18:13:43.421 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true
05-26 18:13:43.422 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=true format=true size=true visible=true left=true top=true mUpdateWindowNeeded=false mReportDrawNeeded=false redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=true mVisible=false mRequestedVisible=true
05-26 18:13:43.423 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x42309ec0
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-278 BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb745792c resize to 10 (force=true)
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb745792c resize to 0 (force=false)
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-278 consumerConnect consumer=(133:/system/bin/surfaceflinger) controlledByApp=false
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-278 setConsumerName: unnamed-133-278
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: unnamed-133-278 GLConsumer
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView setConsumerName: SurfaceView
05-26 18:13:43.424 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView setDefaultBufferSize: w=720, h=1280
05-26 18:13:43.427 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.427 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.430 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.430 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.432 20998-21011/? V/SurfaceView: android.view.SurfaceView{42309c20 VFE… .F…ID 0,0-720,1280} got resized: w=720 h=1280, cur w=-1 h=-1
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x42309f90, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280)
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: Callback → surfaceCreated
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback +
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? D/Unity: [EGL] Attaching window :0x61cd9068
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceCreated callback -
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged – format=2 w=720 h=1280
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback +
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? D/Unity: [EGL] Attaching window :0x61cd9068
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceChanged callback -
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded
05-26 18:13:43.435 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing
05-26 18:13:43.436 20998-20998/? V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1280, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280)
05-26 18:13:43.438 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.438 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.439 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.439 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.442 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.442 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.442 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.442 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.444 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true
05-26 18:13:43.444 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: Changes: creating=false format=false size=false visible=false left=false top=false mUpdateWindowNeeded=true mReportDrawNeeded=true redrawNeeded=false forceSizeChanged=false mVisible=true mRequestedVisible=true
05-26 18:13:43.444 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: Cur surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x42309ec0
05-26 18:13:43.446 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.446 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.447 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.447 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.452 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: New surface: Surface(name=null)/@0x42309f90, vis=true, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280)
05-26 18:13:43.452 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: surfaceRedrawNeeded
05-26 18:13:43.452 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: finishedDrawing
05-26 18:13:43.453 20998-20998/? V/SurfaceView: Layout: x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1280, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280)
05-26 18:13:43.454 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity connect: api=2 producer=(20998:com.polygant.tapinc) producerControlledByApp=true
05-26 18:13:43.454 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:43.454 133-5028/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:43.455 133-5028/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb743f9e0) err(0)
05-26 18:13:43.455 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb7455348, handle=0xb743f9e0, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.457 20998-20998/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x61cdaf48) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:43.470 20998-20998/? I/Unity: windowFocusChanged: true
05-26 18:13:43.470 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.470 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.472 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.472 20998-20998/? V/InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: android.view.SurfaceView{42309c20 VFE… .F…I. 0,0-720,1280} softInputMode=288 first=true flags=#e90500
05-26 18:13:43.472 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.473 20998-20998/? V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT: android.view.SurfaceView{42309c20 VFE… .F…I. 0,0-720,1280} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@42329c40 controlFlags=#105
05-26 18:13:43.481 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:43.481 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb7455348 handle=0xb743f9e0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:43.481 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:43.483 659-676/? I/ActivityManager: [AppLaunch] Displayed Displayed com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity: +750ms
05-26 18:13:43.483 659-676/? D/ActivityManager: AP_PROF:AppLaunch_LaunchTime:com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity:750:15725328
05-26 18:13:43.485 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.485 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.487 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.487 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.489 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService.wakeUpNoUpdateLocked(PowerManagerService.java:1430)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService.wakeUpInternal(PowerManagerService.java:1415)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService.wakeUp(PowerManagerService.java:1400)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner(WindowManagerService.java:10217)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedLoop(WindowManagerService.java:8915)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8857)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.access$500(WindowManagerService.java:167)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage(WindowManagerService.java:7855)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:110)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: |----android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
05-26 18:13:43.490 659-676/? D/PowerManagerService: wakeUpNoUpdateLocked: eventTime=15725334
05-26 18:13:43.493 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.493 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.494 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.494 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.517 659-10539/? V/InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@42fd4870 controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#e90500
05-26 18:13:43.517 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:43.518 732-774/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: isInputRestricted: showing=false, needReshow=false, provisioned=true
05-26 18:13:43.520 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – UPDATE_WINDOW_MSG
05-26 18:13:43.522 20998-21017/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=14: interp stack at 0x6243c000
05-26 18:13:43.522 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – setFrame
05-26 18:13:43.522 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true
05-26 18:13:43.526 659-670/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1111497520 [ActivityManager-Launch], flags=0x0, total_time=817ms
05-26 18:13:43.526 659-670/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“ActivityManager-Launch”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:43.526 659-670/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-26 18:13:43.526 659-670/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:43.527 659-670/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:43.527 659-670/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:43.527 659-670/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:43.527 659-670/? D/PowerManagerService: Releasing suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:43.527 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:43.573 659-1006/? I/MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@4232fbe0
05-26 18:13:43.573 659-1006/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 32 uid 10232 package com.polygant.tapinc
05-26 18:13:43.574 732-732/? V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleSetGenerationId(g=15, clear=true)
05-26 18:13:43.575 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.575 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: interp stack at 0x6256b000
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: created from interp
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:43.577 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: exiting
05-26 18:13:43.578 20998-21018/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: bye!
05-26 18:13:43.579 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: interp stack at 0x62690000
05-26 18:13:43.579 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: created from interp
05-26 18:13:43.579 20998-21016/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:43.579 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:43.579 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:43.580 20998-21016/? D/Unity: SystemInfo CPU = ARMv7 VFPv3 NEON, Cores = 4, Memory = 954mb
05-26 18:13:43.580 20998-21016/? D/Unity: SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 15), 0 little (mask: 0)
05-26 18:13:43.582 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.582 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.584 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1119239136, flags=0x2000000a, tag=“WindowManager”, ws=WorkSource{10232}, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:13:43.584 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=536870922, tag=“WindowManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10232}
05-26 18:13:43.584 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:43.584 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:43.585 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: exiting
05-26 18:13:43.585 20998-21019/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=15: bye!
05-26 18:13:43.585 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:43.586 659-2177/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:43.586 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:43.586 659-2177/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:43.586 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:43.588 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true
05-26 18:13:43.682 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.682 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.683 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.683 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.684 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc disconnect: api=2
05-26 18:13:43.684 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:43.685 133-648/? I/GLConsumer: Starting com.polygant.tapinc destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000008
05-26 18:13:43.685 133-648/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0xb743f820
05-26 18:13:43.685 659-676/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x64adcf30) (w:720 h:1280 f:2)
05-26 18:13:43.688 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.688 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.689 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.689 732-774/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.695 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc consumerDisconnect
05-26 18:13:43.695 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: Starting com.polygant.tapinc ~BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:43.695 133-133/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:2) handle(0xb745f0f0)
05-26 18:13:43.714 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:36.94, dur:1001.52, max:304.00, min:15.37
05-26 18:13:43.715 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:36.94, dur:1001.52, max:303.95, min:15.37
05-26 18:13:43.715 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:36.944065,dur:1001.51,max:303.94,min:15.37
05-26 18:13:43.806 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.806 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.808 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:43.808 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:43.809 8628-8640/? V/SurfaceView: org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.CompositorView{42341850 V.E… … 0,0-720,1230} got resized: w=720 h=1230, cur w=-1 h=-1
05-26 18:13:43.810 20998-21011/? V/SurfaceView: android.view.SurfaceView{42309c20 VFE… .F…I. 0,0-720,1280} got resized: w=720 h=1280, cur w=-1 h=-1
05-26 18:13:43.812 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: Status bar WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN
05-26 18:13:43.821 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – setFrame
05-26 18:13:43.821 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:43.823 20998-20998/? I/SurfaceView: updateWindow – OnPreDrawListener, mHaveFrame = true
05-26 18:13:43.872 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: create_local_service_socket() name=jdwp:20998
05-26 18:13:43.872 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: service_to_fd() name=jdwp:20998
05-26 18:13:43.872 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: looking for pid 20998 in JDWP process list return fds0(20) fds1(21)
05-26 18:13:43.872 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: LS(14): bound to ‘jdwp:20998’ via 20
05-26 18:13:43.872 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: trying to write to JDWP socket=11 pid=20998 count=1 out_fds=21
05-26 18:13:43.872 20998-21005/? D/jdwp: received file descriptor 58 from ADB
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:13:44.102 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 48 (NL80211_CMD_DISCONNECT) received for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Disconnect event
05-26 18:13:44.102 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: Recv Netlink Packet [44:00000011:00:0:0] [48:]
05-26 18:13:44.102 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: Unknown command from wifi driver
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event DEAUTH (12) received
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Deauthentication notification
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: * reason 0
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Deauthentication frame IE(s) - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f reason=0
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Auto connect enabled: try to reconnect (wps=0 wpa_state=9)
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 500000 usec
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Added BSSID d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f into blacklist
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Blacklist count 1 → request scan in 100 ms
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: TDLS: Remove peers on disassociation
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Disconnect event - remove keys
05-26 18:13:44.102 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
05-26 18:13:44.103 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f reason=0
05-26 18:13:44.103 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f reason=0
05-26 18:13:44.103 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f reason=0]
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: handleP2pEvents, dataString = CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f reason=0
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectedState{ when=0 what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=0 what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=0 what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=0 what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.104 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-1ms what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.105 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.105 659-704/? E/WifiStateMachine: Error! unhandled message{ when=-1ms what=147496 obj=0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.111 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.112 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:13:44.112 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.112 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:13:44.112 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.112 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.112 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
05-26 18:13:44.112 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
05-26 18:13:44.112 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=0 addr=0x0 key_idx=3 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
05-26 18:13:44.112 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=0 addr=0xb73670b4 key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
05-26 18:13:44.112 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: addr=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: COMPLETED → DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: restorage p2p channels
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_operstate: operstate 1->0 (DORMANT)
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:13:44.113 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=0 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:13:44.113 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=0 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1043 ([UP][RUNNING])
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:13:44.113 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:13:44.113 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=0 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead]
05-26 18:13:44.113 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.114 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:13:44.115 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.115 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:13:44.116 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:13:44.116 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:13:44.116 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectedState{ when=-1ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@4341d3c8 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.116 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:13:44.116 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-1ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@4341d3c8 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-2ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@4341d3c8 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Missed CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED, disconnect
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stopping DHCP and clearing IP
05-26 18:13:44.117 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setSuspendOptimizationsNative: 1 true
05-26 18:13:44.118 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:13:44.118 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.118 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.119 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:13:44.119 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.119 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.119 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:13:44.119 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:13:44.120 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=8): 53 45 54 20 70 73 20 31
05-26 18:13:44.120 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SET ps 1’
05-26 18:13:44.120 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE SET ‘ps’=‘1’
05-26 18:13:44.120 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: set_p2p_powersave (legacy_ps=1 opp_ps=-1 ctwindow=-1)
05-26 18:13:44.120 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:13:44.120 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=-1ms what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:13:44.121 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.121 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.121 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=19): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 42 54 43 4f 45 58 4d 4f 44 45 20 32
05-26 18:13:44.121 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2’
05-26 18:13:44.121 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.121 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:13:44.121 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, blocked = false mDiscoveryBlocked = false
05-26 18:13:44.123 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:13:44.123 659-704/? I/DhcpUtils: dhcp_stop.
05-26 18:13:44.124 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: RunningState{ when=0 what=196610 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:13:44.128 659-2896/? I/DhcpUtils: dhcp_stop.
05-26 18:13:44.129 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState
05-26 18:13:44.175 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcp successfully!
05-26 18:13:44.175 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcpv6!
05-26 18:13:44.175 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcpv6 successfully!
05-26 18:13:44.175 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState{ when=0 what=196610 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42fc7870} }
05-26 18:13:44.176 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {533 interface clearaddrs wlan0}
05-26 18:13:44.177 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 31 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.177 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (533 interface clearaddrs wlan0)
05-26 18:13:44.177 128-594/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-594/? D/DHCP: ifc_set_addr(wlan0, xx) = 0
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-594/? D/NetUtils: ifc_clear_ipv4_addresses return
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-594/? D/NetUtils: ifc_clear_ipv6_addresses return 0
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 7
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Address removed wlan0 128 0
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 614 Address removed wlan0 128 0
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Interface IP addresses cleared
05-26 18:13:44.178 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 533 Interface IP addresses cleared
05-26 18:13:44.179 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {614 Address removed wlan0 128 0}
05-26 18:13:44.179 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 533 Interface IP addresses cleared}
05-26 18:13:44.179 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:614 Address removed wlan0 128 0:7
05-26 18:13:44.180 659-677/? D/WifiStateMachine: addressRemoved: on wlan0 flags 128 scope 0
05-26 18:13:44.180 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 533 Interface IP addresses cleared}
05-26 18:13:44.181 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {534 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable}
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 33 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (534 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable)
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 534 IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 7
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Address removed fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 wlan0 128 253
05-26 18:13:44.182 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 614 Address removed fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 wlan0 128 253
05-26 18:13:44.183 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 534 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:13:44.183 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 534 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:13:44.183 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {614 Address removed fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 wlan0 128 253}
05-26 18:13:44.184 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.185 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.185 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:614 Address removed fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 wlan0 128 253:7
05-26 18:13:44.185 659-677/? D/WifiStateMachine: addressRemoved: fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 on wlan0 flags 128 scope 253
05-26 18:13:44.187 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:44.187 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.187 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.187 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:smile:ISCONNECTED, mLastState:CONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.187 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] WIFI disconnected
05-26 18:13:44.187 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] after wait 1
05-26 18:13:44.187 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] before wait…
05-26 18:13:44.188 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:13:44.188 659-659/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: currentDetailState=DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.188 659-704/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = airplane_mode_radios , value = cell,bluetooth,wifi,nfc,wimax
05-26 18:13:44.188 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:false
05-26 18:13:44.188 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for WIFI: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to null
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: BSSID changed
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: NotConnectedState
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-704/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = airplane_mode_on , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: needAcquireSwitchWakelock, isAirplaneModeOn:false
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-707/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = mobile_data , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: getMobileDataEnabled returning false
05-26 18:13:44.189 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: mobileData=false, prevNetType=1,mActiveDefaultNetwork 1
05-26 18:13:44.190 659-707/? D/CDS/IConnectivityServiceExt: default isDefaultFailover
05-26 18:13:44.190 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: tryFailover 1
05-26 18:13:44.190 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: tryFailover: set mActiveDefaultNetwork=-1, prevNetType=1
05-26 18:13:44.191 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.192 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.192 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:44.192 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-85 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:13:44.193 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.193 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:44.193 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:44.193 659-704/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = mobile_data , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.194 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.195 659-704/? D/ConnectivityService: getMobileDataEnabled returning false
05-26 18:13:44.195 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.196 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: needAcquireSwitchWakelock:false
05-26 18:13:44.196 659-707/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.196 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stopping DHCP and clearing IP
05-26 18:13:44.196 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.196 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setSuspendOptimizationsNative: 1 true
05-26 18:13:44.196 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), set parameters to signal cluster view.
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setWifiIndicators, visible=false, strengthIcon=com.mediatek.systemui.ext.IconIdWrapper@42539b28, activityIcon=com.mediatek.systemui.ext.IconIdWrapper@42539b40, contentDescription=Wi-Fi выключен
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), tempPhoneSignalIconId.0 = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId.1 = 0 tempMobileActivityIconId= 0 tempDataTypeIconId= 0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setMobileDataIndicators(0), visible=true, strengthIcon[0] ~ [1] 2130837795 ~ 0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setIsAirplaneMode=false
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:44.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:44.198 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.198 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:44.198 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:44.198 659-707/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.198 659-707/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_sim_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.203 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@42443530
05-26 18:13:44.204 659-707/? E/CDS/Srv: [getSlotById] simInfo is null
05-26 18:13:44.199 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:13:44.202 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: DISCONNECTED → SCANNING
05-26 18:13:44.204 659-707/? V/CDS/Srv: Default Data Setting value=-1
05-26 18:13:44.204 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Attempting to switch to mobile
05-26 18:13:44.204 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Attempting to switch to BLUETOOTH_TETHER
05-26 18:13:44.204 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: netType=1 doReset=true resetMask=3
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Building WPS IE for Probe Request
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Version (hardcoded 0x10)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Request Type
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Config Methods (4288)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * UUID-E
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Primary Device Type
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * RF Bands (1)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Association State
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Configuration Error (0)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Device Password ID (0)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Manufacturer
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Model Name
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Model Number
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Device Name
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Version2 (0x20)
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * P2P IE header
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * Capability dev=25 group=00
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * Listen Channel: Regulatory Class 81 Channel 11
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan extra IEs - hexdump(len=159): 7f 04 00 00 00 80 6b 01 0f dd 7a 00 50 f2 04 10 4a 00 01 10 10 3a 00 01 00 10 08 00 02 42 88 10 …
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.205 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger
05-26 18:13:44.205 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:13:44.205 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: invalid reply message
05-26 18:13:44.205 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
05-26 18:13:44.205 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
05-26 18:13:44.206 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[1]: doReset=true resetMask=3
curLp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64,,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
newLp= null
05-26 18:13:44.206 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: updateRoutes: default remove route r= →
05-26 18:13:44.206 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Removing → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.206 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {535 interface route remove wlan0 default 24}
05-26 18:13:44.207 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:13:44.207 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=8): 53 45 54 20 70 73 20 31
05-26 18:13:44.207 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SET ps 1’
05-26 18:13:44.207 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE SET ‘ps’=‘1’
05-26 18:13:44.207 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: set_p2p_powersave (legacy_ps=1 opp_ps=-1 ctwindow=-1)
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 65 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (535 interface route remove wlan0 default 24
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route remove wlan0 default 24
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Failed to remove route from default table
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 400 535 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:13:44.208 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:13:44.208 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:13:44.203 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.209 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {400 535 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.209 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=]
05-26 18:13:44.209 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.209 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.211 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.211 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.211 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.211 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:44.211 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.211 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.211 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:13:44.212 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:13:44.213 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=-1ms what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:13:44.213 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:13:44.213 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {400 535 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.213 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, blocked = false mDiscoveryBlocked = false
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:44.215 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.215 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:44.215 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=19): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 42 54 43 4f 45 58 4d 4f 44 45 20 32
05-26 18:13:44.215 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2’
05-26 18:13:44.215 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:44.215 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:13:44.215 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:13:44.216 19948-19948/? V/AviaryCdsReceiver: not connected
05-26 18:13:44.217 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.217 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.217 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:44.217 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.217 659-704/? I/DhcpUtils: dhcp_stop.
05-26 18:13:44.217 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState{ when=0 what=196610 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:13:44.219 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:44.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcp successfully!
05-26 18:13:44.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcpv6!
05-26 18:13:44.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Stop dhcpv6 successfully!
05-26 18:13:44.220 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState{ when=-1ms what=196610 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42fc7870} }
05-26 18:13:44.221 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {536 interface clearaddrs wlan0}
05-26 18:13:44.222 659-707/? E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command ‘535 interface route remove wlan0 default 24’ failed with ‘400 535 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)’
05-26 18:13:44.222 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: updateRoutes: default remove route r= →
05-26 18:13:44.222 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 31 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.222 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (536 interface clearaddrs wlan0)
05-26 18:13:44.222 128-594/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.222 128-594/? D/NetUtils: ifc_clear_ipv4_addresses return
05-26 18:13:44.223 128-594/? D/NetUtils: ifc_clear_ipv6_addresses return 0
05-26 18:13:44.223 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Interface IP addresses cleared
05-26 18:13:44.223 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 536 Interface IP addresses cleared
05-26 18:13:44.223 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Removing → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.223 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {537 interface route remove wlan0 default 32}
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 65 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (537 interface route remove wlan0 default 32
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route remove wlan0 default 32
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Failed to remove route from default table
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 400 537 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:13:44.224 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:13:44.225 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 536 Interface IP addresses cleared}
05-26 18:13:44.225 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 536 Interface IP addresses cleared}
05-26 18:13:44.225 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {400 537 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.226 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {400 537 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.226 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {538 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable}
05-26 18:13:44.227 659-707/? E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command ‘537 interface route remove wlan0 default 32’ failed with ‘400 537 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)’
05-26 18:13:44.227 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Removing → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.227 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 33 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.227 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (538 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable)
05-26 18:13:44.227 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:13:44.227 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 538 IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:13:44.228 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {539 interface route remove wlan0 default 0}
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 64 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (539 interface route remove wlan0 default 0
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route remove wlan0 default 0
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Failed to remove route from default table
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 400 539 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:13:44.228 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:13:44.229 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 538 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:13:44.230 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {400 539 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.230 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 538 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:13:44.231 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {400 539 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)}
05-26 18:13:44.231 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state=DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.231 659-707/? E/ConnectivityService: Exception trying to remove a route: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command ‘539 interface route remove wlan0 default 0’ failed with ‘400 539 Failed to remove route from default table (No such process)’
05-26 18:13:44.232 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.232 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: resetting
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: resetting curLp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64,,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:smile:ISCONNECTED, mLastState:smile:ISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.233 659-659/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: currentDetailState=DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.234 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change DISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.234 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to null
05-26 18:13:44.234 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: NotConnectedState
05-26 18:13:44.234 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] WIFI disconnected
05-26 18:13:44.234 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] after wait 1
05-26 18:13:44.234 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] before wait…
05-26 18:13:44.235 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState
05-26 18:13:44.235 659-704/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = wifi_framework_scan_interval_ms , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.235 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState, mStopSupplicantScan:false, mDisconnectCalled:false
05-26 18:13:44.236 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:false
05-26 18:13:44.237 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: mFrameworkScanStopSupport:true, mFrameworkScanStopDelayMs:720000
05-26 18:13:44.237 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: resetConnections(wlan0, 3)
05-26 18:13:44.237 659-707/? D/NetUtils: android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=0x624c7848 clazz=0x47b00001 iface=wlan0 mask=0x3
05-26 18:13:44.238 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.241 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.241 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.243 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-62ms what=131213 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.243 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-62ms what=131213 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.243 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-62ms what=131213 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.245 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.246 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.246 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:13:44.246 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-63ms what=131213 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=-66ms what=131213 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-61ms what=131213 obj=fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-61ms what=131213 obj=fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-61ms what=131213 obj=fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-61ms what=131213 obj=fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=-61ms what=131213 obj=fe80::da3c:69ff:fe53:e3ef/64 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-38ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@44779920 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.247 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state=SCANNING
05-26 18:13:44.248 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-38ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@44779920 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.248 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.256 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.262 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.70, dur:1421.56, max:1421.56, min:1421.56
05-26 18:13:44.262 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.262 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-85 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:13:44.263 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.263 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:44.263 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:44.263 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:44.264 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.265 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:13:44.266 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:44.266 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:44.268 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.71, dur:1413.05, max:1413.05, min:1413.05
05-26 18:13:44.269 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.269 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:44.269 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:44.269 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:44.276 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.277 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.284 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:44.302 659-707/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.CLEAR_DNS_CACHE flg=0x24000010 } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.302 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@424461d8
05-26 18:13:44.302 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.306 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: resetting DNS cache for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.306 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {540 resolver flushif wlan0}
05-26 18:13:44.307 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 27 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.307 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (540 resolver flushif wlan0)
05-26 18:13:44.307 128-594/? D/libc: *************************
05-26 18:13:44.307 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:13:44.307 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 540 Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:13:44.308 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 540 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.309 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 540 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.309 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:44.310 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {541 resolver setdefaultif }
05-26 18:13:44.310 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 27 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.310 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (541 resolver setdefaultif )
05-26 18:13:44.310 128-594/? D/libc: _resolv_set_default_if ifname
05-26 18:13:44.310 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:13:44.310 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 541 Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:13:44.311 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 541 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.311 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 541 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.312 659-707/? D/Nat464Xlat: requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=false
05-26 18:13:44.312 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:13:44.312 659-707/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.313 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:13:44.313 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:44.314 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:13:44.314 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: onReceive:CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:13:44.314 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.314 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: getMobileDataEnabledGemini dataEnabledSlotId:-1 slotId:0
05-26 18:13:44.314 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolicyLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.315 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1119454288, flags=0x1, tag=“NetworkStats”, ws=null, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:13:44.316 659-700/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“NetworkStats”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:44.316 659-700/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:13:44.316 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? V/NetworkStats: updateIfacesLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.317 659-700/? V/NetworkStats: performPollLocked(flags=0x3)
05-26 18:13:44.318 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:44.318 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:44.319 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: getSimState simId = 0prop = READY
05-26 18:13:44.320 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolicyLocked check subscriberId250016175147389
05-26 18:13:44.320 659-707/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = connectivity_change_delay , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.320 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:44.320 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=3000, action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:44.320 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: mConnReceiver call updateNetworkEnabledLocked true
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250016…]: cycleDay=1, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250991…]: cycleDay=24, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.321 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkRulesLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.322 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.322 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.322 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.323 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.324 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.325 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.325 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.326 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.326 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.327 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.327 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.328 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.329 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.329 659-700/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {542 bandwidth gettetherstats}
05-26 18:13:44.330 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.330 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.330 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 29 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.330 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (542 bandwidth gettetherstats)
05-26 18:13:44.330 19948-19948/? V/AviaryCdsReceiver: not connected
05-26 18:13:44.333 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.334 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:44.336 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Tethering stats list completed
05-26 18:13:44.336 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 542 Tethering stats list completed
05-26 18:13:44.337 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.337 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 542 Tethering stats list completed}
05-26 18:13:44.338 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.338 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.339 659-700/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 542 Tethering stats list completed}
05-26 18:13:44.340 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.342 659-700/? W/NetworkStatsRecorder: unknown interfaces [lo, p2p0], ignoring those stats
05-26 18:13:44.342 659-700/? W/NetworkStatsRecorder: unknown interfaces [lo, p2p0], ignoring those stats
05-26 18:13:44.343 659-700/? W/NetworkStatsRecorder: unknown interfaces [lo, p2p0], ignoring those stats
05-26 18:13:44.344 659-700/? W/NetworkStatsRecorder: unknown interfaces [lo, p2p0], ignoring those stats
05-26 18:13:44.346 659-700/? V/NetworkStats: performPollLocked() took 29ms
05-26 18:13:44.346 659-700/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.android.server.action.NETWORK_STATS_UPDATED flg=0x40000010 } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.346 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.347 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.347 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.348 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.348 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.349 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.349 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.350 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.350 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.351 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.351 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.352 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.352 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.353 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.353 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.354 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.355 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.356 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.359 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.360 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.361 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.361 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.361 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.362 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.362 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.363 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.363 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.364 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.364 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.365 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.365 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.366 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.367 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.367 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.367 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.368 659-701/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.368 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.369 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.369 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkRulesLocked meteredIfaces num:0
05-26 18:13:44.369 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: updateNotificationsLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.369 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.369 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250016…]: cycleDay=1, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.370 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.371 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: getSimState simId = 0prop = READY
05-26 18:13:44.371 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.371 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.371 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.371 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250991…]: cycleDay=24, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.371 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.372 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.372 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.372 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.373 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.373 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.373 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: getMobileDataEnabledGemini dataEnabledSlotId:-1 slotId:0
05-26 18:13:44.373 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolicyLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.373 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.373 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.374 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.374 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.374 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.375 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:44.375 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.375 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: getSimState simId = 0prop = READY
05-26 18:13:44.376 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.376 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.376 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.377 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.377 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.377 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.378 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.378 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.378 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.379 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.379 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.379 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.380 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.380 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.380 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.383 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.383 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolicyLocked check subscriberId250016175147389
05-26 18:13:44.384 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:44.384 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250016…]: cycleDay=1, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250991…]: cycleDay=24, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.384 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: updateNotificationsLocked()
05-26 18:13:44.385 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250016…]: cycleDay=1, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.385 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.385 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.385 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: getSimState simId = 0prop = READY
05-26 18:13:44.385 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.386 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.386 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: checking policy:NetworkPolicy[NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=250991…]: cycleDay=24, cycleTimezone=Europe/Moscow, warningBytes=2147483648, limitBytes=-1, lastWarningSnooze=-1, lastLimitSnooze=-1, metered=true, inferred=true, active=false
05-26 18:13:44.386 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ignore this policy
05-26 18:13:44.386 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.386 659-701/? V/NetworkStats: advisePersistThreshold() given 9223372036854775, clamped to 2097152
05-26 18:13:44.387 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.387 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.387 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=0 what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.388 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=0 what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=0 what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=0 what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=0 what=131155 arg1=16 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.388 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.389 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.389 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.389 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.390 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.390 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.391 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.391 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.391 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.392 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.392 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.392 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.393 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.393 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:44.393 659-700/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1119454288 [NetworkStats], flags=0x0, total_time=77ms
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“NetworkStats”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:44.394 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = netstats_dev_persist_bytes , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/NetworkStatsRecorder: setPersistThreshold() with 2097152
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = netstats_dev_persist_bytes , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/NetworkStatsRecorder: setPersistThreshold() with 2097152
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = netstats_uid_persist_bytes , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/NetworkStatsRecorder: setPersistThreshold() with 2097152
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = netstats_uid_tag_persist_bytes , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/NetworkStatsRecorder: setPersistThreshold() with 2097152
05-26 18:13:44.395 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = netstats_global_alert_bytes , value = null
05-26 18:13:44.397 659-701/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {543 bandwidth setglobalalert 2097152}
05-26 18:13:44.397 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 37 bytes
05-26 18:13:44.397 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (543 bandwidth setglobalalert 2097152)
05-26 18:13:44.398 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Bandwidth command succeeeded
05-26 18:13:44.398 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 543 Bandwidth command succeeeded
05-26 18:13:44.398 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 543 Bandwidth command succeeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.399 659-701/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 543 Bandwidth command succeeeded}
05-26 18:13:44.399 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: onMeteredIfacesChanged(ifaces=[ ])
05-26 18:13:44.836 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] 7380e5ab5dc0c4229e94c7527df678152017c20f 25834532 bytes ~ lib/armeabi-v7a/libunity.so
05-26 18:13:44.838 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] 073df110d995d3e8106fc6a84e510104af20e3d6 25316 bytes ~ lib/armeabi-v7a/libmain.so
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:13:44.946 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:13:44.946 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: invalid reply message
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (11 BSSes)
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Survey data missing
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Sorted scan results
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 freq=2462 qual=0 noise=0 level=-72 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=108): 00 1e 48 50 2d 50 72 69 6e 74 2d 64 38 2d 4c 61 73 65 72 4a 65 74 20 32 30 30 20 63 6f 6c 6f 72 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=108): 00 1e 48 50 2d 50 72 69 6e 74 2d 64 38 2d 4c 61 73 65 72 4a 65 74 20 32 30 30 20 63 6f 6c 6f 72 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 freq=2462 qual=0 noise=0 level=-78 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=189): 00 08 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 0b 07 06 52 55 20 01 0d 1e 2a …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=195): 00 08 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 0b 05 04 00 03 00 00 07 06 52 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c freq=2412 qual=0 noise=0 level=-79 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=195): 00 0e 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 53 70 61 72 65 32 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 01 07 06 52 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=201): 00 0e 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 53 70 61 72 65 32 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 01 05 04 00 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 freq=2417 qual=0 noise=0 level=-80 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=240): 00 08 53 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 02 2a 01 00 2d 1a 0e 10 03 ff …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-81 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=343): 00 0a 4d 65 64 69 61 20 4c 61 6e 64 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 2a 01 04 2f 01 04 30 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=199): 00 0a 4d 65 64 69 61 20 4c 61 6e 64 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 05 04 00 03 01 00 2a …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c freq=2452 qual=0 noise=0 level=-81 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=161): 00 0d 4b 65 65 6e 65 74 69 63 2d 37 32 35 34 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 2a 01 04 32 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=188): 00 0d 4b 65 65 6e 65 74 69 63 2d 37 32 35 34 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 32 04 0c 18 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 freq=2417 qual=0 noise=0 level=-86 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=228): 00 0d 4b 65 65 6e 65 74 69 63 2d 37 39 33 39 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 02 32 04 0c 18 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-86 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=306): 00 18 44 49 52 45 43 54 2d 42 41 57 6f 72 6b 43 65 6e 74 72 65 20 33 32 31 35 01 08 8c 12 18 24 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc freq=2452 qual=0 noise=0 level=-88 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=171): 00 04 59 4f 54 41 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 2a 01 04 32 04 0c 18 30 60 2d 1a ee 11 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-90 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=161): 00 04 50 52 41 4c 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 2a 01 00 2f 01 00 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=167): 00 04 50 52 41 4c 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 05 04 00 03 00 00 2a 01 00 2f 01 00 30 …
05-26 18:13:44.946 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 freq=2422 qual=0 noise=0 level=-94 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=142): 00 08 6e 61 74 2d 74 61 6c 69 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 03 32 04 0c 18 30 60 07 06 47 …
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 286
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Remove id 395 BSSID e8:37:7a:95:cc:8a SSID ‘EXPERT-AUTO’ due to no match in scan
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Remove id 394 BSSID cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da SSID ‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’ due to no match in scan
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 395 e8:37:7a:95:cc:8a
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=11/32 last_scan_full=0
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 395 e8:37:7a:95:cc:8a
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2454 entropy=916
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2455 entropy=917
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2456 entropy=918
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2457 entropy=919
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2458 entropy=920
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2459 entropy=921
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2460 entropy=922
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2461 entropy=923
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 395 e8:37:7a:95:cc:8a]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2462 entropy=924
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2463 entropy=925
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: New scan results available
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 394 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 394 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 394 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da]
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.947 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.947 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:13:44.947 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.947 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.947 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:13:44.947 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.947 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.948 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:13:44.948 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.948 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:13:44.948 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.948 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=0 what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=0 what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=0 what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=0 what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c type 0 added
05-26 18:13:44.948 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 type 0 added
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd type 1 added
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[0] 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[1] 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[2] 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd type=1 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 5
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.948 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 4
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 3
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 1
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 0
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.949 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: No APs found - clear blacklist and try again
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Removed BSSID d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f from blacklist (clear)
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 5
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 4
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 3
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH ]
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? W/WifiMonitor: couldn’t identify event type - WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.950 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.950 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 1
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 0
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 ssid=‘Keenetic-7939’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-86 wps
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00 ssid=‘PRAL’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: 10:bf:48:b2:cb:54 ssid=‘nat-tali’ wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: No suitable network found
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 15 sec 0 usec
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Checking for other virtual interfaces sharing same radio (phy0) in event_scan_results
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=25): 42 53 53 20 52 41 4e 47 45 3d 30 2d 20 4d 41 53 4b 3d 30 78 32 31 39 38 37
05-26 18:13:44.951 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987’
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=20
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unknown Vendor Extension (Vendor ID 9442)
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:13:44.952 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:13:44.952 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=id=373
ssid=HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color
ssid=DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215
ssid=Media Land
05-26 18:13:44.953 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=373
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=00:f7:6f:d1:33:94
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2462
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-78
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254318285272
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Teknosan
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=374
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=38:b1:db:5d:08:d8
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2462
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-72
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254340915551
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS][P2P]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=375
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2412
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-79
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002076213657984
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=TeknosanSpare2
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=376
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2417
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-80
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254384280299
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Security
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=377
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=9e:93:4e:42:63:fd
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-86
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000106834242151
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS-AUTH][ESS][P2P]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=378
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2452
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000092768065828
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=YOTA
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=379
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=30:5a:3a:67:17:0c
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0001745002599586
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Media Land
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=381
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-90
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000768279245187
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=PRAL
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=382
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2452
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-81
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000205137613078
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Keenetic-7254
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=386
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2412
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-88
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000188253491584
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=MasterLead
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=396
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:7b:ef:5d:28:48
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2417
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-86
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254383014025
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Keenetic-7939
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=397
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:bf:48:b2:cb:54
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2422
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-94
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000441932083544
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=nat-tali
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: id=398
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=c0:4a:00:b1:4d:60
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2457
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-93
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0005711930676155
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=ALU-MIX
05-26 18:13:44.953 659-704/? I/wifi: ####
05-26 18:13:44.958 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.SCAN_RESULTS flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:44.958 659-659/? I/WifiNotificationController: checkAndSetNotification, state:smile:ISCONNECTED
05-26 18:13:44.959 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=0 what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.959 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-1ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.960 659-2429/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 10 uid 10008 package com.google.android.gms
05-26 18:13:44.960 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-1ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.960 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-1ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.963 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 LIST_NETWORKS
05-26 18:13:44.963 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=13): 4c 49 53 54 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 53
05-26 18:13:44.963 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘LIST_NETWORKS’
05-26 18:13:44.963 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=network id / ssid / bssid / flags / priority
0 Gans i Marta 2 any 1
1 MasterLead any 0
2 MGTS_GPON_19AE any 3
3 Ectb3 any 4
4 MGTSPON174 any 5
05-26 18:13:44.963 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 LIST_NETWORKS
05-26 18:13:44.963 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: listStr:network id / ssid / bssid / flags / priority
0 Gans i Marta 2 any 1
1 MasterLead any 0
2 MGTS_GPON_19AE any 3
3 Ectb3 any 4
4 MGTSPON174 any 5
05-26 18:13:44.964 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=0 what=131131 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.964 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=0 what=131131 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:13:44.965 659-659/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 10 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:13:44.966 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Connecting networkId:-1, isConnecting:false
05-26 18:13:44.966 659-659/? I/WifiNotificationController: Open network num:0
05-26 18:13:44.984 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] fa6307f955d146a0f358dc717e370cf31dad6f0a 3762548 bytes ~ lib/armeabi-v7a/libmono.so
05-26 18:13:45.948 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 before.
05-26 18:13:45.948 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, signalStrength=4
05-26 18:13:45.949 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), DataNetType=0 / 3
05-26 18:13:45.949 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.949 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:45.949 659-10539/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:45.949 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:45.949 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), mNetworkType=Type_3G tempDataTypeIconId= 2130837709.
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), regState=1
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), hasService=true
05-26 18:13:45.950 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), isRoaming=false, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:45.950 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), tempDataNetType = Type_3G , simColorId=0 tempPhoneSignalIconId[0] = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? I/StatusBar.NetworkController: [CMCC Performance test][SystemUI][Statusbar] show signal end [15943103]
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0) tempSIMCUSignVisible= true
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:45.951 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:45.951 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:45.952 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 after.
05-26 18:13:45.971 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:45.971 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:45.973 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:45.974 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:1.17, dur:1712.57, max:1689.73, min:22.84
05-26 18:13:45.986 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:1.16, dur:1717.62, max:1699.62, min:18.00
05-26 18:13:45.986 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:3.52, dur:2271.91, max:1699.90, min:17.45
05-26 18:13:45.986 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:3.52, dur:2271.89, max:1699.95, min:17.46
05-26 18:13:45.986 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:3.521293,dur:2271.89,max:1699.98,min:17.46
05-26 18:13:46.125 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] 195722c734f5f38218512141190c3a892d8bbb80 29438780 bytes ~ lib/x86/libunity.so
05-26 18:13:46.126 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] e993fc34b48f48fd64ef7d7fb3c0456444dc65c7 8120 bytes ~ lib/x86/libmain.so
05-26 18:13:46.128 659-669/? D/BatteryService: mBatteryVoltage=4080, batteryLevel=50
05-26 18:13:46.129 659-659/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=null
05-26 18:13:46.130 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:46.130 659-706/? D/WifiController: DeviceActiveState{ when=0 what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:46.130 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: updateIsPoweredLocked: wasPowered=true, mIsPowered=true, oldPlugType=2, mPlugType=2, mBatteryLevel=88
05-26 18:13:46.130 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:46.131 659-706/? D/WifiController: StaEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:46.131 659-706/? D/WifiController: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:46.131 659-706/? D/WifiController: battery changed pluggedType: 2
05-26 18:13:46.131 659-659/? D/UsbDeviceManager: onReceive - BATTERY_CHANGED - mPlugType: 2, mSettingUsbCharging: false, mConnected: true, mSettingUsbBicr: false
05-26 18:13:46.131 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:46.132 732-732/? D/PowerUI: action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:46.132 732-732/? D/PowerUI: Intent start() ret = false mHideLowBDialog= true
05-26 18:13:46.132 732-732/? D/PowerUI: oldBatteryLevel = 88mBatteryLevel = 88
05-26 18:13:46.132 732-732/? D/PowerUI: dismissLowBatteryWarning
05-26 18:13:46.132 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: BatteryController onReceive action is android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:46.133 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: mBatteryPercentage is 88% mShouldShowBatteryPercentage is false mLabelViews.size() 1
05-26 18:13:46.133 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: [Laptop] isPresent = false
05-26 18:13:46.134 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate index=0 updateInteresting=false
05-26 18:13:46.148 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:46.148 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:46.151 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:46.265 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [SHA1] 520c7de3d6407fe8fcc28b726e6ffd6ceeec15a8 3628252 bytes ~ lib/x86/libmono.so
05-26 18:13:46.271 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Mono path[0] = ‘/data/app/com.polygant.tapinc-1.apk/assets/bin/Data/Managed’
05-26 18:13:46.271 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Mono config path = ‘assets/bin/Data/Managed’
05-26 18:13:46.291 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: PlayerConnection initialized from /data/app/com.polygant.tapinc-1.apk/assets/bin/Data (debug = 0)
05-26 18:13:46.293 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: PlayerConnection initialized network socket : 55033
05-26 18:13:46.293 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: PlayerConnection initialized unix socket : Unity-com.polygant.tapinc
05-26 18:13:46.294 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Multi-casting “[IP] [Port] 55033 [Flags] 3 [Guid] 342307090 [EditorId] 1658797337 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(Explay_Fresh@ [Debug] 1” to []…
05-26 18:13:46.294 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Waiting for connection from host on []…
05-26 18:13:47.323 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:47.323 659-707/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:47.325 659-659/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.325 659-659/? I/Tethering: StateReceiver onReceive action:android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:47.325 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1116332248, flags=0x1, tag=“GpsLocationProvider”, ws=null, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:13:47.326 659-683/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“GpsLocationProvider”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:47.326 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:47.326 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION network type is 1
05-26 18:13:47.326 659-659/? I/Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION, networkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:47.327 659-659/? D/Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION
05-26 18:13:47.327 659-675/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.327 659-681/? I/Tethering: [MSM_Initial][TetherMaster] processMessage what=3
05-26 18:13:47.327 659-659/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.327 659-675/? D/SyncManager: mSyncManagerExt.getSyncAutomatically() = true
05-26 18:13:47.327 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateConnectivity, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:47.327 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), DataNetType=0 / 3
05-26 18:13:47.327 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.327 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:47.328 659-683/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:13:47.328 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:47.328 659-826/? D/CaptivePortalTracker: Disconnected from active network NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:47.328 659-826/? D/ConnectivityService: setProvNotificationVisible: E visible=false networkType=1 extraInfo=null url=null
05-26 18:13:47.328 659-2429/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.329 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.329 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.329 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), mNetworkType=Type_3G tempDataTypeIconId= 2130837709.
05-26 18:13:47.329 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataIcon(0), SimState=UNKNOWN, DataState=0, DataActivity=0, tempNetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:47.330 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] getCallState simId: 0
05-26 18:13:47.331 8628-8628/? D/NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect: Network connectivity changed, type is: 6
05-26 18:13:47.331 659-669/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-21001/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-21000/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-20999/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: pre gc
05-26 18:13:47.332 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize +
05-26 18:13:47.333 659-670/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.333 659-9729/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.334 659-9729/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.334 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataIcon(0), callState(0) is 0
05-26 18:13:47.335 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.335 659-2428/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.335 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:47.335 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:47.336 659-914/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.336 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 21032
05-26 18:13:47.336 659-683/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:47.336 659-683/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:47.336 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:47.337 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:47.337 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 0
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5b9db000
05-26 18:13:47.337 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.337 659-683/? D/GpsLocationProvider: updateNetworkState unavailable info: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: , roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:13:47.337 659-683/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = mobile_data , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.338 659-683/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: from callerandroid.app.ActivityThread$ApplicationThread@423f1d08 (pid=659) to get content provider telephony
05-26 18:13:47.338 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get new systemTid : 21032
05-26 18:13:47.338 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.339 21032-21034/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5badb000
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bafb000
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.339 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.339 659-2177/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.339 659-915/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21037/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21037/? D/dalvikvm: Elevating priority from 0 to -8
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21038/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5ef6d000
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get thread init done
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.340 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.341 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] getCallState simId: 1
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21039/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: interp stack at 0x5ef8d000
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21039/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21039/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.341 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataIcon(0), callState(1) is 0
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21039/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.341 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.341 659-682/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.mediatek.mtklogger for broadcast com.mediatek.mtklogger/.framework.LogReceiver: pid=21032 uid=10057 gids={50057, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1035, 1023}
05-26 18:13:47.342 659-670/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.342 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataIcon(0), iconId=0, visible=false
05-26 18:13:47.342 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.342 659-1006/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.342 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), regState=1
05-26 18:13:47.342 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), hasService=true
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21040/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: interp stack at 0x5f0ab000
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21040/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21040/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21040/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.342 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.342 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.342 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), isRoaming=false, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21041/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: interp stack at 0x5f1c9000
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), tempDataNetType = Type_3G , simColorId=0 tempPhoneSignalIconId[0] = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21041/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? I/StatusBar.NetworkController: [CMCC Performance test][SystemUI][Statusbar] show signal end [15944495]
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0) tempSIMCUSignVisible= true
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21041/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.343 21032-21041/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.343 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.343 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.344 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateOperatorInfo, simInserted is true, SIM slod id is 0.
05-26 18:13:47.344 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:47.344 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateOperatorInfo, simInserted is false, SIM slod id is 1.
05-26 18:13:47.344 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.344 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:47.345 659-916/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.346 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:47.346 659-670/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:47.346 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:47.347 659-669/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.347 21032-21042/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8: interp stack at 0x5f5e3000
05-26 18:13:47.348 659-683/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: updateLruProcessLocked cpr.proc=ProcessRecord{42d36358 864:com.android.phone/1001}
05-26 18:13:47.348 659-683/? D/ActivityThread: hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@4364cb88,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@42ce53e8
05-26 18:13:47.349 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:47.350 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:47.350 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:47.350 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:47.350 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:47.350 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:13:47.350 659-914/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.facebook.rti.mqtt.ACTION_ZR_SWITCH flg=0x10 pkg=com.facebook.katana } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{428eabf0 14802:com.facebook.katana/u0a120}
05-26 18:13:47.350 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:13:47.351 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.351 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:13:47.351 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:47.352 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:47.352 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:47.352 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:47.352 21032-21043/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=9: interp stack at 0x5f701000
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? I/TelephonyProvider: initDatabaseIfNeeded begin content://telephony/carriers/preferapn
05-26 18:13:47.353 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? E/TelephonyProvider: iTelephony is null!!!
05-26 18:13:47.353 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? D/TelephonyProvider: Default Data Setting value=0
05-26 18:13:47.353 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? D/TelephonyProvider: initDatabaseIfNeeded(): match=5, simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.353 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? I/TelephonyProvider: mInitAPNGemini[0]: true,uricontent://telephony/carriers/preferapn
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? I/TelephonyProvider: mInitAPNGemini[0] unlock: true,uricontent://telephony/carriers/preferapn
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? I/TelephonyProvider: initDatabaseIfNeeded end content://telephony/carriers/preferapn
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? E/TelephonyProvider: iTelephony is null!!!
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? D/TelephonyProvider: Default Data Setting value=0
05-26 18:13:47.353 864-874/? D/TelephonyProvider: query(): match=5, simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.359 659-2429/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.360 659-783/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.361 659-916/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_SCHEDULE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42df0908 8628:com.android.chrome/u0a30}
05-26 18:13:47.363 659-675/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.365 864-875/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x612f67d8
05-26 18:13:47.368 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:47.368 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:47.370 21032-21032/? V/Provider/Settings: invalidate [system]: current 2 != cached 0
05-26 18:13:47.370 659-1007/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: from callerandroid.app.ApplicationThreadProxy@42ed9968 (pid=21032) to get content provider settings
05-26 18:13:47.371 659-1007/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: updateLruProcessLocked cpr.proc=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:47.371 659-10539/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x668462b0
05-26 18:13:47.372 21032-21032/? D/ActivityThread: hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@42293f38,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@422946b0
05-26 18:13:47.372 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:47.372 659-914/? V/SettingsProvider: call(system:anr_debugging_mechanism) for 0
05-26 18:13:47.373 659-914/? D/SettingsProvider: lookupValue table system cache contains Key anr_debugging_mechanism , value = Bundle[{value=1}]
05-26 18:13:47.373 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1116332248 [GpsLocationProvider], flags=0x0, total_time=44ms
05-26 18:13:47.373 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:1.43, dur:1399.20, max:1222.07, min:177.13
05-26 18:13:47.374 21032-21032/? V/Provider/Settings: from db cache, name = anr_debugging_mechanism , value = 1
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“GpsLocationProvider”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:47.374 659-683/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:47.375 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:47.376 21032-21032/? D/asset: AssetManager–>addDefaultAssets CIP path not exsit!
05-26 18:13:47.377 659-917/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.379 21032-21032/? D/Proxy: setHttpRequestCheckHandler
05-26 18:13:47.380 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: open_cached_dex_file : /system/app/MTKLogger.apk /data/dalvik-cache/system@app@MTKLogger.apk@classes.dex
05-26 18:13:47.381 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:1.43, dur:1395.72, max:1216.76, min:178.96
05-26 18:13:47.382 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:1.43, dur:1395.62, max:1216.71, min:178.91
05-26 18:13:47.382 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:1.43, dur:1395.62, max:1216.77, min:178.86
05-26 18:13:47.382 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:1.433046,dur:1395.63,max:1216.80,min:178.83
05-26 18:13:47.383 21032-21032/? D/ActivityThread: BIND_APPLICATION handled : 0 / AppBindData{appInfo=ApplicationInfo{4228e400 com.mediatek.mtklogger}}
05-26 18:13:47.384 21032-21032/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.mtklogger/.framework.LogReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.mediatek.mtklogger.framework.LogReceiver@42299470
05-26 18:13:47.386 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/Utils: Andriod version string = 4.4.2
05-26 18:13:47.386 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/Utils: Formated version number = 4.4
05-26 18:13:47.386 659-783/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.386 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/Utils: Android version number=4.4
05-26 18:13:47.386 659-916/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.387 659-675/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.388 659-670/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.388 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: -->onReceive(), action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE, bootupFlag=false
05-26 18:13:47.388 659-669/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.388 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.388 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.388 659-1006/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.389 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.389 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.389 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f77d000
05-26 18:13:47.389 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.390 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.390 659-2428/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.facebook.rti.mqtt.ACTION_MQTT_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{428eabf0 14802:com.facebook.katana/u0a120}
05-26 18:13:47.390 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.390 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42af9c58 className=com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService packageName=com.facebook.katana intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.391 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.391 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65: interp stack at 0x6a95d000
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.391 14802-14802/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.392 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.392 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65 (IntentService[ConditionalWorkerService]): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.395 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.395 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21044/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f89b000
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21032/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.396 21032-21032/? E/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: check / start ExceptionReportManager
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21046/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21032/? D/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: -->needStartLogAtBootTime(), needStart=false
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21032/? D/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: -->checkProcess(), needAutoStart=false, canKillSelf=true
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: MTKLogger process should not startup, send a kill message to kill it.
05-26 18:13:47.398 21032-21032/? V/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: OnReceive function exit.
05-26 18:13:47.399 21032-21032/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.mtklogger/.framework.LogReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.mediatek.mtklogger resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.401 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42af9c58 className=com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService packageName=com.facebook.katana intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.401 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService@42c278e8, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:47.401 19904-19904/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadReceiver@424f9ee0
05-26 18:13:47.402 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.402 19904-19904/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.providers.downloads/.DownloadReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.android.providers.downloads resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.403 659-2177/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.404 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.gtalkservice.ServiceAutoStarter (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.gsf.gtalkservice.ServiceAutoStarter@42417700
05-26 18:13:47.405 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.gtalkservice.ServiceAutoStarter (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gsf resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.406 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.usagestats.StatsUploadService$Receiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.gsf.usagestats.StatsUploadService$Receiver@42327c70
05-26 18:13:47.408 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.usagestats.StatsUploadService$Receiver (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gsf resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.410 17609-17609/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.mms.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver@42327618
05-26 18:13:47.410 17609-17609/? D/Mms: onReceive(): intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver (has extras) }
05-26 18:13:47.411 17609-17609/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.mms/.transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.android.mms resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.providers.drm/.ConnectionChangeReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.providers.drm.ConnectionChangeReceiver@424fc080
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/DRM/ConnectionChangeReceiver: onReceive : CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE received.
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/OmaDrmClient: create OmaDrmClient instance
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/DrmManagerClient: create DrmManagerClient instance & create event threads.
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? V/DrmManagerClient: create info handler thread.
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.413 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17: interp stack at 0x5fd52000
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.414 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17 (DrmManagerClient.InfoHandler): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? V/DrmManagerClient: create event handler thread.
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18: interp stack at 0x5fd77000
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-19904/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.418 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18 (DrmManagerClient.EventHandler): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.422 19904-19904/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): add uniqueid
05-26 18:13:47.422 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 1
05-26 18:13:47.422 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :ADD_UNIQUEID
05-26 18:13:47.422 135-5300/? D/DrmManager(Native): DrmManager::addUniqueId()
05-26 18:13:47.422 135-5300/? D/DrmManager(Native): DrmManager::addUniqueId() : server side generate unique id [504]
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 3
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :ADD_CLIENT
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? D/WVMDrmPlugIn: WVMDrmPlugin::onInitialize : 504
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? D/WVMDrmPlugIn: WVMDrmPlugin::onSetOnInfoListener : add 504
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onInitialize : 504
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-601/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onSetOnInfoListener : 504
05-26 18:13:47.423 19904-19904/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Acquire DRM Info
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 11
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :ACQUIRE_DRM_INFO
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? V/DrmManagerService(Native): Entering acquireDrmInfo
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo : 504
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo : execute action checkClock
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkUtil/SecureTimer: getDRMTime() : secure timer valid.
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkUtil/SecureTimer: uptime = 15944.570312,idletime = 59343.929688,return value = 15944
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkUtil/SecureTimer: getDRMTime() : validate with time base [1464272001], ticks base [15919], device time [1464272027], device ticks [15944]
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkUtil/SecureTimer: getDRMTime() : real time [1464275563], offset [3536]
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo : check secure timer status valid
05-26 18:13:47.423 135-135/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onAcquireDrmInfo : result of GET_DRM_INFO operation valid
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/DRM/OmaDrmHelper: getStringFromDrmInfo : >valid
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? D/DRM/OmaDrmHelper: checkClock : > valid
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? D/OmaDrmClient: release OmaDrmClient instance
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? D/DrmManagerClient: release event threads.
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/DrmManagerClient: quit event handler thread.
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/DrmManagerClient: quit info handler thread.
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): remove uniqueid
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 2
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :REMOVE_UNIQUEID
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? D/DrmManager(Native): DrmManager::removeUniqueId() : uniqueId [504]----------------->
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? D/DrmManager(Native): DrmManager::removeUniqueId() : uniqueId [504]<------------------
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-21048/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=18: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): setDrmServiceListener
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-601/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 5
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-21047/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=17: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-601/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :SET_DRM_SERVICE_LISTENER
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-601/? V/DrmManagerService(Native): Entering setDrmServiceListener
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): setDrmServiceListener
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-135/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 5
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-135/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :SET_DRM_SERVICE_LISTENER
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-135/? V/DrmManagerService(Native): Entering setDrmServiceListener
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): Entering BnDrmManagerService::onTransact with code 4
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? V/IDrmManagerService(Native): BnDrmManagerService::onTransact :REMOVE_CLIENT
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? D/WVMDrmPlugIn: WVMDrmPlugin::onTerminate : 504
05-26 18:13:47.424 135-5300/? D/DrmMtkPlugIn: DrmMtkPlugIn::onTerminate : 504
05-26 18:13:47.424 19904-19904/? D/DRM/ConnectionChangeReceiver: ConnectionChangeReceiver : Secure timer is already valid
05-26 18:13:47.425 19904-19904/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.android.providers.drm/.ConnectionChangeReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.android.providers.drm resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21036/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21035/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-21033/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: pre gc
05-26 18:13:47.426 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize +
05-26 18:13:47.430 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 21049
05-26 18:13:47.430 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: Zygote::ForkAndSpecialize : 0
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21050/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5b9db000
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21050/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21050/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21050/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21051/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bafb000
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21051/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21051/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-21051/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.431 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-21052/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-21052/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-134/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-21052/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.432 134-21052/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.432 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get new systemTid : 21049
05-26 18:13:47.432 21049-21053/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=2: interp stack at 0x5badb000
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21054/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=3: interp stack at 0x5bc1d000
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21054/? D/dalvikvm: Elevating priority from 0 to -8
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21055/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=4: interp stack at 0x5ef6d000
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: zygote get thread init done
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21056/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: interp stack at 0x5ef8d000
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21056/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21056/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21056/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=5 (ReferenceQueueDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.433 21049-21057/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: interp stack at 0x5f0ab000
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21057/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21057/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21057/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=6 (FinalizerDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21058/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: interp stack at 0x5f1c9000
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21058/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21058/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.434 21049-21058/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=7 (FinalizerWatchdogDaemon): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.436 659-2428/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.fw.upgrade for broadcast com.fw.upgrade/.GoogleOtaReceiver: pid=21049 uid=10040 gids={50040, 3003, 1028, 1015, 1023}
05-26 18:13:47.437 21049-21059/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=8: interp stack at 0x5f5e3000
05-26 18:13:47.437 21049-21049/? I/dalvikvm: Enabling JNI app bug workarounds for target SDK version 10…
05-26 18:13:47.438 21049-21060/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=9: interp stack at 0x5f701000
05-26 18:13:47.451 21049-21049/? V/Provider/Settings: invalidate [system]: current 2 != cached 0
05-26 18:13:47.451 659-914/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: from callerandroid.app.ApplicationThreadProxy@42df66a0 (pid=21049) to get content provider settings
05-26 18:13:47.452 659-914/? D/ActivityManager: getContentProviderImpl: updateLruProcessLocked cpr.proc=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:47.452 21049-21049/? D/ActivityThread: hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@42294e68,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@422955e0
05-26 18:13:47.453 659-917/? V/SettingsProvider: call(system:anr_debugging_mechanism) for 0
05-26 18:13:47.453 659-917/? D/SettingsProvider: lookupValue table system cache contains Key anr_debugging_mechanism , value = Bundle[{value=1}]
05-26 18:13:47.453 21049-21049/? V/Provider/Settings: from db cache, name = anr_debugging_mechanism , value = 1
05-26 18:13:47.455 21049-21049/? D/asset: AssetManager–>addDefaultAssets CIP path not exsit!
05-26 18:13:47.458 21049-21049/? D/Proxy: setHttpRequestCheckHandler
05-26 18:13:47.459 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: open_cached_dex_file : /system/app/FWUpgrade.apk /data/dalvik-cache/system@app@FWUpgrade.apk@classes.dex
05-26 18:13:47.460 21049-21049/? D/ActivityThread: BIND_APPLICATION handled : 0 / AppBindData{appInfo=ApplicationInfo{4228f3d0 com.fw.upgrade}}
05-26 18:13:47.461 21049-21049/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.fw.upgrade/.GoogleOtaReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.fw.upgrade.GoogleOtaReceiver@42299ba0
05-26 18:13:47.462 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.462 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f755000
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10 (SharedPreferencesImpl-load): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.463 21049-21061/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.464 21049-21049/? D/MediatekClassFactory: createInstance(): Begin = 15729309
05-26 18:13:47.464 21049-21049/? D/MediatekClassFactory: create Instance with : interface com.mediatek.common.telephony.IOnlyOwnerSimSupport
05-26 18:13:47.465 21049-21049/? W/MediatekClassFactory: Tablet not exist!, Get obj from default class
05-26 18:13:47.465 21049-21049/? D/MediatekClassFactory: create Instance from tablet library : com.mediatek.tb.telephony.OnlyOwnerSimSupport
05-26 18:13:47.465 21049-21049/? D/MediatekClassFactory: createInstance(): End = 15729310
05-26 18:13:47.467 21049-21049/? D/WifiManager: Enter init, sThreadRefCount:0
05-26 18:13:47.467 659-916/? D/WifiService: getWifiServiceMessenger, pid:21049, uid:10040
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10040 nor current process has android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE.
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at android.app.ContextImpl.enforce(ContextImpl.java:1780)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at android.app.ContextImpl.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(ContextImpl.java:1809)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiService.enforceChangePermission(WifiService.java:640)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at com.android.server.wifi.WifiService.getWifiServiceMessenger(WifiService.java:1294)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at android.net.wifi.IWifiManager$Stub.onTransact(IWifiManager.java:424)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
05-26 18:13:47.468 659-916/? W/System.err: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
05-26 18:13:47.469 21049-21049/? E/WifiManager: mWifiServiceMessenger == null
05-26 18:13:47.471 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.472 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.474 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.474 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.475 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.475 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f755000
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.476 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10 (Thread-1578): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.476 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.477 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.477 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.477 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: getSubscriberId
05-26 18:13:47.477 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.477 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.478 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.478 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.478 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.479 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.479 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.479 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.479 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.479 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.480 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.480 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.480 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.480 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.480 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.481 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.481 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.481 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.482 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.482 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:13:47.482 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.482 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=1
05-26 18:13:47.482 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.483 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.483 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.483 21049-21062/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.483 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.483 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.484 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.484 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.484 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.485 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.485 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.485 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.486 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.486 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.486 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.486 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.487 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.487 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.487 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.488 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.488 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.488 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.489 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.489 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.489 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.489 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.490 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.490 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.490 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.491 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.491 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.491 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.491 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.492 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.492 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.492 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.493 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.493 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.493 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.493 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.494 659-9728/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.496 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.496 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: interp stack at 0x5f755000
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21049/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10 (Thread-5): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21063/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=10: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.497 21049-21049/? I/AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
05-26 18:13:47.499 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42af9c58 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService }}
05-26 18:13:47.500 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: com.facebook.conditionalworker.ConditionalWorkerService@42c278e8
05-26 18:13:47.500 14802-14802/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@42af9c58
05-26 18:13:47.500 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.500 14802-21045/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=65: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.502 659-669/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-670/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-1006/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x639b4c28
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-2177/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x64b0e2d8
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-1006/? I/ActivityManager: Process com.fw.upgrade (pid 21049) has died.
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-2177/? D/DisplayManagerService: Display listener for pid 21049 died.
