Crash when launching game with an exception of Unable to load DLL 'MicrosoftOpenXRPlugin'


Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

Forwarding to microsoft, but do you know what version of the microsoft openxr package you have in stalled?

Following up on that, if you could provide:

  • Which version of the Microsoft OpenXR package do you have installed?

  • Were you building x86/x64/ARM/ARM64?

  • The latest versions of the Microsoft package support x64, ARM, and ARM64, but some earlier versions only supported x64 and ARM64.

Form the traces above, it sees, @emrys90 , you are running an unknown openxr runtime. Is this an conformant openxr runtime? How did you configured your project? Is it a standalone (win32) platform? Are you building your app in x86 or x86_x64 flavor? Any context information can help us diagnose and therefore help you.

I’m not sure to be honest. I uninstalled the WMR OpenXR runtime as I realized it wasn’t necessary, I just needed the normal OpenXR plugin instead.

Let’s narrow this down a bit. Can you answer Kurtis’s question above? what version is your package and what target platform are you building your app? What VR device are you using on your computer? And what is your openxr feature settings? for example like this in my project.