After a recent Patch for our game we have observed a noticable rise in crashes on Android. The crashes occur soley on HUAWEI devices with Android 8 or 8.1.
We are experiencing a LOT of the same “AndroidGraphics::AcquireContext()”
crash reported in unity crash reporting. It still occurs in 2018.2.20. Have not yet tried 2018.3.x. We were unsure if it was caused by ad plugins or was a “unity bug”.
I also am having a problem in Huawei device, my game isn’t realease yet, but I can’t intall it on my Huawei mate 10 Lite, even though it works fine on samsung phones.
When I run the apk after a short time it just says “App not installed.” with a warning sign
@IJhunter This seems like a buildfailure to me more than anything. Are you sure that you installed the same apk for both your HUAWEI and Samsung Device?
I had this happen to me, when
my bundle identifier wasn’t set correctly
my manifest wasn’t set up correctly
The app was already installed on my phone
The app was already installed for a different user on the phone
I tested the Amazon Version of the same App, while it being installed from the Google Store
(Not 100% sure on all those cases but at least some of them prompted me to see the “Not installed” message)
I can’t outrule an issue here, knowing most of the contents of the update it seems unlikely to me. Do you have strong indications that it is the ads causing the issues in your app?
Hey thanks for the tip, I’m pretty sure it was the same apk.
But it’s ok for now, it seems this problem only occurs when I have Build System set to Gradle instead of internal, and I also have development build checked.
Did an update we added ads to the game for the first, so seemed a very likely cause. Good to hear that doesn’t seem like the cause for someone else. We’ll try moving up to 2018.3 and see if that fixes it.
To my knowledge, Vulkan was always enabled in our project.
It seems that we are no longer recieving crash reports.
We are not 100% on what had caused the issue:
We had a faulty entry in the Manifest that caused users to have 2 icons of our App, it might have crashed when the user clicked the “other” icon in order to resume
It also might have been a timing issue in OnResume. And the timing changed with some other changes.
Either way I can’t conclusively say what caused or fixed the issue for us. sry
I’m on Unity 2017.4.22f1 and just starting splitting 32 and 64 bit Android apks recently. The release after we had done this, we started seeing a very similar stacktrace that was mentioned above:
Breadcrumbs suggest the user backgrounds the app for some time (typically a pretty short time) then the crash happens once my app comes into the foreground. I do have a custom main Android activity, and integrate with several ad networks but I don’t know yet if either of these are the root cause. I do know that disabling ads significantly reduces the related crash groups. Has anyone found any more information on this or found root cause?