05-26 18:13:47.503 659-2177/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x64b0e2d8
05-26 18:13:47.504 659-1006/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x639b4c28
05-26 18:13:47.506 20102-20102/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.systemupdate/.SystemUpdateReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.mediatek.systemupdate.SystemUpdateReceiver@422c1df0
05-26 18:13:47.506 20102-20102/? I/SystemUpdate/Receiver: onReceive: action = android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:13:47.507 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.507 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.507 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.508 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.508 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.509 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.509 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.509 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.510 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.510 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.511 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.511 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.512 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.512 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.512 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.513 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.513 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.514 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.514 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.514 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.515 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.515 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.515 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.516 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.516 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.517 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.517 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.518 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.518 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.518 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.519 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.519 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.519 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.520 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.520 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.520 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.521 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.521 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.522 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.522 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.523 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.523 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.523 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.524 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.524 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.525 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.525 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.526 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.526 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.527 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.527 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.527 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.528 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.528 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.529 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.529 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.531 20102-20102/? I/SystemUpdate/Util: get network stype is : STATE_NONE_NETWORK
05-26 18:13:47.531 20102-20102/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.systemupdate/.SystemUpdateReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.mediatek.systemupdate resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.532 8628-8632/? D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 2994K (55647), 38% free 5679K/9032K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 183ms
05-26 18:13:47.534 20114-20114/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.appwidget.NewsWidgetProvider (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.appwidget.NewsWidgetProvider@4249bcd8
05-26 18:13:47.534 659-675/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.535 20114-20114/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.apps.magazines/com.google.apps.dots.android.newsstand.appwidget.NewsWidgetProvider (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.apps.magazines resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.537 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.ServiceAutoStarter (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.gms.gcm.ServiceAutoStarter@423c9ef0
05-26 18:13:47.539 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gms resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.540 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService@4238a260, flags=0, startId=77
05-26 18:13:47.540 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.540 659-1006/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.541 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.541 14000-14000/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver@4257c1a8
05-26 18:13:47.542 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42503948 startId=77 args=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService (has extras) }}
05-26 18:13:47.544 659-915/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.544 659-783/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.544 14000-14000/? I/iu.Environment: update connectivity state; isNetworkMetered? false, isRoaming? false, isBackgroundDataAllowed? false*
05-26 18:13:47.545 14000-14000/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gms resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.547 14000-14000/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.mdm.receivers.ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.gms.mdm.receivers.ConnectivityReceiver@427eff00
05-26 18:13:47.548 14000-16711/? I/iu.UploadsManager: num queued entries: 0
05-26 18:13:47.549 14000-14000/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.mdm.receivers.ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gms resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.551 19343-19343/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver@422c0540
05-26 18:13:47.551 659-917/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.552 659-2429/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.552 19343-19343/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.google.android.apps.plus/com.google.android.libraries.social.autobackup.AutoBackupEnvironment$ConnectivityReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.apps.plus resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.555 20172-20172/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.vkontakte.android/.NetworkStateReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.vkontakte.android.NetworkStateReceiver@423b0a68
05-26 18:13:47.555 14000-16711/? I/iu.UploadsManager: num updated entries: 0
05-26 18:13:47.560 659-2429/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.561 659-783/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.vkontakte.android.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42d1b398 20172:com.vkontakte.android/u0a118}
05-26 18:13:47.562 20172-20172/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.vkontakte.android/.NetworkStateReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.vkontakte.android resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.562 14000-16711/? I/iu.SyncManager: NEXT; no task
05-26 18:13:47.564 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=net.hideman/.utils.NetworkState (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=net.hideman.utils.NetworkState@42411710
05-26 18:13:47.565 659-9728/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.565 659-1006/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42db1e08 20209:net.hideman/u0a98}
05-26 18:13:47.566 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=net.hideman/.utils.NetworkState (has extras) } packageName=net.hideman resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.568 20227-20227/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.ucweb.message.UcwebRegistrationReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.ucweb.message.UcwebRegistrationReceiver@423a3b80
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1112466464, flags=0x1, tag=“AGOO_LIB”, ws=null, uid=10101, pid=20227
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“AGOO_LIB”, packageName=com.UCMobile.intl, ownerUid=10101, ownerPid=20227, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 10101 package com.UCMobile.intl
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-916/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:47.569 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:47.570 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@424130f0 className=net.hideman.connection.ConnectorService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.571 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@424130f0 className=net.hideman.connection.ConnectorService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.571 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: net.hideman.connection.ConnectorService@424137f8, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:47.571 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@424130f0 startId=1 args=Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=net.hideman/.connection.ConnectorService (has extras) }}
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1112466464 [AGOO_LIB], flags=0x0, total_time=3ms
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“AGOO_LIB”, packageName=com.UCMobile.intl, ownerUid=10101, ownerPid=20227, workSource=null
05-26 18:13:47.572 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42330788 className=com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService packageName=com.UCMobile.intl intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:47.572 659-914/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:47.572 20251-20251/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:47.573 20251-20251/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:47.573 659-914/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:47.573 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:47.573 659-914/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x64a00490
05-26 18:13:47.573 20227-20227/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService (has extras) } packageName=com.UCMobile.intl resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.573 20251-20251/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:47.573 20251-20251/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:47.574 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: interp stack at 0x6003c000
05-26 18:13:47.574 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: created from interp
05-26 18:13:47.574 20251-20251/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:47.574 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:47.574 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11 (IntentService[AgooIntentService]): calling run()
05-26 18:13:47.576 16804-16804/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.browser.bgprocess.BackgroundProcessBroadcastReveiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.uc.browser.bgprocess.BackgroundProcessBroadcastReveiver@42510480
05-26 18:13:47.577 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42330788 className=com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService packageName=com.UCMobile.intl intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.577 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService@42331048, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:47.577 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42330788 startId=1 args=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService (has extras) }}
05-26 18:13:47.578 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: com.uc.base.push.UcwebIntentService@42331048
05-26 18:13:47.579 16804-16804/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.browser.bgprocess.BackgroundProcessBroadcastReveiver (has extras) } packageName=com.UCMobile.intl resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.579 16804-16804/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: com.uc.browser.bgprocess.IntlRemoteBackgroundProcess@422ea910, flags=0, startId=14
05-26 18:13:47.579 20251-20251/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@42330788
05-26 18:13:47.581 20227-20227/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.browser.business.openwifi.NetworkConnectReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.uc.browser.business.openwifi.NetworkConnectReceiver@423a5da8
05-26 18:13:47.581 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: exiting
05-26 18:13:47.581 20251-21064/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=11: bye!
05-26 18:13:47.582 20227-20227/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.browser.business.openwifi.NetworkConnectReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.UCMobile.intl resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.585 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/.NetworkStateReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=ru.yandex.disk.NetworkStateReceiver@426c2d78
05-26 18:13:47.585 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.586 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.586 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.586 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: default: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.587 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.587 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.588 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.588 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: mms: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.589 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.589 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.589 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.590 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: supl: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.590 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.590 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.590 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.590 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.591 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.591 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.591 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.591 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.591 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dun: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.591 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.592 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.592 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.592 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: hipri: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.593 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.593 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.594 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.594 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: fota: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.594 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.595 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.595 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.596 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ims: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.596 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.597 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.597 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.597 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cbs: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.598 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.598 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.598 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.599 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: ia: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.599 659-2428/? V/NotificationService: enqueueNotificationInternal: pkg=com.UCMobile.intl id=1014 notification=Notification(pri=-2 contentView=com.UCMobile.intl/0x7f030095 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 kind=[null])
05-26 18:13:47.599 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-659/? V/NotificationService: Initial score is -20.
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-659/? V/NotificationService: Final score is -20.
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-659/? V/MoMS.NotificationController: notifications are enabled for com.UCMobile.intl
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-659/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 11 uid 10101 package com.UCMobile.intl
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.600 659-659/? V/NotificationService: Assigned score=-20 to Notification(pri=-2 contentView=com.UCMobile.intl/0x7f030095 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 kind=[null])
05-26 18:13:47.600 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.601 659-659/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search
05-26 18:13:47.601 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: dm: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.602 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.603 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.603 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.603 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: wap: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.604 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.605 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.605 864-875/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.606 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: net: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.606 864-1073/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.607 732-732/? V/AppWidgetContext: package name: com.UCMobile.intl
05-26 18:13:47.607 732-732/? V/AppWidgetContext: context permission not changed
05-26 18:13:47.607 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.607 864-1075/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.608 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: cmmail: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.608 864-874/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.609 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.609 864-1216/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:13:47.610 659-915/? D/MobileDataStateTracker: rcse: getNetworkInfo: updated IsAvailable=true
05-26 18:13:47.611 16804-16804/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@422e8e08 startId=14 args=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE pkg=com.UCMobile.intl cmp=com.UCMobile.intl/com.uc.browser.bgprocess.IntlRemoteBackgroundProcess (has extras) }}
05-26 18:13:47.615 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.615 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.615 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.615 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.615 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: updateNotificationIcons(), IconMerger feature, skip pkg / icon / iconlevel =com.android.providers.downloads/17301634/0
05-26 18:13:47.620 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/.NetworkStateReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:47.620 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@426c5110 className=ru.yandex.disk.service.ServiceStarter$Service packageName=ru.yandex.disk intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.621 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@426c5110 className=ru.yandex.disk.service.ServiceStarter$Service packageName=ru.yandex.disk intent=null}
05-26 18:13:47.621 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: ru.yandex.disk.service.ServiceStarter$Service@426c7ce8, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:47.621 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@426c5110 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=ru.yandex.disk/.service.ServiceStarter$Service }}
05-26 18:13:47.622 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: ru.yandex.disk.service.ServiceStarter$Service@426c7ce8
05-26 18:13:47.622 15604-15604/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=org.hola/.bcast_recv (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=org.hola.bcast_recv@426fd2d0
05-26 18:13:47.623 11751-11751/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@426c5110
05-26 18:13:47.623 659-915/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:47.625 15604-15604/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=org.hola/.bcast_recv (has extras) } packageName=org.hola resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:48.036 20998-20998/com.polygant.tapinc D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.polygant.tapinc/com.vk.sdk.payments.VKPaymentsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.vk.sdk.payments.VKPaymentsReceiver@4233b100
05-26 18:13:48.037 659-669/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:48.038 20998-20998/com.polygant.tapinc D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.polygant.tapinc/com.vk.sdk.payments.VKPaymentsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.polygant.tapinc resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:48.040 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_SCHEDULE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.gms.gcm.nts.SchedulerReceiver@423e0c50
05-26 18:13:48.042 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.gcm.ACTION_SCHEDULE flg=0x10 pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.google.android.gms resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:48.043 659-675/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1121304152, flags=0x1, tag=“net_scheduler”, ws=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}, uid=10008, pid=986
05-26 18:13:48.043 659-675/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“net_scheduler”, packageName=com.google.android.gms, ownerUid=10008, ownerPid=986, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:48.044 659-675/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:48.045 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget_2x1 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=net.hideman.widget.Widget_2x1@42416780
05-26 18:13:48.045 659-675/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:48.045 659-675/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:48.045 659-675/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:48.045 659-675/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:48.046 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:48.046 659-9729/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:48.048 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget_2x1 (has extras) } packageName=net.hideman resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:48.048 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42416f28 className=net.hideman.widget.Widget2x1UpdateService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:48.049 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42416f28 className=net.hideman.widget.Widget2x1UpdateService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:48.050 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: net.hideman.widget.Widget2x1UpdateService@42418250, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:48.054 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42416f28 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget2x1UpdateService }}
05-26 18:13:48.054 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget_1x1 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=net.hideman.widget.Widget_1x1@4241b038
05-26 18:13:48.057 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=net.hideman.action.NETWORK_STATE flg=0x10 cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget_1x1 (has extras) } packageName=net.hideman resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:48.057 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: net.hideman.widget.Widget2x1UpdateService@42418250
05-26 18:13:48.057 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@42416f28
05-26 18:13:48.057 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@4241b7e0 className=net.hideman.widget.Widget1x1UpdateService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:48.057 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@4241b7e0 className=net.hideman.widget.Widget1x1UpdateService packageName=net.hideman intent=null}
05-26 18:13:48.058 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: net.hideman.widget.Widget1x1UpdateService@4241d120, flags=0, startId=1
05-26 18:13:48.060 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@4241b7e0 startId=1 args=Intent { cmp=net.hideman/.widget.Widget1x1UpdateService }}
05-26 18:13:48.060 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: net.hideman.widget.Widget1x1UpdateService@4241d120
05-26 18:13:48.060 20209-20209/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@4241b7e0
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1121304152 [net_scheduler], flags=0x0, total_time=26ms
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“net_scheduler”, packageName=com.google.android.gms, ownerUid=10008, ownerPid=986, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x23
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:48.070 659-10539/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x644692a0
05-26 18:13:51.070 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 before.
05-26 18:13:51.070 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, signalStrength=4
05-26 18:13:51.070 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), DataNetType=0 / 3
05-26 18:13:51.070 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.070 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:51.070 659-9728/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:51.071 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:51.071 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.071 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), mNetworkType=Type_3G tempDataTypeIconId= 2130837709.
05-26 18:13:51.071 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.071 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), regState=1
05-26 18:13:51.071 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), hasService=true
05-26 18:13:51.072 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), isRoaming=false, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), tempDataNetType = Type_3G , simColorId=0 tempPhoneSignalIconId[0] = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? I/StatusBar.NetworkController: [CMCC Performance test][SystemUI][Statusbar] show signal end [15948225]
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0) tempSIMCUSignVisible= true
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.072 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:51.073 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:51.073 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:51.074 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:51.074 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:51.074 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:51.074 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:51.074 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 after.
05-26 18:13:51.088 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:51.088 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:51.091 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:51.091 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.27, dur:3717.92, max:3717.92, min:3717.92
05-26 18:13:51.103 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.27, dur:3721.34, max:3721.34, min:3721.34
05-26 18:13:51.103 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:0.27, dur:3721.25, max:3721.25, min:3721.25
05-26 18:13:51.103 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:0.27, dur:3721.24, max:3721.24, min:3721.24
05-26 18:13:51.103 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:0.268728,dur:3721.23,max:3721.23,min:3721.23
05-26 18:13:51.308 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Timed out. Continuing without host connection.
05-26 18:13:51.308 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,defer=y,address=
05-26 18:13:51.351 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:51.535 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: InitializeScriptEngine OK (625cbee0)
05-26 18:13:51.537 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: PlayerConnection already initialized - listening to []
05-26 18:13:51.647 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK
05-26 18:13:51.647 659-2177/? D/InputReader: InputReader:: getSwitchState lock
05-26 18:13:51.648 659-2177/? D/InputReader: InputReader::getStateLocked:: return
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGB0 000 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc W/MALI: __egl_set_error:110: [WARNING]Mali EGL errorcode: 3004
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc E/Unity: [EGL] eglChooseConfig(m_EGLDisplay, configAttribs, NULL, 0, &eglConfigCount): EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: An unrecognized attribute or attribute value was passed in the attribute list.
(Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/egl/ConfigEGL.cpp Line: 360)
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Request: ES 2.0 RGB0 000 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc W/MALI: __egl_set_error:110: [WARNING]Mali EGL errorcode: 3004
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc W/MALI: __egl_set_error:110: [WARNING]Mali EGL errorcode: 3004
05-26 18:13:51.650 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Found: ID[29] ES 2.0 RGB16 565 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.652 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGB0 000 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc W/MALI: __egl_set_error:110: [WARNING]Mali EGL errorcode: 3004
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc E/Unity: [EGL] eglChooseConfig(m_EGLDisplay, configAttribs, NULL, 0, &eglConfigCount): EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: An unrecognized attribute or attribute value was passed in the attribute list.
(Filename: ./Runtime/GfxDevice/egl/ConfigEGL.cpp Line: 360)
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Request: ES 2.0 RGB0 000 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Found: ID[29] ES 2.0 RGB16 565 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.653 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Request: ES 2.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.655 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: [EGL] Found: ID[30] ES 2.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
05-26 18:13:51.656 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView connect: api=1 producer=(20998:com.polygant.tapinc) producerControlledByApp=true
05-26 18:13:51.656 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:51.656 133-648/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:51.658 133-648/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7454470) err(0)
05-26 18:13:51.658 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb743e420, handle=0xb7454470, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:51.658 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x63cc9500) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.659 133-306/? D/BufferQueue: SurfaceView cancelBuffer: slot=0
05-26 18:13:51.660 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
05-26 18:13:51.660 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
05-26 18:13:51.660 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
05-26 18:13:51.660 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView setBufferCount: count=4
05-26 18:13:51.660 133-922/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7454470)
05-26 18:13:51.660 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:51.660 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x63cc9500) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.662 659-669/? D/InputReader: InputReader:: getSwitchState lock
05-26 18:13:51.662 659-669/? D/InputReader: InputReader::getStateLocked:: return
05-26 18:13:51.663 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: ANativeWindow: (720/1280) RequestedResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (720/1280)
05-26 18:13:51.664 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:51.664 133-5028/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:51.666 133-5028/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7454470) err(0)
05-26 18:13:51.666 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb74562e0, handle=0xb7454470, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:51.666 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x63d145f0) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.671 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Renderer: Mali-400 MP
05-26 18:13:51.671 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Vendor: ARM
05-26 18:13:51.671 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Version: OpenGL ES 2.0
05-26 18:13:51.671 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: GLES: 2
05-26 18:13:51.671 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth24 GL_ARM_rgba8 GL_ARM_mali_shader_binary GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_ARM_mali_program_binary GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_robustness GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_KHR_debug
05-26 18:13:51.681 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics device ; Context level <OpenGL ES 2.0> ; Context handle 1661462576
05-26 18:13:51.681 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: InitializeGfxDevice OK
05-26 18:13:51.682 20998-21016/com.polygant.tapinc D/Unity: Initialize engine version: 5.4.0b17 (a34abf3bb95e)
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-1007/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x66d49fb0
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-670/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x65e1d298
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-1007/? I/ActivityManager: Process com.polygant.tapinc (pid 20998) has died.
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-2177/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x64a16518
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-675/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x6470d9f0
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-2429/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x68981aa8
05-26 18:13:51.879 659-783/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x64635408
05-26 18:13:51.880 659-9728/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x629620c0
05-26 18:13:51.880 659-675/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x6470d9f0
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0xb7467f30
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity disconnect: api=2
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/GLConsumer: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity destroying EGLImage dpy=0x1 img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView disconnect: api=1
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7454470)
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-306/? I/SurfaceFlinger: EventThread Client Pid (20998) disconnected by (133)
05-26 18:13:51.880 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:51.880 659-2177/? D/DisplayManagerService: Display listener for pid 20998 died.
05-26 18:13:51.881 133-308/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0xb7467f30
05-26 18:13:51.881 659-1007/? W/ActivityManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{43c7a230 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t22}: app died, no saved state
05-26 18:13:51.882 659-670/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x65e1d298
05-26 18:13:51.882 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: terminating JDWP 20998 connection: Try again
05-26 18:13:51.882 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: remove pid 20998 to jdwp process list
05-26 18:13:51.882 659-9728/? W/MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus audio focus client died
05-26 18:13:51.882 659-2429/? I/WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}
05-26 18:13:51.883 164-164/? D/ADB_SERVICES: recv: CLSE 00000010 0000000e
05-26 18:13:51.883 164-164/? W/ADB_SERVICES: entered. LS(14) fd=20
05-26 18:13:51.883 659-2177/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x64a16518
05-26 18:13:51.883 659-701/? V/NetworkStats: setKernelCounterSet uid=10232 set=0
05-26 18:13:51.884 659-2429/? W/WindowManager: Force-removing child win Window{43b0fdd0 u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}
05-26 18:13:51.884 659-9728/? I/MediaFocusControl: AudioFocus removeFocusStackEntry(): removing entry for android.os.BinderProxy@42e9bb70
05-26 18:13:51.884 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: onUidRulesChanged(uid=10232, uidRules=0)
05-26 18:13:51.885 659-9728/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x629620c0
05-26 18:13:51.886 732-732/? V/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleSetGenerationId(g=16, clear=true)
05-26 18:13:51.887 134-134/? D/Zygote: Process 20998 exited cleanly (1)
05-26 18:13:51.888 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:51.888 732-746/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:51.889 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:51.889 732-14889/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:51.890 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView consumerDisconnect
05-26 18:13:51.890 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: SurfaceView ~BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:51.893 732-744/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(false)
05-26 18:13:51.893 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(0)
05-26 18:13:51.893 732-744/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: handleSetHidden, mHidden=false, newHidden=true
05-26 18:13:51.894 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: userActivityNoUpdateLocked: eventTime=15733739, event=0, flags=0x0, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:51.894 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onUserActivity: event=0, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=15847739 (in 113999 ms)
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x23, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1119239136 [WindowManager], flags=0x0, total_time=8311ms
05-26 18:13:51.895 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=536870922, tag=“WindowManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10232}
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: userActivityNoUpdateLocked: eventTime=15733741, event=0, flags=0x1, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onUserActivity: event=0, uid=1000
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=15847739 (in 113998 ms)
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:51.896 659-2429/? D/PowerManagerService: Releasing suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:51.897 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:51.904 659-2429/? V/WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} to null Callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2815 com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied:1063 android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice:496 dalvik.system.NativeStart.run:-2
05-26 18:13:51.904 659-2429/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x68981aa8
05-26 18:13:51.904 659-1007/? I/libPerfService: 1: set: 2
05-26 18:13:51.906 659-783/? W/WindowManager: Failed looking up window
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@43776948 does not exist
at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8675)
at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8666)
at com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied(WindowState.java:1060)
at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:496)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
05-26 18:13:51.906 659-783/? I/WindowState: WIN DEATH: null
05-26 18:13:51.906 659-676/? I/WindowManager: Losing focus: Window{43090558 u0 com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}
05-26 18:13:51.907 659-783/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x64635408
05-26 18:13:51.908 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity consumerDisconnect
05-26 18:13:51.908 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.polygant.tapinc/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity ~BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:51.908 133-133/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb743f9e0)
05-26 18:13:51.908 659-676/? V/WindowAnimator: No window is displayed, unset the SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE flag
05-26 18:13:51.912 659-1007/? D/InputReader: InputReader:: getSwitchState lock
05-26 18:13:51.912 659-1007/? D/InputReader: InputReader::getStateLocked:: return
05-26 18:13:51.915 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: onRecv: MSG_FOREGROUND_ACTIVITIES_CHANGED pid:uid:act=923:10013:true
05-26 18:13:51.915 659-1007/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x66d49fb0
05-26 18:13:51.916 659-701/? V/NetworkStats: setKernelCounterSet uid=10013 set=1
05-26 18:13:51.916 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: onUidRulesChanged(uid=10013, uidRules=0)
05-26 18:13:51.917 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:51.917 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:51.917 732-732/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mHidden=true isSecure=false → flags=0x0
05-26 18:13:51.917 732-732/? D/AntiTheftManager: hideStatusBarIcons() is called.
