[Crash] OpenAdapter10_2

Hi Unity Team,

The game doesn’t start on ATI:
AMD Radeon HD 7660G
AMD Radeon HD 8650G
AMD Radeon HD 8610G

Affects Version: Unity 2019.1

Logs in attachments.

Have any solutions?

========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00007FFED79FF41E (aticfx64) OpenAdapter10_2
0x00007FFED79EEB96 (aticfx64) OpenAdapter10_2
0x00007FFED935D10C (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFED935B950 (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFED938451C (d3d11) D3D11CoreGetLayeredDeviceSize
0x00007FFED9343A93 (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFED93434CC (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFED93433D4 (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFED9343433 (d3d11) D3D11CoreCreateDevice
0x00007FFEDAF9603E (dxgi) DXGIReportAdapterConfiguration
0x00007FFEDAFAAD41 (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
0x00007FFEDAFAAB12 (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
0x00007FFEDAFBB679 (dxgi) DXGID3D10CreateLayeredDevice
0x00007FFEDDA42BA0 (msvcrt) tanhf
0x00007FFEDD9E3905 (msvcrt) _unDNameEx
0x00007FFEDD9DB1FF (msvcrt) CxxThrowException
0x00007FFEDD9E3AC5 (msvcrt) _unDNameEx
0x00007FFEDD9DB55A (msvcrt) _CxxFrameHandler3
0x00007FFEDFF7F85D (ntdll) _chkstk
0x00007FFEDFEEE240 (ntdll) RtlUnwindEx
0x00007FFEDD9DB4A1 (msvcrt) CxxThrowException
0x00007FFEDD9E2A14 (msvcrt) _unDNameEx
0x00007FFEDD9E2D9F (msvcrt) _unDNameEx
0x00007FFEDD9E3BC7 (msvcrt) _unDNameEx
0x00007FFEDD9DB55A (msvcrt) _CxxFrameHandler3
0x00007FFEDAFB6C4C (dxgi) DXGID3D10CreateLayeredDevice
0x00007FFEDFF7F7DD (ntdll) _chkstk
0x00007FFEDFEED856 (ntdll) RtlWalkFrameChain
0x00007FFEDFEEBE9A (ntdll) RtlRaiseException
0x00007FFEDC9CA388 (KERNELBASE) RaiseException
0x00007FFEDD9DAEEA (msvcrt) CxxThrowException
0x00007FFEDAFA443D (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
0x00007FFEDAF92ED5 (dxgi) DXGIReportAdapterConfiguration
0x00007FFEDAF92DBF (dxgi) DXGIReportAdapterConfiguration
0x00007FFEDAFA1BDD (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
0x00007FFEDAFE519C (dxgi) DXGIGetDebugInterface1
0x00007FFEDAFE4E6F (dxgi) DXGIGetDebugInterface1
0x00007FFE8816ADB5 (gameoverlayrenderer64) OverlayHookD3D3
0x00007FFE8878F189 (UnityPlayer) PAL_Memory_Free
0x00007FFE8878F2C0 (UnityPlayer) PAL_Memory_Free
0x00007FFE8877DD5F (UnityPlayer) PAL_Memory_Free
0x00007FFE88F00A0D (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x00007FFE88812738 (UnityPlayer) PAL_Memory_Free
0x00007FFE8894D646 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x00007FFE88A538CC (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x00007FFE88813A10 (UnityPlayer) PAL_Memory_Free
0x00007FFE8881769B (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: ‘Попытка обращения к неверному адресу.’ (Address: 00007FF782F011F2)
0x00007FF782F011F2 (AtomRPG_x64) (function-name not available)
0x00007FFEDF494034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFEDFF53691 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

4698797–443402–ati_logs.zip (14.8 KB)

Can you attach the generated .dmp file?

1 Like

Sure, the dmp file is already here.

4705124–444368–ATI_G_Crash.zip (39.7 KB)

The crash dump contains happens inside AMD gfx driver (atiuxp64.dll) when creating the DXGI swapchain object. After looking at the dump file, I’m quite certain the issue isn’t part of Unity, but rather part of the driver. Furthermore, the driver that’s used in the dump file is dated to July 21, 2015 (that’s 4 years ago!). I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think there is anything we can fix.

One thing to note is that GameOverlayRenderer64.dll is injecting itself in the swapchain creation. Perhaps try disabling steam overlay for the game to see if it fixes it?

Roger that!
One confuses that player launch the game without crash before update 2019.1+
BTW: I’ll get MSI laptop(where the crash happens) in a couple of days, maybe there are ideas that look first. Switch to old DXGI Swap?

So in Unity 2019.1, we switched to using DXGI flip model swap chain.

However, we also added two ways to go to the old blt-blt model:

• Checkbox in player settings (uncheck “Use DXGI Flip Model Swapchain for D3D11”)
• Boot config entry. In GameName_Data\boot.config, add this line:


Going back to blt model will definitely hurt you performance (that’s the reason we switch to flip model in 2019.1).