Ever since I upgraded to Unity 5.2 I have been experiencing editor crashes with a speciffic project which prevent me from working. The crashes happen when I build the game (for Windows/Linux) and when I exit play mode in the editor. I’ve been having crashes when exiting play mode since 5.1 on this specific project but I’ve always been able to build it.
Both crashes produce the same output in the log stating “Crash!!!”. I have no code errors and the game runs fine in play mode in the editor. I also haven’t changed anything in the project prior to the upgrade and after that. My OS is Windows 10 and I don’t have a machine with an older Windows (neither at home nor at work) to test if it builds.
I’m attaching the editor log. Looking at it I couldn’t see anything that I know can cause problems. Again, these crashes happen only on that specific project but the project is errorless and it was building before upgrading to 5.2.
Could anyone land a hand and shed some light on what might be causing this ? I hope I’m just missing something in the error log that otherwise is fixible.
2310210–155654–Editor.zip (50.1 KB)