05-26 18:13:51.917 732-732/? D/AntiTheftManager: mKeyguardIsAntiTheftModeNow is false
05-26 18:13:51.926 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:51.926 659-676/? V/WindowAnimator: No window is displayed, unset the SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE flag
05-26 18:13:51.927 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Flushing caches (mode 0)
05-26 18:13:51.930 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, (Launcher)onStart: this = com.android.launcher3.Launcher@4242b470
05-26 18:13:51.930 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, (Launcher)onResume: mRestoring = false, mOnResumeNeedsLoad = false,mOrientationChanged = false,mPagesAreRecreated = false, this = com.android.launcher3.Launcher@4242b470
05-26 18:13:51.932 923-923/? D/Launcher3: SearchButtonExt, getSearchButtonExt: context = com.android.launcher3.Launcher@4242b470, mSearchButtonExt = com.mediatek.launcher3.ext.DefaultSearchButton@4255c688
05-26 18:13:51.932 923-923/? D/Launcher3: DefaultSearchButtonExt, default needUpdateSearchButtonResource called.
05-26 18:13:51.932 923-923/? D/Launcher3: Launcher, updateGlobalSearchIcon: needUpdate = true,activityName = ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.SearchActivity}
05-26 18:13:51.934 923-923/? D/asset: AssetManager–>addDefaultAssets CIP path not exsit!
05-26 18:13:51.943 659-676/? V/WindowAnimator: No window is displayed, unset the SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE flag
05-26 18:13:51.962 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{42298260 token=android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0 {com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher}}
05-26 18:13:51.963 923-923/? V/PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0 ,Parent =ViewRoot{42529bc0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher,ident = 1}, this =com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{425412f0 V.E… R…ID 0,0-720,1280}
05-26 18:13:51.963 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: ACT-RESUME_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@422979f0
05-26 18:13:51.964 923-923/? D/Launcher3: PagedView, loadAssociatedPages: page = 2, immediateAndOnly = true,mContentIsRefreshable = true, mDirtyPageContent = [false, false, false]
05-26 18:13:51.964 923-923/? D/Launcher3: PagedView, loadAssociatedPages: 0/2, page = 2, count = 3
05-26 18:13:51.964 923-923/? D/Launcher3: PagedView, loadAssociatedPages: page = 2, immediateAndOnly = false,mContentIsRefreshable = true, mDirtyPageContent = [false, false, false]
05-26 18:13:51.964 923-923/? D/Launcher3: PagedView, loadAssociatedPages: 0/2, page = 2, count = 3
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-279 BufferQueue
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb7447084 resize to 10 (force=true)
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: [void android::RingBuffer::resize(uint32_t, bool) [with TYPE = android::spandroid::BackupBuffer; uint32_t = unsigned int]] 0xb7447084 resize to 0 (force=false)
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-279 consumerConnect consumer=(133:/system/bin/surfaceflinger) controlledByApp=false
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: unnamed-133-279 setConsumerName: unnamed-133-279
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: unnamed-133-279 GLConsumer
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher setConsumerName: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher
05-26 18:13:51.966 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher setDefaultBufferSize: w=720, h=1280
05-26 18:13:51.967 659-917/? V/WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{42b713f0 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} Callers=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:3414 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:191 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:235 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:126
05-26 18:13:51.969 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=700 mask=ffffffff oldVal=1706 newVal=700 diff=1006
05-26 18:13:51.971 659-676/? I/WindowManager: Gaining focus: Window{42b713f0 u0 com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher}
05-26 18:13:51.972 133-306/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher connect: api=1 producer=(923:com.android.launcher3) producerControlledByApp=true
05-26 18:13:51.972 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:51.973 133-308/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:51.974 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb74770e8) err(0)
05-26 18:13:51.974 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb7463de8, handle=0xb74770e8, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:51.974 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x5fb23900) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.975 133-922/? D/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher cancelBuffer: slot=0
05-26 18:13:51.976 923-923/? I/MaliEGL: [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
05-26 18:13:51.976 923-923/? I/MaliEGL: [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
05-26 18:13:51.976 923-923/? I/MaliEGL: [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
05-26 18:13:51.976 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher setBufferCount: count=4
05-26 18:13:51.976 133-648/? I/GraphicBuffer: free buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb74770e8)
05-26 18:13:51.976 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher getReleasedBuffers: returning mask 0xffffffff
05-26 18:13:51.976 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: close handle(0x5fb23900) (w:720 h:1280 f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.976 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:51.977 133-5028/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:51.978 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:51.979 133-5028/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7456358) err(0)
05-26 18:13:51.979 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb7463de8, handle=0xb7456358, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:51.980 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x5fb23900) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:51.981 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: setViewport 720x1280 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:51.982 923-923/? D/AbsListView: onWindowFocusChanged: hasWindowFocus=true, this=android.widget.ListView{423e6ba8 V.ED.VC. …ID 0,348-672,348 #7f0e00b3 app:id/digital_appwidget_listview}
05-26 18:13:51.987 923-923/? V/InputMethodManager: onWindowFocus: com.android.launcher3.AppsCustomizeTabHost{42432490 VFE… .F…ID 0,0-720,1280 #7f10002b app:id/apps_customize_pane} softInputMode=288 first=true flags=#d910100
05-26 18:13:51.987 923-923/? V/InputMethodManager: START INPUT: com.android.launcher3.AppsCustomizeTabHost{42432490 VFE… .F…ID 0,0-720,1280 #7f10002b app:id/apps_customize_pane} ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@429c5418 controlFlags=#105
05-26 18:13:51.988 659-669/? V/InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@42a886a8 controlFlags=#105 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#d910100
05-26 18:13:51.988 732-774/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: isInputRestricted: showing=false, needReshow=false, provisioned=true
05-26 18:13:51.988 659-669/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 20998 uid 10232
05-26 18:13:51.992 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020102
05-26 18:13:51.993 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020202
05-26 18:13:51.994 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020203
05-26 18:13:51.995 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020303
05-26 18:13:51.996 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/Binder: Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.setSessionEnabled(IInputMethodWrapper.java:280)
at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethod$Stub.onTransact(IInputMethod.java:129)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/System.err: at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.setSessionEnabled(IInputMethodWrapper.java:280)
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/System.err: at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethod$Stub.onTransact(IInputMethod.java:129)
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404)
05-26 18:13:51.997 837-848/? W/System.err: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
05-26 18:13:52.000 923-923/? D/ListView: measureHeightOfChildren adapter=android.widget.RemoteViewsAdapter@4253fa90, startPosition=0, endPosition=-1, maxHeight=70, this=android.widget.ListView{423e6ba8 V.ED.VC. …ID 0,348-672,348 #7f0e00b3 app:id/digital_appwidget_listview}
05-26 18:13:52.000 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030003
05-26 18:13:52.001 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030103
05-26 18:13:52.001 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030203
05-26 18:13:52.001 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030303
05-26 18:13:52.014 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.017 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040100
05-26 18:13:52.017 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040200
05-26 18:13:52.018 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040001
05-26 18:13:52.019 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040101
05-26 18:13:52.019 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040201
05-26 18:13:52.020 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040301
05-26 18:13:52.020 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040003
05-26 18:13:52.021 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040303
05-26 18:13:52.022 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b000000
05-26 18:13:52.022 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b010100
05-26 18:13:52.023 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b030300
05-26 18:13:52.024 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b040400
05-26 18:13:52.032 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.037 923-923/? D/Launcher3: AppsCustomizePagedView, onMeasure mIsInEditMode = false1073742544 1073743022 720 1198
05-26 18:13:52.038 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000001
05-26 18:13:52.039 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000002
05-26 18:13:52.040 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000003
05-26 18:13:52.040 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000004
05-26 18:13:52.041 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000005
05-26 18:13:52.042 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000006
05-26 18:13:52.043 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000007
05-26 18:13:52.043 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000008
05-26 18:13:52.044 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000009
05-26 18:13:52.046 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000a
05-26 18:13:52.050 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.062 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000b
05-26 18:13:52.065 923-928/? D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 3039K (41656), 27% free 10098K/13796K, paused 1ms+8ms, total 38ms
05-26 18:13:52.068 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.069 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000c
05-26 18:13:52.069 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000d
05-26 18:13:52.070 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000e
05-26 18:13:52.070 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000f
05-26 18:13:52.070 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000010
05-26 18:13:52.071 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000011
05-26 18:13:52.071 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000012
05-26 18:13:52.072 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000013
05-26 18:13:52.073 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000014
05-26 18:13:52.073 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000015
05-26 18:13:52.074 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000016
05-26 18:13:52.074 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000017
05-26 18:13:52.075 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000018
05-26 18:13:52.075 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000019
05-26 18:13:52.075 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001a
05-26 18:13:52.076 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001b
05-26 18:13:52.076 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001c
05-26 18:13:52.077 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001d
05-26 18:13:52.077 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001e
05-26 18:13:52.078 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001f
05-26 18:13:52.078 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000020
05-26 18:13:52.078 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000021
05-26 18:13:52.079 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000022
05-26 18:13:52.079 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000023
05-26 18:13:52.080 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000024
05-26 18:13:52.080 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000025
05-26 18:13:52.080 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000026
05-26 18:13:52.081 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000027
05-26 18:13:52.081 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000028
05-26 18:13:52.082 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000029
05-26 18:13:52.082 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002a
05-26 18:13:52.083 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002b
05-26 18:13:52.083 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002c
05-26 18:13:52.084 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002d
05-26 18:13:52.084 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002e
05-26 18:13:52.084 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002f
05-26 18:13:52.085 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000030
05-26 18:13:52.086 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.087 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000031
05-26 18:13:52.087 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000032
05-26 18:13:52.088 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000033
05-26 18:13:52.088 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:52.089 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000035
05-26 18:13:52.089 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000036
05-26 18:13:52.095 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000028
05-26 18:13:52.096 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000029
05-26 18:13:52.097 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002a
05-26 18:13:52.097 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002b
05-26 18:13:52.098 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002c
05-26 18:13:52.099 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002d
05-26 18:13:52.099 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002e
05-26 18:13:52.100 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002f
05-26 18:13:52.101 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000030
05-26 18:13:52.102 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000031
05-26 18:13:52.102 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000032
05-26 18:13:52.104 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Skip composition for [Built-in Screen (type:0)] since dirtyRegion is empty
05-26 18:13:52.105 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000033
05-26 18:13:52.106 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:52.106 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000035
05-26 18:13:52.107 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000036
05-26 18:13:52.110 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.111 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 696.00, 1150.00) opaque 0 <0x5fba4390>
05-26 18:13:52.113 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x5fba4390>
05-26 18:13:52.115 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1280 - 1280.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 1280.00 - 0.00 = 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.116 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.119 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: Visibility change in com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine@42520398: 1
05-26 18:13:52.119 732-732/? V/WallpaperService: onVisibilityChanged(true): com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper$DrawableEngine@42520398
05-26 18:13:52.121 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:52.121 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb7463de8 handle=0xb7456358 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:52.121 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000004
05-26 18:13:52.122 659-916/? I/libPerfService: 1: set: 1
05-26 18:13:52.122 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:2.94, dur:1019.12, max:787.86, min:18.35
05-26 18:13:52.122 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:2.94, dur:1019.13, max:787.82, min:18.35
05-26 18:13:52.122 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:2.943676,dur:1019.13,max:787.80,min:18.36
05-26 18:13:52.126 732-1012/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: sendKeyguardVisibilityChanged(true)
05-26 18:13:52.127 732-1012/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: handleSetHidden, mHidden=true, newHidden=false
05-26 18:13:52.128 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: setSystemUiVisibility vis=40000700 mask=ffffffff oldVal=700 newVal=40000700 diff=40000000
05-26 18:13:52.128 732-732/? D/BarTransitions.PhoneStatusBarView: MODE_OPAQUE → MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false
05-26 18:13:52.128 732-732/? D/BarTransitions.PhoneStatusBarView: applyModeBackground oldMode=MODE_OPAQUE newMode=MODE_TRANSLUCENT animate=false
05-26 18:13:52.129 8628-9823/? V/SurfaceView: org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.CompositorView{42341850 V.E… … 0,0-720,1230} got resized: w=720 h=1230, cur w=-1 h=-1
05-26 18:13:52.131 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardVisibilityChanged(1)
05-26 18:13:52.133 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = READY for simId = 0
05-26 18:13:52.134 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: mSimState = ABSENT for simId = 1
05-26 18:13:52.134 732-732/? D/KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked: mShowing=false mHidden=false isSecure=false → flags=0x0
05-26 18:13:52.135 732-732/? D/AntiTheftManager: hideStatusBarIcons() is called.
05-26 18:13:52.135 732-732/? D/AntiTheftManager: mKeyguardIsAntiTheftModeNow is false
05-26 18:13:52.142 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:52.142 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:52.143 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:52.145 133-306/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.95, dur:1053.59, max:1053.59, min:1053.59
05-26 18:13:52.146 732-732/? D/PhoneStatusBar: Status bar WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING
05-26 18:13:52.146 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020102
05-26 18:13:52.147 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020202
05-26 18:13:52.149 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020203
05-26 18:13:52.149 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020303
05-26 18:13:52.152 923-923/? D/ListView: measureHeightOfChildren adapter=android.widget.RemoteViewsAdapter@4253fa90, startPosition=0, endPosition=-1, maxHeight=70, this=android.widget.ListView{423e6ba8 V.ED.VC. …ID 0,348-672,348 #7f0e00b3 app:id/digital_appwidget_listview}
05-26 18:13:52.152 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030003
05-26 18:13:52.153 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030103
05-26 18:13:52.153 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030203
05-26 18:13:52.154 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030303
05-26 18:13:52.157 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.95, dur:1054.49, max:1054.49, min:1054.49
05-26 18:13:52.166 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040100
05-26 18:13:52.166 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040200
05-26 18:13:52.167 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040001
05-26 18:13:52.167 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040101
05-26 18:13:52.168 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040201
05-26 18:13:52.168 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040301
05-26 18:13:52.169 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040003
05-26 18:13:52.170 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c040303
05-26 18:13:52.171 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b000000
05-26 18:13:52.171 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b010100
05-26 18:13:52.172 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b030300
05-26 18:13:52.172 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9b040400
05-26 18:13:52.180 923-923/? D/Launcher3: AppsCustomizePagedView, onMeasure mIsInEditMode = false1073742544 1073743022 720 1198
05-26 18:13:52.180 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000001
05-26 18:13:52.181 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000002
05-26 18:13:52.181 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000003
05-26 18:13:52.182 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000004
05-26 18:13:52.182 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000005
05-26 18:13:52.182 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000006
05-26 18:13:52.183 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000007
05-26 18:13:52.183 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000008
05-26 18:13:52.183 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000009
05-26 18:13:52.184 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000a
05-26 18:13:52.184 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000b
05-26 18:13:52.185 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000c
05-26 18:13:52.185 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000d
05-26 18:13:52.186 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000e
05-26 18:13:52.186 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000000f
05-26 18:13:52.186 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000010
05-26 18:13:52.187 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000011
05-26 18:13:52.187 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000012
05-26 18:13:52.187 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000013
05-26 18:13:52.188 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000014
05-26 18:13:52.188 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000015
05-26 18:13:52.188 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000016
05-26 18:13:52.188 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000017
05-26 18:13:52.189 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000018
05-26 18:13:52.189 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000019
05-26 18:13:52.190 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001a
05-26 18:13:52.190 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001b
05-26 18:13:52.190 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001c
05-26 18:13:52.190 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001d
05-26 18:13:52.191 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001e
05-26 18:13:52.191 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000001f
05-26 18:13:52.192 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000020
05-26 18:13:52.192 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000021
05-26 18:13:52.195 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000022
05-26 18:13:52.195 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000023
05-26 18:13:52.196 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000024
05-26 18:13:52.197 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000025
05-26 18:13:52.197 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000026
05-26 18:13:52.198 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000027
05-26 18:13:52.199 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000028
05-26 18:13:52.199 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000029
05-26 18:13:52.200 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002a
05-26 18:13:52.200 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002b
05-26 18:13:52.201 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002c
05-26 18:13:52.202 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002d
05-26 18:13:52.202 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002e
05-26 18:13:52.203 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002f
05-26 18:13:52.203 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000030
05-26 18:13:52.204 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000031
05-26 18:13:52.204 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000032
05-26 18:13:52.205 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000033
05-26 18:13:52.205 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:52.206 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000035
05-26 18:13:52.206 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000036
05-26 18:13:52.213 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:52.213 133-5028/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:52.215 133-5028/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7460ba0) err(0)
05-26 18:13:52.215 133-5028/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb7443be8, handle=0xb7460ba0, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:52.216 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x60e48df0) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:52.219 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000028
05-26 18:13:52.220 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000029
05-26 18:13:52.220 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002a
05-26 18:13:52.221 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002b
05-26 18:13:52.222 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002c
05-26 18:13:52.223 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002d
05-26 18:13:52.223 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002e
05-26 18:13:52.224 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x0000002f
05-26 18:13:52.225 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000030
05-26 18:13:52.226 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000031
05-26 18:13:52.226 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000032
05-26 18:13:52.227 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000033
05-26 18:13:52.228 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000034
05-26 18:13:52.231 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000035
05-26 18:13:52.232 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No package identifier when getting name for resource number 0x00000036
05-26 18:13:52.235 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.236 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 696.00, 920.00) opaque 0 <0x5fba4390>
05-26 18:13:52.236 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1150 - 920.00 = 230.00, 696.00 - 0.00 = 696.00, 920.00 - 0.00 = 920.00) opaque 0 <0x5fba4390>
05-26 18:13:52.239 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x5fba4390>
05-26 18:13:52.239 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 1280 - 1280.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 1280.00 - 0.00 = 1280.00) opaque 0 <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.240 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x62206920>
05-26 18:13:52.247 133-133/? I/GLConsumer: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher [void* android::GLConsumer::createImage(EGLDisplay, const android::spandroid::GraphicBuffer&, const android::Rect&)]
05-26 18:13:52.247 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: GraphicBuffer: gb=0xb7443be8 handle=0xb7460ba0 fmt=1
05-26 18:13:52.247 133-133/? D/GLConsumer: EGLImage: dpy=0x1, img=0x10000005
05-26 18:13:52.594 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020102
05-26 18:13:52.595 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020102
05-26 18:13:52.596 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020202
05-26 18:13:52.596 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020202
05-26 18:13:52.600 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020203
05-26 18:13:52.601 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020203
05-26 18:13:52.601 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020303
05-26 18:13:52.602 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c020303
05-26 18:13:52.605 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030003
05-26 18:13:52.606 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030003
05-26 18:13:52.607 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030103
05-26 18:13:52.607 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030103
05-26 18:13:52.608 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030203
05-26 18:13:52.609 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030203
05-26 18:13:52.609 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030303
05-26 18:13:52.610 923-923/? W/ResourceType: No known package when getting name for resource number 0x9c030303
05-26 18:13:52.614 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 704.00, 900.00) opaque 0 <0x628ae878>
05-26 18:13:52.620 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x628ae878>
05-26 18:13:52.620 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 704.00, 900.00) opaque 0 <0x61b73708>
05-26 18:13:52.624 923-923/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61b73708>
05-26 18:13:52.626 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher new GraphicBuffer needed
05-26 18:13:52.626 133-308/? D/BufferQueue: [OLD] gb:NULL
05-26 18:13:52.628 133-308/? I/GraphicBuffer: allocate buffer (w:720 h:1280 f:1) handle(0xb7441b80) err(0)
05-26 18:13:52.628 133-308/? I/BufferQueue: [NEW] gb=0xb7440160, handle=0xb7441b80, w=720, h=1280, s=720, fmt=1
05-26 18:13:52.628 923-923/? D/GraphicBuffer: create handle(0x646f39f8) (w:720, h:1280, f:1)
05-26 18:13:52.903 659-663/? D/dalvikvm: GC_CONCURRENT freed 3805K (55658), 55% free 19145K/42248K, paused 7ms+11ms, total 129ms
05-26 18:13:52.910 659-667/? W/JavaBinder: Binder has been finalized when calling linkToDeath() with recip=0x1e100005)
05-26 18:13:53.582 659-659/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = sys_free_storage_log_interval , value = null
05-26 18:13:53.583 659-659/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = disk_free_change_reporting_threshold , value = null
05-26 18:13:54.747 659-833/? D/AES: AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,lParam=0.
05-26 18:13:54.748 659-677/? D/InputReader: InputReader::monitor: lock
05-26 18:13:54.748 659-677/? D/InputReader: InputReader::monitor: wait
05-26 18:13:54.748 659-677/? D/InputReader: InputReader::monitor: unlock
05-26 18:13:54.748 659-677/? D/InputReader: InputReader::monitor: done
05-26 18:13:56.130 659-2428/? D/BatteryService: mBatteryVoltage=4081, batteryLevel=50
05-26 18:13:56.133 659-659/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=null
05-26 18:13:56.137 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:56.138 659-659/? D/UsbDeviceManager: onReceive - BATTERY_CHANGED - mPlugType: 2, mSettingUsbCharging: false, mConnected: true, mSettingUsbBicr: false
05-26 18:13:56.138 659-706/? D/WifiController: DeviceActiveState{ when=0 what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:56.138 659-706/? D/WifiController: StaEnabledState{ when=0 what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:56.139 659-706/? D/WifiController: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=155652 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c4fc88} }
05-26 18:13:56.141 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:56.143 732-732/? D/PowerUI: action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:56.144 732-732/? D/PowerUI: Intent start() ret = false mHideLowBDialog= true
05-26 18:13:56.145 732-732/? D/PowerUI: oldBatteryLevel = 88mBatteryLevel = 88
05-26 18:13:56.145 732-732/? D/PowerUI: dismissLowBatteryWarning
05-26 18:13:56.146 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: BatteryController onReceive action is android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
05-26 18:13:56.147 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: mBatteryPercentage is 88% mShouldShowBatteryPercentage is false mLabelViews.size() 1
05-26 18:13:56.150 659-706/? D/WifiController: battery changed pluggedType: 2
05-26 18:13:56.151 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: updateIsPoweredLocked: wasPowered=true, mIsPowered=true, oldPlugType=2, mPlugType=2, mBatteryLevel=88
05-26 18:13:56.151 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:56.152 732-732/? D/StatusBar.BatteryController: [Laptop] isPresent = false
05-26 18:13:56.163 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate index=0 updateInteresting=false
05-26 18:13:56.167 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.168 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.169 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.171 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.25, dur:4026.01, max:4026.01, min:4026.01
05-26 18:13:56.182 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.25, dur:4025.02, max:4025.02, min:4025.02
05-26 18:13:56.183 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:4.19, dur:4060.73, max:3773.26, min:17.51
05-26 18:13:56.183 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:4.19, dur:4060.73, max:3773.28, min:17.51
05-26 18:13:56.183 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:4.186448,dur:4060.72,max:3773.28,min:17.51
05-26 18:13:56.192 659-2177/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:13:56.193 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 before.
