Crashes in Build be more verbose

Right now, if burst causes a crash in a build, usually it is rather non-descript.

“lib_burst_generated.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module lib_burst_generated.dll at 0023:5b3bada0.”

Everything works fine in the editor, so debugging this becomes a nightmare. It would be nice if the crash generated would be able to provide a working file to at least look into.

Note: This seems to be a crash from something due to 1.13 entities and 1.4 burst. I will be debugging this more and provide a repro when I can. :slight_smile: It works in 1.10 entities and 1.3 burst

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The dmp file + pdb provides everything you need. Should give you the line of code that crashed.

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@Soaryn Did you ever get to the bottom of your crash? I’m running into the same issue.

Fwiw, I’m using Entities 0.14.0-preview.19 and Burst 1.3.2 (which is the listed dependency for that version of Entities).

Pardon my ignorance, but how is this done? I have both of these files, but I’m not sure how to use them to find the line that crashed.

I have reported this with a response of “I’ll pass it a long to the team.”

So far a temp but feasible solution was to delete the library folder. Your mileage may vary.

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How often do you have to delete it? Before making each Build?

I’ve only done it once thus far.

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@PublicEnumE there’s a very helpful answer from @Zec_1 to exactly that question, here:

EDIT: Ha, I just realised that forum thread I linked to is, in fact, yours :slight_smile: