Crashes and no bug reporter? Please tell us!

Hi everybody,
We would like to know if any of you have had the latest versions of 5.6b crash on you without the bug reporter showing up. These crashes tend to get reported less often, and are therefore at a higher risk to slip into final releases. In order to maximize the stability of 5.6 we have to know about the instabilities. If you are experiencing crashes that aren’t followed by the appearance of the bug reporter, please reply in this thread and tell us how often they occur.


I’ve seen lots of cases where Unity doesn’t crash, but freezes, with no Bug reporter window appearing. I’ve seen this in previous versions, but hadn’t been seeing this in 5.6b9 until today. I have had a of regular crashes with the bug reporter window in 5.6b9, but the freezes are new today. I’m wondering if something about my project is corrupted. I’m trying a reimport of all assets now, so hopefully this will help. In general though, 5.6b9 seems to be less stable than some of the previous betas.

Yes, I’ve got Fedora 25, and it builds, but then this happens. I’m trying to convince a teacher to let me use Linux, and in the past it has launched randomly at around 5.4. How do you fix this without re-downloading?

Edit 2:25PM
–No go. It doesn’t work. Again, if one of you knows how to update Unity to another beta from CLI it would be GREATLY appreciated – so that download times only get relevant updates instead of nuke and reinstall, adding a 4-hour process via our Internet (which is terrible).

Loading an AudioClip with LoadAudioData() from a unloaded assetbundle causes an error on 5.5.2f1, that’s correct.

However, in 5.6.0b10 I didn’t get any error, and the editor freezes after stop the game.

If you’re on Windows - you can ask Task Manager to create a dump file of a process. If it hangs again, please take a hang dump and submit a bug report and post the bug # here?

Ok, we’ll I’ve submitted lots of bug reports (via the bug reporter window), but actually haven’t seen any freezes for awhile. If I see another freeze, I’ll try taking a dump file. thanks.

FYI - I found what seems to be a repeatable bug. When I change PhysicManager Default Solver Velocity from 1 to 10, Unity freezes every time without opening the bug window. I took a dump using the Task Manager attacked to Case 888871

I also opened Case 888908 because now I’m seeing freezes even when not adjusting the PhysicsManager settings. It’s a bit odd because at the moment my project seems to be crashing within seconds of when I start it. But I’ve had times even today where this was not the case. The freezing seems to come and go.

Our game isn’t even using Unity’s physics, but I had both 5.6.0b9 and 5.6.0b11 hang up two different systems (Windows 10 with latest patches, GTX 1080 on one system, GTX 970 on another) so that the machines had to be rebooted by the power switch. Not even the Task Manager was responding, so unfortunately I don’t have any means of creating a dump file. All I can offer is the anecdote that the crashes mostly seemed to happen after running the game in the editor.

There were plenty of warnings in converting the project from 5.4.4f1 which we currently run, but I didn’t get around to resolving these since the system doesn’t feel stable enough for production work at this point. I did notice one curious artifact, though - I use 2D colliders quad to mark regions of gameplay, and their scales had mysteriously changed (more or less halved) in the scene.

Not sure if this is relevant here but unity 5.6.0.b11 does not set uses-features tag in the generated APK despite having the mode correctly set in manifest as well. We sent the apk to Google also to verify as daydream does not allow uploading apks generated from 5.6.0b11 due to missing

Not relevant here.


I get no bug reporter from the menu in 5.6.0f1. I was trying to report a broken material inspector, but I suspect now that there’s some global editor UI resources missing or something. 5.6.0f1 OS X, downloaded an hour ago.

Unable to find required resource at ‘Editor Default Resources/Previews/PreviewMaterials.fbx’

Unable to load the icon: ‘MonoLogo’.
Note that either full project path should be used (with extension) or just the icon name if the icon is located in the following location: ‘Assets/Editor Default Resources/Icons/’ (without extension, since png is assumed)

et cetera, et cetera…

@ecurtz can you give us more details about the issue you are experiencing ? i’ve tried 5.6f1 on OSX and the Bug Reporter is there. Also could not trigger any errors. Can you post the editor.log or submit a bug with a project that reproduces the issues ?

I’m trying to reproduce. It was the end of a long day and I very stupidly threw away the installation, since it appeared to be broken out of the box.

In Beta 5.6f1 I made a mac player and when I try to configure the input in the first screen it stays with the waiting for input popup. even when keys are pressed

Calling Unity - Scripting API: Animations.AnimatorController.RemoveLayer on a semi-complex animator is locking the editor for me without giving a bug reporter window.

Could we please get bug reports for these issues?

Using Unity 5.6.0f1, crashes without a bug reporter every time I load a project or try to create one.

When I first start it, it opens that example project with the car, and that works fine.