05-26 18:13:56.193 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, signalStrength=4
05-26 18:13:56.193 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), DataNetType=0 / 3
05-26 18:13:56.193 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.193 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:56.193 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:56.194 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.194 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateDataNetType(0), mNetworkType=Type_3G tempDataTypeIconId= 2130837709.
05-26 18:13:56.194 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.194 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), regState=1
05-26 18:13:56.194 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), hasService=true
05-26 18:13:56.195 864-874/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:56.195 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), isRoaming=false, mInetCondition=0
05-26 18:13:56.195 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.195 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), simColorId=0
05-26 18:13:56.195 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0), tempDataNetType = Type_3G , simColorId=0 tempPhoneSignalIconId[0] = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? I/StatusBar.NetworkController: [CMCC Performance test][SystemUI][Statusbar] show signal end [15953348]
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateTelephonySignalStrength(0) tempSIMCUSignVisible= true
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:13:56.196 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:13:56.196 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:13:56.197 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:13:56.198 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:13:56.198 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:13:56.198 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:13:56.198 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:13:56.198 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: PhoneStateListener:onSignalStrengthsChanged, sim0 after.
05-26 18:13:56.205 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.206 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.207 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:13:56.501 659-693/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.facebook.rti.mqtt.keepalive.KeepaliveManager.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana flg=0x14 pkg=com.facebook.katana (has extras) } ordered=true userid=0 callerApp=null
05-26 18:13:56.505 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1119011728, flags=0x1, tag=“AlarmManager”, ws=WorkSource{10120}, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:13:56.506 659-693/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10120}
05-26 18:13:56.507 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:13:56.508 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:56.509 659-693/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:56.510 659-693/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:56.510 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:56.511 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:56.512 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:56.513 659-693/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT flg=0x14 (has extras) } ordered=true userid=0 callerApp=null
05-26 18:13:56.515 14802-15005/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=com.facebook.rti.mqtt.keepalive.KeepaliveManager.ACTION_INEXACT_ALARM.MqttLite.com.facebook.katana flg=0x14 pkg=com.facebook.katana (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.facebook.rti.mqtt.keepalive.KeepaliveManager$2@42807c60, IIntentReceiver=427cd8c8
05-26 18:13:56.516 659-2429/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.517 659-783/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.518 14802-15005/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=427cd8c8
05-26 18:13:56.520 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockWorkSourceInternal: lock=1119011728 [AlarmManager], ws=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:56.520 659-659/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10120}
05-26 18:13:56.522 659-659/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:56.528 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT flg=0x14 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=obp@42456e58, IIntentReceiver=424c5c18
05-26 18:13:56.529 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1124208048, flags=0x1, tag=“GCM_CONN_ALARM”, ws=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}, uid=10008, pid=986
05-26 18:13:56.530 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“GCM_CONN_ALARM”, packageName=com.google.android.gms, ownerUid=10008, ownerPid=986, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:56.531 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:13:56.532 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:56.533 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:56.533 659-9729/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:56.534 659-9729/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:56.535 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:56.536 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.536 986-986/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:13:56.536 986-986/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:13:56.536 986-986/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:13:56.537 986-986/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:13:56.537 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19: interp stack at 0x5d9b8000
05-26 18:13:56.537 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19: created from interp
05-26 18:13:56.537 986-986/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:13:56.537 986-986/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=424c5c18
05-26 18:13:56.538 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1119011728 [AlarmManager], flags=0x0, total_time=31ms
05-26 18:13:56.538 659-659/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:56.539 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:13:56.539 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:56.539 659-659/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:56.539 659-659/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:56.539 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:56.540 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:56.540 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19: notify debugger
05-26 18:13:56.541 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19 (GCMWriter): calling run()
05-26 18:13:56.543 986-21089/? I/System.out: [CDS]rx timeout:20000
05-26 18:13:56.544 128-591/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 44 bytes
05-26 18:13:56.544 128-591/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (getaddrinfo mtalk.google.com ^ 1024 0 1 0 ^)
05-26 18:13:56.545 128-21090/? D/libc: _resolv_get_pids_associated_interface buff:
05-26 18:13:56.546 128-21090/? D/libc: _resolv_get_uids_associated_interface buff:
05-26 18:13:56.546 128-21090/? D/libc-netbsd: default dns: query_ipv6=0, query_ipv4=0
05-26 18:13:56.546 128-21090/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 401
05-26 18:13:56.547 128-21090/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done:
05-26 18:13:56.547 986-21089/? D/libc-netbsd: getaddrinfo: mtalk.google.com NO result from proxy
05-26 18:13:56.547 986-21089/? I/System.out: [CDS][DNS]Unable to resolve host “mtalk.google.com”: No address associated with hostname
05-26 18:13:56.548 986-21089/? I/System.out: [CDS]close[0]
05-26 18:13:56.548 986-21089/? I/System.out: close [socket][/]
05-26 18:13:56.548 659-1007/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.549 659-915/? D/ConnectivityService: reportNetworkCondition(-1, 0)
05-26 18:13:56.550 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleInetConditionChange: no active default network - ignore
05-26 18:13:56.551 986-21089/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = airplane_mode_on , value = 0
05-26 18:13:56.554 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1124208048 [GCM_CONN_ALARM], flags=0x0, total_time=23ms
05-26 18:13:56.554 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“GCM_CONN_ALARM”, packageName=com.google.android.gms, ownerUid=10008, ownerPid=986, workSource=WorkSource{10008 com.google.android.gms}
05-26 18:13:56.554 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? D/PowerManagerService: Releasing suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:13:56.555 659-9728/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x629620c0
05-26 18:13:56.556 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:13:56.557 659-675/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.557 659-2177/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:56.558 659-916/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.google.android.gcm.DISCONNECTED flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42cff6b8 986:com.google.process.gapps/u0a8}
05-26 18:13:56.561 20056-20056/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.gcm.DISCONNECTED flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.GcmStateReceiver }, ordered=true, receiver=com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.GcmStateReceiver@429db098
05-26 18:13:56.563 20056-20056/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=com.google.android.gcm.DISCONNECTED flg=0x10 cmp=com.google.android.talk/com.google.android.apps.hangouts.service.GcmStateReceiver } packageName=com.google.android.talk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:13:56.563 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19: exiting
05-26 18:13:56.564 986-21089/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=19: bye!
05-26 18:13:57.389 659-1006/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:57.389 659-9729/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:57.391 659-10539/? D/ConnectivityService: getActiveNetworkInfo:null
05-26 18:13:57.405 21032-21032/? I/MTKLogger/LogReceiver: Get a self-kill command. Need to kill me now
05-26 18:13:57.405 21032-21032/? I/Process: Sending signal. PID: 21032 SIG: 9
05-26 18:13:57.416 659-914/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x65254160
05-26 18:13:57.416 659-1007/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_DEAD_BINDER cookie 0x64468ac0
05-26 18:13:57.417 659-1007/? D/DisplayManagerService: Display listener for pid 21032 died.
05-26 18:13:57.417 659-914/? I/ActivityManager: Process com.mediatek.mtklogger (pid 21032) has died.
05-26 18:13:57.419 659-914/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x65254160
05-26 18:13:57.421 659-1007/? D/IPCThreadState: [DN #5] BR_CLEAR_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_DONE cookie 0x64468ac0
05-26 18:13:57.721 659-20744/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=85: exiting
05-26 18:13:57.722 659-20744/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=85: bye!
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: Building WPS IE for Probe Request
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Version (hardcoded 0x10)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Request Type
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Config Methods (4288)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * UUID-E
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Primary Device Type
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * RF Bands (1)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Association State
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Configuration Error (0)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Device Password ID (0)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Manufacturer
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Model Name
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Model Number
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Device Name
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: * Version2 (0x20)
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * P2P IE header
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * Capability dev=25 group=00
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: * Listen Channel: Regulatory Class 81 Channel 11
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan SSID - hexdump(len=0): [NULL]
05-26 18:13:59.959 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan extra IEs - hexdump(len=159): 7f 04 00 00 00 80 6b 01 0f dd 7a 00 50 f2 04 10 4a 00 01 10 10 3a 00 01 00 10 08 00 02 42 88 10 …
05-26 18:13:59.962 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds
05-26 18:13:59.962 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:13:59.962 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0
05-26 18:13:59.962 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger
05-26 18:13:59.962 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:13:59.963 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: invalid reply message
05-26 18:14:00.000 659-693/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) } ordered=true userid=-1 callerApp=null
05-26 18:14:00.003 659-659/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.server.AlarmManagerService$ClockReceiver@42b2f1a0, IIntentReceiver=42b3f648
05-26 18:14:00.003 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1119011728, flags=0x1, tag=“AlarmManager”, ws=WorkSource{1000}, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:14:00.005 659-693/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{1000}
05-26 18:14:00.005 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:14:00.007 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:14:00.007 659-693/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:14:00.007 659-693/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:14:00.008 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:14:00.008 659-693/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:14:00.009 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:14:00.010 659-659/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42b3f648
05-26 18:14:00.013 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.keyguard.KeyguardUpdateMonitor$3@422a5560, IIntentReceiver=422a9668
05-26 18:14:00.013 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
05-26 18:14:00.013 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=422a9668
05-26 18:14:00.014 732-732/? D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
05-26 18:14:00.018 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.Clock$1@424b4510, IIntentReceiver=42541588
05-26 18:14:00.018 732-732/? D/Clock: action =android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
05-26 18:14:00.019 732-732/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = time_12_24 , value = 24
05-26 18:14:00.021 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42541588
05-26 18:14:00.032 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.033 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.035 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.037 133-922/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:0.52, dur:3865.78, max:3828.12, min:37.65
05-26 18:14:00.037 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.Clock$1@424cd4e0, IIntentReceiver=422a0870
05-26 18:14:00.037 732-732/? D/Clock: action =android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
05-26 18:14:00.038 732-732/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = time_12_24 , value = 24
05-26 18:14:00.038 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=422a0870
05-26 18:14:00.040 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.DateView$1@424ce290, IIntentReceiver=42467cd8
05-26 18:14:00.040 732-732/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = date_format , value =
05-26 18:14:00.042 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42467cd8
05-26 18:14:00.042 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:0.52, dur:3860.26, max:3824.50, min:35.76
05-26 18:14:00.043 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:0.52, dur:3860.25, max:3824.59, min:35.67
05-26 18:14:00.043 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:0.52, dur:3860.26, max:3824.63, min:35.63
05-26 18:14:00.043 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:0.518100,dur:3860.26,max:3824.65,min:35.60
05-26 18:14:00.047 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@42f5a620, IIntentReceiver=42f5e260
05-26 18:14:00.048 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42f5e260
05-26 18:14:00.050 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@43186f68, IIntentReceiver=4253d7b0
05-26 18:14:00.051 732-732/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = date_format , value =
05-26 18:14:00.052 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=4253d7b0
05-26 18:14:00.054 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@42cdaf58, IIntentReceiver=42d626c8
05-26 18:14:00.054 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42d626c8
05-26 18:14:00.055 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.TextClock$2@427a0ab8, IIntentReceiver=4228d948
05-26 18:14:00.056 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=4228d948
05-26 18:14:00.063 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.TextClock$2@427a1258, IIntentReceiver=42793d78
05-26 18:14:00.064 923-923/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42793d78
05-26 18:14:00.066 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@43144e38, IIntentReceiver=4391c388
05-26 18:14:00.067 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=4391c388
05-26 18:14:00.069 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@4391b788, IIntentReceiver=42d48af0
05-26 18:14:00.069 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42d48af0
05-26 18:14:00.071 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@4244e5f0, IIntentReceiver=42d0f388
05-26 18:14:00.071 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=42d0f388
05-26 18:14:00.073 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@4311bef8, IIntentReceiver=438e3ec8
05-26 18:14:00.073 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=438e3ec8
05-26 18:14:00.075 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@437c2008, IIntentReceiver=438d3d90
05-26 18:14:00.075 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=438d3d90
05-26 18:14:00.077 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@436cb3b8, IIntentReceiver=436cc298
05-26 18:14:00.077 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=436cc298
05-26 18:14:00.082 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@43666ce0, IIntentReceiver=44325448
05-26 18:14:00.083 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=44325448
05-26 18:14:00.085 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@43d63230, IIntentReceiver=43d64170
05-26 18:14:00.085 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=43d64170
05-26 18:14:00.087 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@43d8fcc0, IIntentReceiver=43d90c00
05-26 18:14:00.087 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=43d90c00
05-26 18:14:00.089 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=android.widget.DateTimeView$1@441917d8, IIntentReceiver=43d2e930
05-26 18:14:00.089 732-732/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling finishReceiver: IIntentReceiver=43d2e930
05-26 18:14:00.090 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1119011728 [AlarmManager], flags=0x0, total_time=85ms
05-26 18:14:00.091 659-659/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“AlarmManager”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=WorkSource{1000}
05-26 18:14:00.091 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-26 18:14:00.091 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:14:00.092 659-659/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:14:00.093 659-659/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:14:00.093 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:14:00.094 659-659/? D/PowerManagerService: Releasing suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:14:00.094 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:14:00.605 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:14:00.605 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.605 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.605 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:14:00.605 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.605 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:14:00.605 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.605 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.606 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:14:00.606 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: invalid reply message
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (11 BSSes)
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Survey data missing
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Sorted scan results
05-26 18:14:00.607 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 freq=2462 qual=0 noise=0 level=-71 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=189): 00 08 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 0b 07 06 52 55 20 01 0d 1e 2a …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=195): 00 08 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 0b 05 04 00 03 00 00 07 06 52 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 freq=2462 qual=0 noise=0 level=-76 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=108): 00 1e 48 50 2d 50 72 69 6e 74 2d 64 38 2d 4c 61 73 65 72 4a 65 74 20 32 30 30 20 63 6f 6c 6f 72 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=108): 00 1e 48 50 2d 50 72 69 6e 74 2d 64 38 2d 4c 61 73 65 72 4a 65 74 20 32 30 30 20 63 6f 6c 6f 72 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 freq=2417 qual=0 noise=0 level=-80 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=240): 00 08 53 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 02 2a 01 00 2d 1a 0e 10 03 ff …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=246): 00 08 53 65 63 75 72 69 74 79 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 02 05 04 00 01 00 00 2a 01 00 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-81 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=343): 00 0a 4d 65 64 69 61 20 4c 61 6e 64 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 2a 01 04 2f 01 04 30 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=199): 00 0a 4d 65 64 69 61 20 4c 61 6e 64 01 08 82 84 8b 96 24 30 48 6c 03 01 06 05 04 00 03 01 00 2a …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c freq=2412 qual=0 noise=0 level=-81 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=195): 00 0e 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 53 70 61 72 65 32 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 01 07 06 52 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=201): 00 0e 54 65 6b 6e 6f 73 61 6e 53 70 61 72 65 32 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 01 05 04 00 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c freq=2452 qual=0 noise=0 level=-83 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=161): 00 0d 4b 65 65 6e 65 74 69 63 2d 37 32 35 34 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 2a 01 04 32 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=188): 00 0d 4b 65 65 6e 65 74 69 63 2d 37 32 35 34 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 32 04 0c 18 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f freq=2412 qual=0 noise=0 level=-83 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=238): 00 0a 4d 61 73 74 65 72 4c 65 61 64 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 01 2a 01 00 2d 1a 4e 10 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc freq=2452 qual=0 noise=0 level=-88 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=171): 00 04 59 4f 54 41 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 2a 01 04 32 04 0c 18 30 60 2d 1a ee 11 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Beacon IEs - hexdump(len=194): 00 04 59 4f 54 41 01 08 82 84 8b 96 12 24 48 6c 03 01 09 32 04 0c 18 30 60 07 06 54 57 00 01 0b …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd freq=2437 qual=0 noise=0 level=-88 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=306): 00 18 44 49 52 45 43 54 2d 42 41 57 6f 72 6b 43 65 6e 74 72 65 20 33 32 31 35 01 08 8c 12 18 24 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 freq=2472 qual=0 noise=0 level=-92 flags=0xb age=0
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=313): 00 04 75 62 6e 74 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 03 01 0d 05 04 00 01 00 00 2a 01 00 30 14 01 00 …
05-26 18:14:00.608 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da freq=2467 qual=0 noise=0 level=-93 flags=0xb age=10
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: IEs - hexdump(len=216): 00 15 5a 79 58 45 4c 5f 4b 45 45 4e 45 54 49 43 5f 34 42 36 36 44 41 01 08 82 84 8b 96 92 a4 c8 …
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 287
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Add new id 399 BSSID 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 SSID ‘ubnt’
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Add new id 400 BSSID cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da SSID ‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Remove id 398 BSSID c0:4a:00:b1:4d:60 SSID ‘ALU-MIX’ due to no match in scan
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=11/32 last_scan_full=0
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2464 entropy=926
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2465 entropy=927
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2466 entropy=928
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2467 entropy=929
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2468 entropy=930
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2469 entropy=931
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2470 entropy=932
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.609 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2471 entropy=933
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2472 entropy=934
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2473 entropy=935
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=5): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: New scan results available
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.610 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da type 0 added
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[0] 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[1] 10:7b:ef:5d:28:48 type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[2] 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd type=1 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: AP[3] cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da type=0 tries=0 last_attempt=-1 sec ago blacklist=0
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 5
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.611 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 ssid=‘ubnt’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-92
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da ssid=‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-93 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 4
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 ssid=‘ubnt’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-92
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da ssid=‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-93 wps
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 3
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.612 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88 wps
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 ssid=‘ubnt’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-92
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da ssid=‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-93 wps
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 1
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 7: f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc ssid=‘YOTA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 8: 9e:93:4e:42:63:fd ssid=‘DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-88 wps
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 9: 00:27:22:aa:a8:61 ssid=‘ubnt’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-92
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.613 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 10: cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da ssid=‘ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-93 wps
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Selecting BSS from priority group 0
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 0: 00:f7:6f:d1:33:94 ssid=‘Teknosan’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 1: 38:b1:db:5d:08:d8 ssid=‘HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 2: 4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83 ssid=‘Security’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=24 caps=0x411 level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 3: 30:5a:3a:67:17:0c ssid=‘Media Land’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-81 wps
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 4: b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c ssid=‘TeknosanSpare2’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x1431 level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 5: 10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c ssid=‘Keenetic-7254’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x411 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: skip - SSID mismatch
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: 6: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’ wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=20 caps=0x431 level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: selected based on RSN IE
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: selected BSS d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f ssid=‘MasterLead’
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Considering connect request: reassociate: 0 selected: d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f bssid: 00:00:00:00:00:00 pending: 00:00:00:00:00:00 wpa_state: SCANNING ssid=0xb7368bb0 current_ssid=0x0
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Request association with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: HS201R1 PATCH for SIM_AKA
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=12): 00 0a 4d 61 73 74 65 72 4c 65 61 64
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=3): 03 01 01
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=3): 2a 01 00
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: RSN IE in EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=24): 3d 16 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: TDLS: TDLS is allowed in the target BSS
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID ‘MasterLead’
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Cancelling scan request
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
05-26 18:14:00.614 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: clearing own WPA/RSN IE
05-26 18:14:00.615 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:14:00.615 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.615 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:14:00.615 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.615 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.619 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:14:00.621 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 399 00:27:22:aa:a8:61
05-26 18:14:00.621 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 399 00:27:22:aa:a8:61
05-26 18:14:00.622 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 399 00:27:22:aa:a8:61]
05-26 18:14:00.622 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.625 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.625 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.627 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 400 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da
05-26 18:14:00.627 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 400 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da
05-26 18:14:00.630 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 400 cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da]
05-26 18:14:00.632 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.636 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.636 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.636 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 398 c0:4a:00:b1:4d:60
05-26 18:14:00.636 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 398 c0:4a:00:b1:4d:60
05-26 18:14:00.638 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 398 c0:4a:00:b1:4d:60]
05-26 18:14:00.638 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.639 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.639 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.639 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
05-26 18:14:00.639 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
05-26 18:14:00.640 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x1
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: PMKSA cache search - network_ctx=0xb7368bb0 try_opportunistic=0
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: Search for BSSID d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: No PMKSA cache entry found
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: using IEEE 802.11i/D9.0
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Selected cipher suites: group 16 pairwise 16 key_mgmt 2 proto 2
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: clearing AP WPA IE
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: set AP RSN IE - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: using GTK CCMP
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: using PTK CCMP
05-26 18:14:00.641 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: using KEY_MGMT WPA-PSK
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Set own WPA IE default - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: SCANNING → ASSOCIATING
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_operstate: operstate 0->0 (DORMANT)
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
05-26 18:14:00.642 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.643 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-2ms what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.643 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Limit connection to BSSID d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f freq=2412 MHz based on scan results (bssid_set=0)
05-26 18:14:00.643 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Get shared freq for PHY phy0
05-26 18:14:00.643 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: No shared interface for PHY (phy0) in associated state
05-26 18:14:00.643 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set mode ifindex 10 iftype 2 (STATION)
05-26 18:14:00.643 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Unsubscribe mgmt frames handle 0xb73678d8 (mode change)
05-26 18:14:00.645 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Subscribe to mgmt frames with non-AP handle 0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.645 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.645 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 04 0a
05-26 18:14:00.646 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.646 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 04 0b
05-26 18:14:00.647 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.647 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 04 0c
05-26 18:14:00.647 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-3ms what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.647 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.648 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 04 0d
05-26 18:14:00.648 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.648 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=6): 04 09 50 6f 9a 09
05-26 18:14:00.648 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.648 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-7ms what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.649 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=5): 7f 50 6f 9a 09
05-26 18:14:00.649 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.649 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=1): 06
05-26 18:14:00.649 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-9ms what=147461 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.649 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.649 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 0a 07
05-26 18:14:00.650 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame type=0xd0 nl_handle=0xb73678d8
05-26 18:14:00.650 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Register frame match - hexdump(len=2): 0a 11
05-26 18:14:00.650 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987
05-26 18:14:00.650 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Connect (ifindex=10)
05-26 18:14:00.650 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.650 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * freq=2412
05-26 18:14:00.651 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * SSID - hexdump(len=10): 4d 61 73 74 65 72 4c 65 61 64
05-26 18:14:00.651 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * IEs - hexdump(len=28): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00 7f 04 00 00 00 80
05-26 18:14:00.651 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * Auth Type 0
05-26 18:14:00.651 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: * WPA Versions 0x2
05-26 18:14:00.652 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.652 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.652 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:14:00.652 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:14:00.653 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH ]
05-26 18:14:00.653 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.658 659-861/? W/WifiMonitor: couldn’t identify event type - WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-AUTH
05-26 18:14:00.658 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.658 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.658 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>Trying to associate with SSID ‘MasterLead’
05-26 18:14:00.658 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 Trying to associate with SSID ‘MasterLead’
05-26 18:14:00.660 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:14:00.660 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.661 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.667 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Connect request send successfully
