I am trying to upgrade from IAP 4.1.5 to IAP 4.5, but my Android builds are crashing on boot.
The logcat output is very brief, and I don’t see anything of importance. It will be below.
I have tried adding my own outputs, but they don’t show. I believe this means the app is crashing before any of my code even has a chance to run in it’s barest form.
I saw that I need to init the Unity Gaming Services system first (as per the changelog), and I am doing that.
I am using:
Unity 2021.3.1f1 LTS
IAP 4.5
Services.Core 1.4.0
Any help would be greatly appreciated
0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of main
2022/10/07 09:25:53.506 649 649 Error LLC.BreweryBos Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x800000
2022/10/07 09:25:53.539 649 649 Warn LLC.BreweryBos JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
2022/10/07 09:25:53.543 649 649 Info Perf Connecting to perf service.
2022/10/07 09:25:53.546 649 649 Info LLC.BreweryBos [GL_OOM] ClampGrowthLimit 268435456
2022/10/07 09:25:53.547 649 649 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2022/10/07 09:25:53.547 649 649 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
2022/10/07 09:25:53.558 649 649 Error Config:Grabber:OnePlusFontConfig Index 0 requested, with a size of 0
2022/10/07 09:25:53.594 649 649 Info IL2CPP JNI_OnLoad
2022/10/07 09:25:53.606 649 649 Verbose ViewRootImpl The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed
2022/10/07 09:25:53.634 649 649 Info Gralloc4 mapper 4.x is not supported
2022/10/07 09:25:53.634 649 649 Warn Gralloc3 mapper 3.x is not supported
2022/10/07 09:25:53.664 649 649 Debug DecorView onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot hasFocus: true, DecorView@f686f1e[UnityPlayerActivity]
2022/10/07 09:25:53.666 649 649 Debug ViewRootImpl[UnityPlayerActivity] windowFocusChanged hasFocus=true inTouchMode=true
2022/10/07 09:25:53.675 649 14105 Info Unity MemoryManager: Using ‘Dynamic Heap’ Allocator.
2022/10/07 09:25:53.691 649 14105 Info Unity SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 7634mb
2022/10/07 09:25:53.691 649 14105 Info Unity SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf)
2022/10/07 09:25:53.691 649 14105 Info Unity ApplicationInfo com.FunnerSoftLLC.BreweryBoss version 1.0.6
2022/10/07 09:25:53.691 649 14105 Info Unity Built from ‘2021.3/staging’ branch, Version ‘2021.3.1f1 (3b70a0754835)’, Build type ‘Release’, Scripting Backend ‘il2cpp’, CPU ‘arm64-v8a’, Stripping ‘Enabled’
2022/10/07 09:25:53.889 649 14105 Error libprocessgroup set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
2022/10/07 09:25:53.889 649 14105 Info chatty uid=10541(com.FunnerSoftLLC.BreweryBoss) UnityMain identical 14 lines
2022/10/07 09:25:53.890 649 14105 Error libprocessgroup set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
2022/10/07 09:25:53.896 649 14105 Info Unity Company Name: FunnerSoft LLC
2022/10/07 09:25:53.896 649 14105 Info Unity Product Name: BreweryBoss
2022/10/07 09:25:53.900 649 14105 Debug vulkan searching for layers in ‘/data/app/~~O5gYQMdzEL5TNeBd4a_OsA==/com.FunnerSoftLLC.BreweryBoss-dzwN0ZPFVZlkRbGv9vtnZA==/lib/arm64’
2022/10/07 09:25:53.901 649 14105 Debug vulkan searching for layers in ‘/data/app/~~O5gYQMdzEL5TNeBd4a_OsA==/com.FunnerSoftLLC.BreweryBoss-dzwN0ZPFVZlkRbGv9vtnZA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a’
2022/10/07 09:25:53.901 649 14105 Debug vulkan searching for layers in ‘/data/app/~~O5gYQMdzEL5TNeBd4a_OsA==/com.FunnerSoftLLC.BreweryBoss-dzwN0ZPFVZlkRbGv9vtnZA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a’
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== BEGIN DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS =====
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== END DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS =====
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 8e5405b, I57aaec3440
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 05/21/21
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.32.02.10
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : mybranchebba1dbe-451b-f160-ac81-1458d0b52ae8
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.1.0.r135-rel
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64
2022/10/07 09:25:53.903 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/vulkan.adreno.so
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 8e5405b, I57aaec3440
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 05/21/21
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.32.02.10
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : mybranchebba1dbe-451b-f160-ac81-1458d0b52ae8
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.1.0.r135-rel
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64
2022/10/07 09:25:53.905 649 14105 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/vulkan.adreno.so
2022/10/07 09:25:53.917 649 14105 Warn Gralloc4 allocator 3.x is not supported
2022/10/07 09:25:53.917 649 14105 Warn Gralloc3 allocator 3.x is not supported
2022/10/07 09:25:53.926 649 14105 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Debug LLC.BreweryBos PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Debug LLC.BreweryBos TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Debug AudioTrack set(): streamType 3, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, notificationFrames -28, sessionId 10033, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Warn AudioTrack set(): notificationFrames=-28 clamped to the range -1 to -8
2022/10/07 09:25:53.933 649 14105 Info AudioTrack ull 2 ll!
2022/10/07 09:25:53.937 649 14105 Info AudioTrack createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 → 1536
2022/10/07 09:25:53.939 649 14105 Debug AudioTrack ClientUid 10541 AudioTrack::start
2022/10/07 09:25:53.940 649 649 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
2022/10/07 09:25:54.028 649 649 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10541; state: ENABLED
2022/10/07 09:25:54.183 649 14151 Info IL2CPP Locale en-US