Crash report xcode organizer symbol

I did a simple test :

public class crashscript : MonoBehaviour

void Start () {

	Dummy myCrashClass = null;


This crashes of course and : running from Xcode i can see the call stack and name of who is crashing.

On Xcode organizer it’s impossible to understand who is crashing, symbols are loaded but that’s is how it looks

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x00000000e7ffdefe
Triggered by Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed:

0 ProductName 0x008db810 CrashedCheckBellowForHintsWhy() (

1 ProductName 0x00c775e4 UnhandledExceptionHandler_CUSTOM_HandleUnhandledException(MonoObject*,

2 ProductName 0x00790358 m_4513 + 200

3 ProductName 0x00e6df30 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 2152

4 ProductName 0x00f10fb0 mono_runtime_invoke + 132

5 ProductName 0x00f11134 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke + 128

6 ProductName 0x00f153a8 call_unhandled_exception_delegate + 340

7 ProductName 0x00f172bc mono_unhandled_exception + 328

8 ProductName 0x00e7e17c mono_handle_exception_internal + 952

9 ProductName 0x00e7ea14 mono_handle_exception + 64

10 ProductName 0x00e9ae00 mono_arm_throw_exception + 184

11 ProductName 0x00e9ad3c mono_arm_throw_exception_by_token + 64

12 ProductName 0x0083dfb8 throw_corlib_exception + 40

13 ProductName 0x00b67fa4 MonoBehaviour::InvokeMethodOrCoroutineChecked(ScriptingMethod*, MonoObject*,

So it’s not so usefull to have a crash report, I am missing something? Help appreciated!

No, i gave up. It’s amazing that you cannot understand who is crashing even with this small example