Crash when using script after load scene


When I run my script after loading the scene with a TMP UI Button it crashes:




When load the scene from another scene either with or without a button it does not crash:

void Start()

public void Test()

Note- I used loadscenemode.single and it does not work; It does not crash from the scene loading itself, but rather when I use a script after loading the scene. I am pretty sure that the other script used after the load does not relate because it only triggers in this specific situation.

I’ve also tested it as a build and it crashes then too. Can anyone help me fix this issue? Thanks to any help.

What does the console say?
What does the log file say? Unity - Manual: Log files

The editor crashes before i can see the console

Then what does the editor log say?

Upload the file. Don’t just dump the text here, especially as a forum post can’t have that many characters in it.

Add a Debug.Log wherever you’re loading a scene to see how many times your loading the scene, and to verify it’s the right scene.


9837753–1415376–Editor - Copy.txt (29.5 KB)

I only load it once, and it doesn’t crash until I interact with any scripts

To be fair, looking at your code here:

void Start()

Were you loading the same scene with this? This will just go infinite and indeed crash the editor.

Yeah I used this (not commented) in another script and another scene, it did not crash like it does from the same scene with:

public void ResetScene()

used on a TMPro UI button

I fixed it by removing a while loop from another script. Not sure why it is connected but thanks for the help