Hi dear forum members,
I’m getting extremely many Android and iOS crashes since a few days and I’m very sure that they must come from ironSource or some installed adapter, because these crashes started only when I updated the ironSource SDK and with it of course all other adapters. Also, according to Firebase, the crash always occurs pretty much 30-40s on Android and 4-6s on iOS - after the “ad_impression” event. I can’t tell much from the stack trace, unfortunately, except that it must have something to do with “AssetLoader.downloadTemplateZip” or “NetworkClient.loadAsset”.
For Android, unfortunately I can’t get a readable crash log even though the symbols were successfully uploaded:
Crashed: Thread: SIGSEGV 0x0000000000000000
#00 pc 0x31768 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#01 pc 0x31564 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#02 pc 0x2f0f8 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#03 pc 0x45660 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#04 pc 0x40d9c libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#05 pc 0x40d78 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#06 pc 0x40d78 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#07 pc 0x40d78 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#08 pc 0x40d78 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#09 pc 0x40d78 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#10 pc 0x4c710 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#11 pc 0x41360 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#12 pc 0x4e964 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#13 pc 0x5a824 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#14 pc 0x9f038 libglslcompiler.so (BuildId: cfe6321615336eb758502e560ad2040d)
#15 pc 0x6b7fc libGLESv2_POWERVR_ROGUE.so (BuildId: f3ecde2889a8beaaaebecf30d9bd436a)
#16 pc 0x6b438 libGLESv2_POWERVR_ROGUE.so (BuildId: f3ecde2889a8beaaaebecf30d9bd436a)
#17 pc 0x80300 libGLESv2_POWERVR_ROGUE.so (BuildId: f3ecde2889a8beaaaebecf30d9bd436a)
#18 pc 0x52ff754 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#19 pc 0x52f26c4 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#20 pc 0x52a0640 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#21 pc 0x52bb2d0 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#22 pc 0x2fe45dc libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#23 pc 0x2fe3f54 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#24 pc 0x2fe3d34 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#25 pc 0x2fe3b98 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#26 pc 0x2ffb254 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#27 pc 0x2108368 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#28 pc 0x2100c1c libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#29 pc 0x20f89e0 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#30 pc 0x20f83c4 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#31 pc 0x20f7f54 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#32 pc 0x20f7db4 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#33 pc 0x20d28dc libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#34 pc 0x21367b0 libmonochrome.so (BuildId: 0b2367b167acbde260285a816aaa42bb5e9ef89d)
#35 pc 0xe1100 libc.so (BuildId: 676a709a0ee633ec9cf6ab05ec6410ae)
#36 pc 0x83ab0 libc.so (BuildId: 676a709a0ee633ec9cf6ab05ec6410ae)
And for iOS I get the following CrashReport:
Incident Identifier: 7FCFEB73-717C-411A-AB24-4587D454D898
Hardware Model: iPad12,1
Process: MyApp [2041]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/066D921C-7365-4FC3-962F-E46D12DDF35E/MyApp.app/MyApp
Identifier: com.myapp.app
Version: 1.6.0 (88)
AppStoreTools: 14E221
AppVariant: 1:iPad12,1:15
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.myapp.app [947]
Date/Time: 2023-06-23 18:33:01.2985 +1000
Launch Time: 2023-06-23 18:21:27.1017 +1000
OS Version: iPhone OS 16.5 (20F66)
Release Type: User
Report Version: 104
Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4371660800
__TEXT 104924000-104928000 [ 16K] r-x/r-x SM=COW …yApp
Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [2041]
Triggered by Thread: 54
Thread 54 name:
Thread 54 Crashed:
0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x0000000214c7c530 _platform_strnlen + 16
1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x0000000214c7cadc _platform_strncpy + 44 (strncpy.c:30)
2 UnityFramework 0x000000010cca06fc fopendisk64_file_func + 72
3 UnityFramework 0x000000010d686274 unz64local_getByte + 24 (unzip.c:215)
4 UnityFramework 0x000000010d686274 unz64local_getLong + 124 (unzip.c:278)
5 UnityFramework 0x000000010d685178 unzOpenInternal + 1424 (unzip.c:696)
6 UnityFramework 0x000000010cd7f968 specialized static Zip.unzipFile(_:destination:overwrite:password:progress:fileOutputHandler:) + 1368
7 UnityFramework 0x000000010cdbc80c specialized static ZipUtils.unzip(zipUrl:to:) + 64
8 UnityFramework 0x000000010cd32c90 closure #1 in AssetLoader.downloadTemplateZip(for:completion:) + 1252
9 UnityFramework 0x000000010cd7b964 partial apply for closure #1 in AssetLoader.downloadTemplateZip(for:completion:) + 160
10 UnityFramework 0x000000010ccc705c closure #1 in NetworkClient.loadAsset(from:completion:) + 2800
11 UnityFramework 0x000000010cd74554 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed URL?, @guaranteed NSURLResponse?, @guaranteed Error?) -> () + 208
12 CFNetwork 0x00000001b6a64a40 __53-[__NSURLSessionLocal _downloadTaskWithTaskForClass:]_block_invoke + 484 (LocalSession.mm:1148)
13 CFNetwork 0x00000001b6a7e12c __58-[__NSCFLocalDownloadTask _private_completionAfterMetrics]_block_invoke_3 + 88 (LocalDownloadTask.mm:1001)
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001bcea9320 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 (init.c:1518)
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001bceaaeac _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:560)
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001bceb2534 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 668 (queue.c:3885)
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001bceb30d8 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 436 (queue.c:3976)
18 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001bcebdcdc _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 648 (queue.c:6507)
19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000214d12ddc _pthread_wqthread + 288 (pthread.c:2618)
20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000214d12b7c start_wqthread + 8 (:-1)
I could of course undo the update now, only then I would have to update each adapter individually and submit an update each time, since I can’t reproduce the error myself. Maybe someone can give me a hint where to start looking?
Thank you very much!