05-26 18:14:00.667 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
05-26 18:14:00.667 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
05-26 18:14:00.667 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.667 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - EAP fail=0
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portControl=Auto
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for 00:00:00:00:00:00
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=25): 42 53 53 20 52 41 4e 47 45 3d 30 2d 20 4d 41 53 4b 3d 30 78 32 31 39 38 37
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987’
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=15
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=14
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=1 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103b len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1021 len=21
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1023 len=28
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1024 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1042 len=17
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1054 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1011 len=8
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1008 len=2
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1049 len=6
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: WFA subelement id=0 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.668 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.669 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x104a len=1
05-26 18:14:00.669 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1044 len=1
05-26 18:14:00.669 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x1047 len=16
05-26 18:14:00.669 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPS: attr type=0x103c len=1
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=id=373
ssid=HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color
ssid=DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215
ssid=Media Land
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 BSS RANGE=0- MASK=0x21987
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: id=373
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=00:f7:6f:d1:33:94
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2462
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-71
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254333952384
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Teknosan
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: id=374
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=38:b1:db:5d:08:d8
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2462
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-76
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254356529335
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS][P2P]
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=HP-Print-d8-LaserJet 200 color
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: id=375
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=b4:18:d1:e0:c0:3c
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2412
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002076229390151
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=TeknosanSpare2
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: id=376
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=4c:5e:0c:f5:a8:83
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2417
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-80
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254399977554
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Security
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: id=377
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=9e:93:4e:42:63:fd
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.669 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000106849939098
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS-AUTH][ESS][P2P]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=DIRECT-BAWorkCentre 3215
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=378
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=f8:35:dd:1b:cf:fc
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2452
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-88
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000092783728909
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=YOTA
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=379
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=30:5a:3a:67:17:0c
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-81
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0001745018265987
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Media Land
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=381
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=bc:ee:7b:ee:cc:00
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2437
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-90
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000768279245187
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=PRAL
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=382
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:7b:ef:59:7f:0c
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2452
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000205153280338
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Keenetic-7254
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=386
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2412
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-83
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000188334960600
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: id=396
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:7b:ef:5d:28:48
05-26 18:14:00.670 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2417
05-26 18:14:00.672 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:14:00.672 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.672 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:14:00.672 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.672 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.672 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:14:00.672 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.673 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-86
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0002254383014025
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=Keenetic-7939
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: id=397
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=10:bf:48:b2:cb:54
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2422
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-94
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000441932083544
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][WPA2-PSK-CCMP+TKIP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=nat-tali
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.673 659-704/? I/wifi: id=399
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=00:27:22:aa:a8:61
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2472
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-92
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0000131369881984
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=ubnt
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: ====
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: id=400
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: bssid=cc:5d:4e:4b:66:da
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: freq=2467
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: level=-93
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: tsf=0001333547520328
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: flags=[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][WPS][ESS]
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: ssid=ZyXEL_KEENETIC_4B66DA
05-26 18:14:00.674 659-704/? I/wifi: ####
05-26 18:14:00.679 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 Trying to associate with SSID ‘MasterLead’]
05-26 18:14:00.679 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x1003 ([UP])
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Event message available
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 46 (NL80211_CMD_CONNECT) received for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Connect event
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated on 2412 MHz
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Operating frequency for the associated BSS from scan results: 2412 MHz
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event ASSOC (0) received
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Association info event
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: req_ies - hexdump(len=95): 00 0a 4d 61 73 74 65 72 4c 65 61 64 01 08 02 04 0b 16 0c 12 18 24 32 04 30 48 60 6c 2d 1a 72 11 …
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: resp_ies - hexdump(len=218): 01 08 82 84 8b 96 0c 12 18 24 2d 1a 4e 10 03 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=24): 3d 16 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=2): 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Unrecognized EAPOL-Key Key Data IE - hexdump(len=2): 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: EAPOL-Key Key Data underflow (ie=73 len=110 pos=198)
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Key Data - hexdump(len=218): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: freq=2412 MHz
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: set own WPA/RSN IE - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: ASSOCIATING → ASSOCIATED
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_operstate: operstate 0->0 (DORMANT)
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated to a new BSS: BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Add randomness: count=2474 entropy=936
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=8): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=6): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random pool - hexdump(len=128): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: clearing AP WPA IE
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: set AP RSN IE - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.681 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Association event - clear replay counter
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Clear old PTK
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: TDLS: Remove peers on association
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Unauthorized
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port unauthorized for d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=1
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: enable timer tick
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Cancelling scan request
05-26 18:14:00.682 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/NetlinkEvent: clear RA flag done
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? I/NetlinkEvent: clear 0 IPv6 DNS for wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 5
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.682 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: == chip_reset_fd is set ==
05-26 18:14:00.682 152-152/? D/[BT3.0+HS]PAL: invalid reply message
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.682 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.683 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:14:00.683 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.683 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.683 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.683 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:14:00.691 659-861/? W/WifiMonitor: couldn’t identify event type - Trying to associate with SSID ‘MasterLead’
05-26 18:14:00.691 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.693 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:14:00.693 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.693 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.696 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:14:00.697 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.699 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
05-26 18:14:00.699 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
05-26 18:14:00.701 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=]
05-26 18:14:00.701 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.707 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.707 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.707 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.707 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.709 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:14:00.710 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.710 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.714 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down}
05-26 18:14:00.721 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=MasterLead]
05-26 18:14:00.721 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.728 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.728 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.728 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.728 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.730 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f]
05-26 18:14:00.730 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.731 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:14:00.733 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 down:5
05-26 18:14:00.733 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.734 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
05-26 18:14:00.739 659-861/? W/WifiMonitor: couldn’t identify event type - Associated with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.739 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.739 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.743 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:14:00.743 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.743 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.746 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RX EAPOL from d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=121): 01 03 00 75 02 00 8a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 …
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=117
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: EAPOL-Key type=2
05-26 18:14:00.749 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_info 0x8a (ver=2 keyidx=0 rsvd=0 Pairwise Ack)
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_length=16 key_data_length=22
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 de 99 f1 a5 bb 92 ca ab ec 67 bf 07 d0 d2 b6 5a 92
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_mic - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=121): 01 03 00 75 02 00 8a 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 …
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: ASSOCIATED → 4WAY_HANDSHAKE
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f (ver=2)
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: msg 1/4 key data - hexdump(len=22): dd 14 00 0f ac 04 e1 cf 59 58 02 8d 2c a5 92 ad 68 ed 67 6f 4d 55
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: PMKID in EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=22): dd 14 00 0f ac 04 e1 cf 59 58 02 8d 2c a5 92 ad 68 ed 67 6f 4d 55
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: PMKID from Authenticator - hexdump(len=16): e1 cf 59 58 02 8d 2c a5 92 ad 68 ed 67 6f 4d 55
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: no matching PMKID found
05-26 18:14:00.750 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Get randomness: len=32 entropy=937
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random from os_get_random - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=20): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random from internal pool - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random_mix_pool - hexdump(len=20): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: random from internal pool - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: mixed random - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Renewed SNonce - hexdump(len=32): 64 dd ec 37 1b 63 26 f0 b4 ee 9e 37 f0 78 ff 9c a3 3c f8 b2 10 88 0b 7c ec b1 f0 18 3f d9 69 c6
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: PTK derivation - A1=d8:3c:69:53:e3:ef A2=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Nonce1 - hexdump(len=32): 64 dd ec 37 1b 63 26 f0 b4 ee 9e 37 f0 78 ff 9c a3 3c f8 b2 10 88 0b 7c ec b1 f0 18 3f d9 69 c6
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Nonce2 - hexdump(len=32): ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 de 99 f1 a5 bb 92 ca ab ec 67 bf 07 d0 d2 b6 5a 92
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: PMK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: PTK - hexdump(len=48): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: WPA IE for msg 2/4 - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Replay Counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: KCK - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Derived Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): b4 59 b7 49 42 89 a9 22 59 8e e9 b7 fe d7 b7 f4
05-26 18:14:00.752 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=121): 01 03 00 75 02 01 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 64 dd ec 37 1b 63 26 f0 b4 ee 9e 37 f0 78 ff …
05-26 18:14:00.753 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=7 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.753 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=7 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.753 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=7 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead]
05-26 18:14:00.753 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.757 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.757 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.758 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:14:00.759 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:14:00.759 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.759 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.769 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:14:00.770 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:14:00.770 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RX EAPOL from d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=155): 01 03 00 97 02 13 ca 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 …
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=151
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: EAPOL-Key type=2
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_info 0x13ca (ver=2 keyidx=0 rsvd=0 Pairwise Install Ack MIC Secure Encr)
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_length=16 key_data_length=56
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 de 99 f1 a5 bb 92 ca ab ec 67 bf 07 d0 d2 b6 5a 92
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: key_mic - hexdump(len=16): 7a 38 01 d7 a9 67 67 d3 9a ee 59 7d f8 c4 a6 b1
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=155): 01 03 00 97 02 13 ca 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 ee a9 6b e8 55 93 28 68 42 3c 89 a1 72 b2 32 …
05-26 18:14:00.771 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: encrypted key data - hexdump(len=56): 58 6b f6 8a ef 1b e3 8a 2a 50 e8 26 77 72 19 34 96 07 e7 0e cd 51 00 9b 50 17 b8 06 31 b1 cd 0d …
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: decrypted EAPOL-Key key data - hexdump(len=48): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: 4WAY_HANDSHAKE → 4WAY_HANDSHAKE
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f (ver=2)
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: IE KeyData - hexdump(len=48): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00 dd 16 00 0f ac 01 02 00 cc 79 …
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: RSN IE in EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=22): 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: GTK in EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=24): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: KCK - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Derived Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): bc 08 3d 63 e2 74 19 2b 5d 31 57 fa 7a 33 e9 0f
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: TX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): 01 03 00 5f 02 03 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Installing PTK to the driver
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=3 addr=0xb7367f9c key_idx=0 set_tx=1 seq_len=6 key_len=16
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: addr=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portValid=1
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: 4WAY_HANDSHAKE → GROUP_HANDSHAKE
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RSN: received GTK in pairwise handshake - hexdump(len=18): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: Group Key - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED]
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=2 tx=0 len=16)
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=10 (wlan0) alg=3 addr=0xb6f703db key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=6 key_len=16
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: broadcast key
05-26 18:14:00.772 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Cancelling authentication timeout
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: GROUP_HANDSHAKE → COMPLETED
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Find the channel for p2p. wpa_s assoc_freq 2412 ifname wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Freq 2412 to op_reg_class 81 op_channel 1
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: P2P: Update p2p channels when legacy is connected 81/1
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f completed (auth) [id=1 id_str=]
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_operstate: operstate 0->1 (UP)
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: netlink: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=6
05-26 18:14:00.773 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 4
05-26 18:14:00.773 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.773 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: P2P: Station mode scan operation not pending anymore (sta_scan_pending=0 p2p_cb_on_scan_complete=0)
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE monitor send - hexdump(len=39): 2f 64 61 74 61 2f 6d 69 73 63 2f 77 69 66 69 2f 73 6f 63 6b 65 74 73 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c …
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - portValid=1
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=1
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state AUTHENTICATING
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state SUCCESS
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state AUTHENTICATED
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: Supplicant port status: Authorized
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set supplicant port authorized for d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
05-26 18:14:00.773 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: EAPOL authentication completed successfully
05-26 18:14:00.774 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=1 ifi_flags=0x11043 ([UP][RUNNING][LOWER_UP])
05-26 18:14:00.774 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface ‘wlan0’ added
05-26 18:14:00.774 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: if_removed already cleared - ignore event
05-26 18:14:00.774 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=8 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.774 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=8 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.774 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=8 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead]
05-26 18:14:00.774 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>WPA: Key negotiation completed with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 WPA: Key negotiation completed with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 WPA: Key negotiation completed with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]]
05-26 18:14:00.778 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.781 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.781 659-861/? W/WifiMonitor: couldn’t identify event type - WPA: Key negotiation completed with d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f completed (auth) [id=1 id_str=]
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f completed (auth) [id=1 id_str=]
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f completed (auth) [id=1 id_str=]]
05-26 18:14:00.782 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=9 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiHW: [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=9 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: Event [IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=1 state=9 BSSID=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f SSID=MasterLead]
05-26 18:14:00.783 659-861/? D/WifiMonitor: iface wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.790 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up}
05-26 18:14:00.805 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
05-26 18:14:00.805 659-861/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
05-26 18:14:00.805 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:14:00.806 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.806 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.811 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:600 Iface linkstate wlan0 up:5
05-26 18:14:00.811 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceLinkStateChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.811 659-677/? I/Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
05-26 18:14:00.812 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.SCAN_RESULTS flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.814 659-659/? I/WifiNotificationController: checkAndSetNotification, state:smile:ISCONNECTED
05-26 18:14:00.814 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-109ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42df5fc8 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.814 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =SCANNING and new state=CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-111ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42df5fc8 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-90ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42dcb718 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-90ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42dcb718 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-59ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42d50018 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.815 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=AUTHENTICATING
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-60ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42d50018 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-38ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42cf4138 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =AUTHENTICATING and new state=AUTHENTICATING
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-38ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42cf4138 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DisconnectedState{ when=-33ms what=147459 arg1=1 obj=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-33ms what=147459 arg1=1 obj=d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Network connection established
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState, mMtkPasspointR1Support is true
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: isHsSigmaTesting, mMtkPasspointR1Support = true
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: isHsSigmaTesting, isTesting = false
05-26 18:14:00.816 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =AUTHENTICATING and new state=OBTAINING_IPADDR
05-26 18:14:00.817 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.818 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:00.818 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:14:00.819 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:false
05-26 18:14:00.819 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:00.820 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-85 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:14:00.821 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:00.823 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:00.823 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:14:00.827 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:14:00.827 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:00.828 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:00.828 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:00.829 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:00.829 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:00.829 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:00.829 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:00.831 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:00.834 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState
05-26 18:14:00.834 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:14:00.835 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState
05-26 18:14:00.835 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Supplicant state is GROUP_HANDSHAKE before start DHCP.
05-26 18:14:00.835 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@42449188
05-26 18:14:00.835 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:00.836 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {544 interface ipv6 wlan0 enable}
05-26 18:14:00.836 19948-19948/? V/AviaryCdsReceiver: not connected
05-26 18:14:00.836 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 32 bytes
05-26 18:14:00.836 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (544 interface ipv6 wlan0 enable)
05-26 18:14:00.836 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:14:00.837 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:14:00.837 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 544 IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:14:00.837 659-10539/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 10 uid 10008 package com.google.android.gms
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:00.837 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 544 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:00.837 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:00.838 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:14:00.839 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:00.839 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:00.839 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:00.839 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:00.839 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 544 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:14:00.840 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState{ when=0 what=196609 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:14:00.840 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-35ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42c81a60 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.840 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: StoppedState{ when=-1ms what=196609 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42fc7870} }
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: WaitBeforeStartState
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-36ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42c81a60 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-36ms what=147462 obj=android.net.wifi.StateChangeResult@42c81a60 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-26ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-26ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.841 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-27ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.842 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-27ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.842 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-27ms what=131238 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.842 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: WaitBeforeStartState
05-26 18:14:00.843 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 LIST_NETWORKS
05-26 18:14:00.843 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=13): 4c 49 53 54 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 53
05-26 18:14:00.843 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘LIST_NETWORKS’
05-26 18:14:00.844 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=network id / ssid / bssid / flags / priority
0 Gans i Marta 2 any 1
1 MasterLead any [CURRENT] 0
2 MGTS_GPON_19AE any 3
3 Ectb3 any 4
4 MGTSPON174 any 5
05-26 18:14:00.844 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 LIST_NETWORKS
05-26 18:14:00.844 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: listStr:network id / ssid / bssid / flags / priority
0 Gans i Marta 2 any 1
1 MasterLead any [CURRENT] 0
2 MGTS_GPON_19AE any 3
3 Ectb3 any 4
4 MGTSPON174 any 5
05-26 18:14:00.844 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.844 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.845 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.845 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:00.846 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.847 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.848 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.849 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-15ms what=131155 arg1=17 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.850 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-16ms what=131155 arg1=17 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.850 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:00.850 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:14:00.850 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:14:00.850 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:14:00.850 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-81
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiAndLinkSpeedNative, newRssi:-81, newLinkSpeed:54, SSID:“MasterLead”
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-11ms what=196612 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-11ms what=196612 arg1=1 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1120172904, flags=0x1, tag=“DHCP_WAKELOCK”, ws=null, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:14:00.851 659-704/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“DHCP_WAKELOCK”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:14:00.852 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:14:00.853 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 1
05-26 18:14:00.853 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 1
05-26 18:14:00.853 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=19): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 42 54 43 4f 45 58 4d 4f 44 45 20 31
05-26 18:14:00.853 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 1’
05-26 18:14:00.853 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd BTCOEXMODE 1
05-26 18:14:00.853 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:14:00.854 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setSuspendOptimizationsNative: 1 false
05-26 18:14:00.854 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 0
05-26 18:14:00.854 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 0
05-26 18:14:00.854 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=8): 53 45 54 20 70 73 20 30
05-26 18:14:00.854 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SET ps 0’
05-26 18:14:00.854 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE SET ‘ps’=‘0’
05-26 18:14:00.854 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: set_p2p_powersave (legacy_ps=0 opp_ps=-1 ctwindow=-1)
05-26 18:14:00.855 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:14:00.855 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: stopBatchedScan
05-26 18:14:00.856 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER WLS_BATCHING GET
05-26 18:14:00.856 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=23): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 57 4c 53 5f 42 41 54 43 48 49 4e 47 20 47 45 54
05-26 18:14:00.856 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER WLS_BATCHING GET’
05-26 18:14:00.856 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd WLS_BATCHING GET
05-26 18:14:00.856 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Unsupported command
05-26 18:14:00.856 659-704/? E/WifiStateMachine: Unexpected BatchedScanResults :null
05-26 18:14:00.857 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER WLS_BATCHING STOP
05-26 18:14:00.857 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=24): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 57 4c 53 5f 42 41 54 43 48 49 4e 47 20 53 54 4f 50
05-26 18:14:00.857 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER WLS_BATCHING STOP’
05-26 18:14:00.857 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd WLS_BATCHING STOP
05-26 18:14:00.857 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: Unsupported command
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-17ms what=196612 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: WaitBeforeStartState{ when=-1ms what=196615 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=143375 arg1=1 arg2=196615 obj=android.net.DhcpStateMachine@42c0a2f0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-2896/? I/DhcpUtils: dhcp_stop.
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-17ms what=196612 arg1=2 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=143375 arg1=1 arg2=196615 obj=android.net.DhcpStateMachine@42c0a2f0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, blocked = true mDiscoveryBlocked = false
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, mDiscoveryBlocked = true
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, mDiscoveryPostponed = false
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: WaitBeforeStartState{ when=0 what=196615 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42fc7870} }
05-26 18:14:00.858 659-2897/? D/DhcpStateMachine: DHCPV6 request on wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.859 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:00.860 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: DHCPV4 request on wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.861 659-2896/? D/DhcpUtils: AUTOIP is NOT supported.
