I’ve ever mentioned in the previous post telling about the every-time crash when making a build of my project in windows pro version. Unity support suggested me to upload my project for them to analyze. But even I tried hard to shrink the size of the project, size of 2GB must be uploaded since it’s hard to find out the minimum crash-able project if I had no idea which caused the crash.
Yesterday I tried a whole day using dozens’ of combination to minimize my project and happened to find if I moved some assets out of the Assets/Resources folder, I successfully made a build! I tried several times and it worked with no crash! So I thought there must be some “secret” in the “Resources” folder and this morning I wanted to conclude something because moving assets out of the “Resources” folder is the last step when successfully making the first build under windows 2.5. Before posting, I tried again to build the same project, it CRASHED! I tried several times, no luck today, never made a build. To point out, it is the same project I did nothing to it while it can be built yesterday afternoon. So the problem is still unsolved and remains mysterious. No conclusion can be made on a random success.
I had a similar situation a while back. I could not build any kind of standalone at all. Unity would crash every time. I ended up getting it to finally build by removing some assets from the Resource folder. Then the project built.
I however, deleted the assets and reimported them into a folder other then Resources. Since then the problem hasn’t returned. I’m assuming Unity didn’t like something with some of my assets and reimporting them seemed to fix it. Not sure why :?
Don’t really have a solution for you, other than trying to reimport some assets. Not really sure what caused my problem nor can I reproduce it.
I’ve been working with v2.5 on XP Pro very intensively for the past two days.
Unity will at times go poof on me - not so much as to make me frustrated, just enough lets say to make me “save early and often…”
Of course I’m hoping that whatever is causing the random crashes will be cleaned up by v2.6.
I just created my first build and I didn’t have any probs at all!
Stepped away while the build was in progress to get some snacks, on the way back I heard the intro music to my test level since it had already started playing.
I do not mean that it will ALWAYS crash, I can build other projects successfully. But you will feel so frustrated if the crash happens RANDOMLY and with little active explanation from Unity support.
I have more than 50 textures in one folder, each will be used in one scene. Sometime one image can not be imported directly into Unity, but it can be opened and edited in Photoshop, later it can be imported into Unity with no problem; sometime when I change an image’s resolution from 1024 to 2048, Unity crashed, but sometimes Unity acted well. :?:
Same issues on Vista. Unity on Windows feels very much like an incomplete product and was just rushed out there to stake a claim that it’s now available on Windows.
I’m running this thing on a quad core with plenty of ram and graphics memory so I know system specs are not the issue. It’s just a sloppy port. I average out at about 1 crash an hour plus random compile errors that have nothing to do with scripts I’m running. Restarting Unity makes them go away.
Mm… keep in mind that 2.5 is first version for Windows, first versions tend to be like this until they are a bit further battle tested. There’s some stablity kinks to work out, but I must say, we’re pretty proud of our first Windows version. ^^
Be assured that we’re trying our hardest to muscle them out with extensive further QA and new hardcore automated testing. And 2.5.1 is going to make a lot of Windows users quite happy. ^^
Please Caitlyn, if you folks aren’t seeing any of the stuff we’ve mentioned, let us know so we can provide more input.
I know for me, Unity does poof to the crash report dialog on an (infrequent) regularity.
I defend myself by saving often so it’s not too bad for me, though I do still get caught out there from time to time forgetting to save after tweaking some parameters or adding assets.
Being that I’m just learning and I’m only making prototypes and tests it’s not that bad but I can imagine this can be very painful for others.
Perhaps an autosave system would be handy?
I however understand these are growing pains for the Windows version.
I can’t wait to see what you guys give us in the next update! 8)
If I understand correctly, building a game on Windows with a 6 GB project file (I assume mostly textures), will crash on build? I’ll look into this with a dummy project, but if I can’t reproduce, would it be possible for you to upload your project to some FTP server?
I think Unity tries put ALL objects together into memory, what is impossible in win32 eg XP or Vista (and maybe other systems)
They have limit to address
hardware up to 4GB ( == 2^32 )
software up to 3GB (in my experience windows never address more than that)
per application up to 2GB (which could be exacly what you findout )
how to solve?
Short term: try 64 technology processors with 64 systems which allows you to allocate 2^64bytes of ram (in our technology it equals unlimited)
Long term: Unity should menage memory (if I have right about what I wrote) to build projects in parts, and not allocate more than 1,5GB - 1,9GB per segment.
Not really i am building the 6 gb project on mac, getting a game with 1 gb for mac or windows.
I am building my 6 gb project on MAC with unity 2.1 not windows!
And most of the stuff is sound which comes from ressources folder (because of localisation)
I think we already uploaded it for your QA, i am from brainmonster studios (perhaps that helps you finding the project)