05-26 18:14:00.861 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-17ms what=131131 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.861 659-2896/? I/DhcpUtils: dhcp_do_request: dhcpcd_wlan0:-A -f /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf -h Fresh wlan0
05-26 18:14:00.861 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-17ms what=131131 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.861 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-17ms what=131131 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.862 659-659/? D/AppOps: noteOperation: allowing code 10 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:14:00.863 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Connecting networkId:1, isConnecting:true
05-26 18:14:00.863 659-659/? I/WifiNotificationController: Open network num:0
05-26 18:14:00.863 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTING/OBTAINING_IPADDR, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:00.863 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:00.863 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:CONNECTING, mLastState:smile:ISCONNECTED
05-26 18:14:00.864 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change OBTAINING_IPADDR
05-26 18:14:00.864 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to null
05-26 18:14:00.864 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: NotConnectedState
05-26 18:14:00.864 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTING/OBTAINING_IPADDR
05-26 18:14:00.866 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=-1ms what=131239 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.866 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-1ms what=131239 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.866 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=-1ms what=131239 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.866 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-1ms what=131239 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.866 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-2ms what=131239 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:00.867 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:00.867 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:14:00.867 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:14:00.867 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:14:00.867 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-81
05-26 18:14:00.867 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:00.867 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiNative, newRssi:-81
05-26 18:14:00.868 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:00.868 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: BSSID changed
05-26 18:14:00.870 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: fopen /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf': No such file or directory 05-26 18:14:00.871 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: version 5.5.6 starting 05-26 18:14:00.872 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: fopen
/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd.conf’: No such file or directory
05-26 18:14:00.872 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: using hwaddr d8:3c:69:53:e3:ef
05-26 18:14:00.872 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: executing /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks', reason PREINIT 05-26 18:14:00.898 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: sending IPv6 Router Solicitation 05-26 18:14:00.898 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address 05-26 18:14:00.899 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: reading lease
05-26 18:14:00.899 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: rebinding lease of
05-26 18:14:00.899 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: sending REQUEST (xid 0x31e84f5b), next in 3.60 seconds
05-26 18:14:00.975 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: acknowledged from
05-26 18:14:01.045 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: leased for 259200 seconds
05-26 18:14:01.045 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: ignore dhcpcd lease timer
05-26 18:14:01.046 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: adding IP address
05-26 18:14:01.046 128-589/? I/Netd: Get netlink event, ifname: wlan0 action: 6
05-26 18:14:01.046 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Address updated wlan0 128 0
05-26 18:14:01.046 128-589/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 614 Address updated wlan0 128 0
05-26 18:14:01.047 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {614 Address updated wlan0 128 0}
05-26 18:14:01.047 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: adding route to
05-26 18:14:01.048 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: adding default route via
05-26 18:14:01.048 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: skip set default route for wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.049 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: writing lease /data/misc/dhcp/dhcpcd-wlan0.lease' 05-26 18:14:01.050 659-677/? D/NetworkManagementService: onEvent:614 Address updated wlan0 128 0:7 05-26 18:14:01.050 21103-21103/? I/dhcpcd: dhcpcd[21104]: wlan0: executing
/system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks’, reason REBOOT
05-26 18:14:01.050 659-677/? D/WifiStateMachine: addressUpdated: on wlan0 flags 128 scope 0
05-26 18:14:01.051 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=0 what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.051 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=0 what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.051 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectModeState{ when=0 what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.052 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DriverStartedState{ when=-1ms what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.052 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStartedState{ when=-1ms what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.052 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=-1ms what=131212 obj= target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.053 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: configureLinkProperties, newLinkProperties:{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.053 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: configureLinkProperties, mLinkProperties:{LinkAddresses: [ ] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0}
05-26 18:14:01.054 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Link configuration changed for netId: 1 old: {LinkAddresses: [ ] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0}new: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.213 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: DHCPV4 succeeded on wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.215 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: dhcpResults:{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0} DHCP server / Vendor info lease 259200 seconds ppplinkname null pid 0
05-26 18:14:01.216 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: RunningState
05-26 18:14:01.217 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: RunningState{ when=-359ms what=196615 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:14:01.218 659-2896/? D/DhcpStateMachine: DefaultState{ when=-359ms what=196615 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:14:01.218 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ObtainingIpState{ when=0 what=196613 arg1=1 arg2=1 obj={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0} DHCP server / Vendor info lease 259200 seconds ppplinkname null pid 0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.219 659-2896/? E/DhcpStateMachine: Error! unhandled message { when=-360ms what=196615 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c0a530} }
05-26 18:14:01.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: L2ConnectedState{ when=-3ms what=196613 arg1=1 arg2=1 obj={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0} DHCP server / Vendor info lease 259200 seconds ppplinkname null pid 0 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_POST_DHCP_ACTION for:1, mDhcpV4Status:1, mDhcpV6Status:0
05-26 18:14:01.220 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setSuspendOptimizationsNative: 1 true
05-26 18:14:01.223 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:14:01.223 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SET ps 1
05-26 18:14:01.223 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=8): 53 45 54 20 70 73 20 31
05-26 18:14:01.223 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SET ps 1’
05-26 18:14:01.223 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE SET ‘ps’=‘1’
05-26 18:14:01.223 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: set_p2p_powersave (legacy_ps=1 opp_ps=-1 ctwindow=-1)
05-26 18:14:01.223 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: InactiveState{ when=0 what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-704/? D/wifi: doBooleanCommand IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState{ when=-1ms what=143375 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c33dd0} }
05-26 18:14:01.225 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=19): 44 52 49 56 45 52 20 42 54 43 4f 45 58 4d 4f 44 45 20 32
05-26 18:14:01.225 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘DRIVER BTCOEXMODE 2’
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, blocked = false mDiscoveryBlocked = true
05-26 18:14:01.225 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: iface wlan0 recv cmd BTCOEXMODE 2
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, mDiscoveryBlocked = false
05-26 18:14:01.225 659-703/? D/WifiP2pService: P2pEnabledState, case BLOCK_DISCOVERY, mDiscoveryPostponed = false
05-26 18:14:01.226 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=OK
05-26 18:14:01.226 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=1120172904 [DHCP_WAKELOCK], flags=0x0, total_time=374ms
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag=“DHCP_WAKELOCK”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:14:01.227 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:14:01.228 659-704/? D/PowerManagerService: Releasing suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:14:01.228 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: DHCP succeed for V4
05-26 18:14:01.228 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:14:01.229 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: configureLinkProperties, newLinkProperties:{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.230 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: configureLinkProperties, mLinkProperties:{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.231 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: Link configuration changed for netId: 1 old: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: nullMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }new: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.231 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: VerifyingLinkState
05-26 18:14:01.231 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =OBTAINING_IPADDR and new state=VERIFYING_POOR_LINK
05-26 18:14:01.232 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:01.232 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:14:01.232 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:14:01.233 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:14:01.233 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-81
05-26 18:14:01.233 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:01.233 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiAndLinkSpeedNative, newRssi:-81, newLinkSpeed:54, SSID:“MasterLead”
05-26 18:14:01.234 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.236 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: RSSI current: 1 new: -81, 1
05-26 18:14:01.236 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.RSSI_CHANGED
05-26 18:14:01.236 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-81 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:14:01.236 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.236 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.237 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:14:01.237 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.238 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.239 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.239 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.239 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTING/VERIFYING_POOR_LINK, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.239 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.240 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:false
05-26 18:14:01.240 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:CONNECTING, mLastState:CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:01.240 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.241 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:14:01.243 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change VERIFYING_POOR_LINK
05-26 18:14:01.243 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:01.243 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: ########################################
05-26 18:14:01.243 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Good link notification is sent
05-26 18:14:01.244 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.244 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: VerifyingLinkState{ when=-1ms what=135190 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler target=Handler (com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler) {42c3d8c8} }
05-26 18:14:01.245 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: VerifyingLinkState GOOD_LINK_DETECTED: transition to captive portal check
05-26 18:14:01.246 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: CaptivePortalCheckState
05-26 18:14:01.246 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =VERIFYING_POOR_LINK and new state=CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.247 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:14:01.247 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.248 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@4244be30
05-26 18:14:01.248 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.248 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:14:01.248 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.248 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.249 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.250 19948-19948/? V/AviaryCdsReceiver: not connected
05-26 18:14:01.250 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.251 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.251 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.251 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:14:01.251 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:CONNECTING, mLastState:CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:01.252 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:false
05-26 18:14:01.252 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK
05-26 18:14:01.252 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Captive portal check NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.252 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleCaptivePortalTrackerCheck: call captivePortalCheckComplete ni=NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTING/CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.253 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: CaptivePortalCheckState CMD_CAPTIVE_CHECK_COMPLETE
05-26 18:14:01.253 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.253 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.253 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.253 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.254 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK
05-26 18:14:01.254 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to null
05-26 18:14:01.255 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: BSSID changed
05-26 18:14:01.255 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.255 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.256 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: NotConnectedState
05-26 18:14:01.256 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.256 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {545 interface ipv6 wlan0 enable}
05-26 18:14:01.256 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:14:01.256 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-81 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:14:01.257 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@4244f5e0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.257 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:14:01.257 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:14:01.257 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.258 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 32 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.258 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (545 interface ipv6 wlan0 enable)
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.258 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:14:01.258 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 545 IPv6 state changed
05-26 18:14:01.258 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 545 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:14:01.258 19948-19948/? V/AviaryCdsReceiver: not connected
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.258 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.258 659-704/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 545 IPv6 state changed}
05-26 18:14:01.259 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.259 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:14:01.259 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: setDetailed state, old =CAPTIVE_PORTAL_CHECK and new state=CONNECTED
05-26 18:14:01.259 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:14:01.259 659-704/? D/WifiHW: enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:01.259 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
05-26 18:14:01.259 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command ‘SIGNAL_POLL’
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.260 782-782/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.260 659-704/? D/WifiHW: leave → reply=RSSI=-81
05-26 18:14:01.260 659-704/? D/wifi: doStringCommand, buf IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
05-26 18:14:01.260 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.260 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:14:01.261 659-704/? I/WifiStateMachine: fetchRssiAndLinkSpeedNative, newRssi:-81, newLinkSpeed:54, SSID:“MasterLead”
05-26 18:14:01.261 659-704/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.262 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.262 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-704/? D/WifiStateMachine: ConnectedState
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-659/? D/WifiNotificationController: Received NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, mNetworkInfo:NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.262 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.262 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-659/? D/WifiService: onReceive, action:android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-659/? D/WifiStateTracker: New state:CONNECTED, mLastState:CONNECTING
05-26 18:14:01.262 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
05-26 18:14:01.263 659-659/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: currentDetailState=CONNECTED
05-26 18:14:01.263 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] WIFI connected IP=
05-26 18:14:01.263 659-707/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = data_activity_timeout_wifi , value = null
05-26 18:14:01.263 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] after wait 1
05-26 18:14:01.263 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] before wait…
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-676/? I/WifiDisplayController: Received WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, connected:true
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Network state change CONNECTED
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: Update current BSSID to d4:ca:6d:67:8e:4f
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: BSSID changed
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: ConnectedState
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: OnlineWatchState
05-26 18:14:01.264 659-709/? D/WifiWatchdogStateMachine: OnlineState
05-26 18:14:01.265 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnect: E newNetType=1 thisIface=wlan0 isFailoverfalse
05-26 18:14:01.265 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Setting TCP values: [524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576] which comes from [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]
05-26 18:14:01.267 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.267 659-707/? E/ConnectivityService: Unexpected mtu value: android.net.wifi.WifiStateTracker@42c7a818
05-26 18:14:01.267 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: netType=1 doReset=false resetMask=0
05-26 18:14:01.268 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {546 resolver setifdns wlan0 mlead.local}
05-26 18:14:01.269 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 61 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.269 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (546 resolver setifdns wlan0 mlead.local
05-26 18:14:01.269 128-594/? D/libc: address of interface wlan0 is
05-26 18:14:01.269 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:14:01.269 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 546 Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:14:01.270 864-864/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.271 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 546 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:14:01.271 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: prepareDirty (0.00, 0.00, 720.00, 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:01.272 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 546 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:14:01.272 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: clear (0.00, 50 - 50.00 = 0.00, 720.00 - 0.00 = 720.00, 50.00 - 0.00 = 50.00) opaque 0 <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:01.273 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {547 resolver setdefaultif wlan0}
05-26 18:14:01.273 732-732/? D/OpenGLRenderer: finish <0x61a8eec8>
05-26 18:14:01.273 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 32 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.273 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (547 resolver setdefaultif wlan0)
05-26 18:14:01.274 128-594/? D/libc: resolv_set_default_if ifname wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.274 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:14:01.274 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 547 Resolver command succeeded
05-26 18:14:01.274 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 547 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:14:01.274 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) }, ordered=true, receiver=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver@42452ac8
05-26 18:14:01.274 19948-19948/? I/AviaryCdsReceiver: ACTION: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.274 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] after wait 1
05-26 18:14:01.274 141-252/? D/agps: [agps][n][AGPS] before wait…
05-26 18:14:01.274 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 547 Resolver command succeeded}
05-26 18:14:01.275 19948-19948/? W/AviaryCdsReceiver: CONNECTED
05-26 18:14:01.276 133-648/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [queue] fps:1.61, dur:1239.16, max:809.77, min:429.39
05-26 18:14:01.276 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.276 659-707/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.CLEAR_DNS_CACHE flg=0x24000010 } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.277 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-81 mWifiConnected is false
05-26 18:14:01.277 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.277 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:14:01.278 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: changed linkProperty[1]: doReset=false resetMask=0
newLp={InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ →, →,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: mlead.localMTU: 0HttpProxy: [ProxyProperties.mHost == null] }
05-26 18:14:01.278 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Adding → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.278 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {548 interface route add wlan0 default 24}
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 62 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (548 interface route add wlan0 default 24
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route add wlan0 default 24
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? D/DHCP: ifc_add_route(wlan0,, 24, = 0
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 548 Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? I/CommandListener: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:14:01.279 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 548 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.279 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 310 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.280 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:14:01.280 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 548 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.280 864-875/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=0
05-26 18:14:01.280 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: StatusBar [release] fps:1.62, dur:1237.96, max:808.64, min:429.32
05-26 18:14:01.280 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Adding → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.281 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {549 interface route add wlan0 default 32}
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.281 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.281 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 62 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.281 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (549 interface route add wlan0 default 32
05-26 18:14:01.281 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route add wlan0 default 32
05-26 18:14:01.282 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [release] fps:1.62, dur:1238.20, max:808.68, min:429.51
05-26 18:14:01.282 133-133/? I/BufferQueue: FrameBufferSurface_0 [queue] fps:1.62, dur:1238.25, max:808.66, min:429.59
05-26 18:14:01.282 133-133/? I/SurfaceFlinger: [Built-in Screen (type:0)] fps:1.615151,dur:1238.27,max:808.65,min:429.63
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? D/DHCP: ifc_add_route(wlan0,, 32, = 0
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 549 Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:14:01.282 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 549 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 310 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: UH 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.282 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:14:01.283 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.284 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 549 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.284 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:14:01.284 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: Adding → for interface wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.285 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {550 interface route add wlan0 default 0}
05-26 18:14:01.286 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 61 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.286 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (550 interface route add wlan0 default 0
05-26 18:14:01.286 128-594/? D/CommandListener: [run Route CMD]: route add wlan0 default 0
05-26 18:14:01.287 128-594/? D/DHCP: ifc_add_route(wlan0,, 0, = 0
05-26 18:14:01.287 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient msg = Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.287 128-594/? D/SocketClient: SocketClient sendDatalocked done: 200 550 Route added to default table
05-26 18:14:01.287 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute ++
05-26 18:14:01.287 659-699/? D/NetdConnector: RCV ← {200 550 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.287 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
05-26 18:14:01.288 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: UG 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.288 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.288 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: U 310 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.288 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: UH 0 0 0 wlan0
05-26 18:14:01.288 128-594/? I/CommandListener_: DumpRoute –
05-26 18:14:01.288 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.289 659-707/? D/NetdConnector: RMV ← {200 550 Route added to default table}
05-26 18:14:01.289 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.289 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.289 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.289 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: handleConnectivityChange: resetting
05-26 18:14:01.289 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.289 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:14:01.289 659-707/? D/Nat464Xlat: requiresClat: netType=1, hasIPv4Address=true
05-26 18:14:01.290 659-707/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = connectivity_change_delay , value = null
05-26 18:14:01.290 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcast: action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:14:01.290 864-1073/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: isNetworkRoaming slotId=1
05-26 18:14:01.290 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), dataTypeIconId=0
05-26 18:14:01.290 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.290 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.290 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.291 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:14:01.291 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is false
05-26 18:14:01.291 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.291 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.291 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.291 659-707/? V/ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{42853ab0 659:system/1000}
05-26 18:14:01.292 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.292 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.292 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.292 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.292 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: onReceive, intent action = android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.292 659-707/? D/ConnectivityService: sendStickyBroadcastDelayed: delayMs=3000, action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE
05-26 18:14:01.292 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=1119454288, flags=0x1, tag=“NetworkStats”, ws=null, uid=1000, pid=659
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag=“NetworkStats”, packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=659, workSource=null
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/AppOps: startOperation: allowing code 40 uid 1000 package android
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver action=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x1
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: newScreenState = 2
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerDisplayController: requestPowerState: screenState=2, useProximitySensor=false, forceProximitySensorEnable=false, forceWakeUpEnable=false, screenBrightness=94, screenAutoBrightnessAdjustment=0.0, useAutoBrightness=false, useEcoBrightness=false, blockScreenOn=false, waitForNegativeProximity=false
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? I/PowerManagerService: setBrightness mButtonLight 0.
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: updateScreenStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, newScreenState=2, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x1, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? D/PowerManagerService: Acquiring suspend blocker “PowerManagerService.WakeLocks”.
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-691/? D/PowerManagerService: handleSandman: canDream=false, mWakefulness=Awake
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? V/NetworkStats: updateIfacesLocked()
05-26 18:14:01.293 659-700/? V/NetworkStats: performPollLocked(flags=0x3)
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: updateWifiState: mWifiLevel = 1 mWifiRssi=-81 mWifiConnected is true
05-26 18:14:01.294 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[ ], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: “MasterLead”, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false, simId: 0
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.294 659-722/? D/MtkAgps: [MtkAgpsManagerService] StatusReceiver done
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), DataConnected=false simColorId = 0
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), set parameters to signal cluster view.
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setWifiIndicators, visible=true, strengthIcon=com.mediatek.systemui.ext.IconIdWrapper@42539b28, activityIcon=com.mediatek.systemui.ext.IconIdWrapper@42539b40, contentDescription=Wi-Fi: одно деление
05-26 18:14:01.294 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(0), tempPhoneSignalIconId.0 = 2130837795 tempPhoneSignalIconId.1 = 0 tempMobileActivityIconId= 0 tempDataTypeIconId= 0
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setMobileDataIndicators(0), visible=true, strengthIcon[0] ~ [1] 2130837795 ~ 0
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setIsAirplaneMode=false
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.295 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 cmp=ru.yandex.disk/com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsReceiver (has extras) } packageName=ru.yandex.disk resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(0), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(0), NetworkType=Type_3G
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is true
05-26 18:14:01.295 19948-19948/? D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@42454d28 className=com.aviary.android.feather.sdk.internal.cds.AviaryCdsService packageName=ru.yandex.disk intent=null}
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.295 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.295 19948-19948/? D/dalvikvm: create interp thread : stack size=128KB
05-26 18:14:01.295 19948-19948/? D/dalvikvm: create new thread
05-26 18:14:01.296 19948-19948/? D/dalvikvm: new thread created
05-26 18:14:01.296 19948-19948/? D/dalvikvm: update thread list
05-26 18:14:01.296 19948-21132/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=16: interp stack at 0x60397000
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.296 732-732/? D/StatusBar.NetworkController: refreshViews(1), DataConnected=false simColorId = -1
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(0), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setRoamingFlagandResource(1), roaming=false, roamingId=0
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setShowSimIndicator(1), showSimIndicator=false simIndicatorResource = 0
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: setDataNetType3G(1), NetworkType=null
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), mWifiVisible is true
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(0), SimInserted=true
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=true
05-26 18:14:01.297 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=0, mRoaming=false mMobileActivityId=0 mMobileTypeId=0 mMobileStrengthId[0] = 2130837795 mMobileStrengthId[1] = 0
05-26 18:14:01.297 659-700/? D/NetdConnector: SND → {551 bandwidth gettetherstats}
05-26 18:14:01.298 128-594/? I/FrameworkListener: onDataAvailable get 29 bytes
05-26 18:14:01.298 128-594/? D/FrameworkListener: dispatchCommand data = (551 bandwidth gettetherstats)
05-26 18:14:01.298 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: onReceive:CONNECTIVITY_ACTION_IMMEDIATE
05-26 18:14:01.298 659-701/? V/Provider/Settings: from settings cache , name = gprs_connection_setting , value = 0
05-26 18:14:01.298 19948-21132/? D/dalvikvm: threadid=16: created from interp
05-26 18:14:01.298 659-701/? D/ConnectivityService: getMobileDataEnabledGemini dataEnabledSlotId:-1 slotId:0
05-26 18:14:01.298 19948-19948/? D/dalvikvm: start new thread
05-26 18:14:01.298 659-701/? V/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolicyLocked()
05-26 18:14:01.299 864-1216/? D/PhoneInterfaceManagerEx: [PhoneIntfMgrEx] hasIccCard simId=0
05-26 18:14:01.299 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(0) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.299 732-732/? D/SIMHelper: isSimInserted(1), SimInserted=false
05-26 18:14:01.299 864-1075/? D/PhoneInterfaceManager: getSimState simId = 0prop = READY
05-26 18:14:01.299 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(), slotId=1, mMobileVisible=true, mShouldMobileGroupVisible=false
05-26 18:14:01.299 732-732/? D/SignalClusterView: apply(). mIsAirplaneMode is false, NWType slot(1) is 8
05-26 18:14:01.299 659-701/? D/NetworkPolicy: ensureActiveMobilePolic