We’ve been having an increase in iOS crashes since our latest release and I would love some tips and tricks on where to start searching.
Unfortunately we haven’t been able to reproduce the crash yet, so I’ll have to use the info that we do have. According to our logs, it happens somewhere within the first 20 seconds of starting our app, and during this stage, the user is still loading into the game.
Crashlytics gives the following info:
It happens almost 70% on iOS and iPadOS 17 and the other 30% is divided between iOS 16 and lower.
UnityFramework, mscorlib20.cpp:18226
Stack trace:
Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
0 UnityFramework 0x228aeec CrashedCheckBelowForHintsWhy + 116 (CrashReporter.mm:116)
1 UnityFramework 0x2541f38 UnhandledExceptionEventHandler_Invoke_mDF60F4BFA74F6061ECB069D6528F1E7C42BD0858_Multicast(UnhandledExceptionEventHandler_tB13FF21A6201A59BB462E68CD10C5B5BEE54941C*, Il2CppObject*, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs_tA03BC4C11522215795EF708F89F187AD312310C0*, MethodInfo const*) + 25514 (mscorlib__5.cpp:25514)
2 UnityFramework 0x44381a4 il2cpp::vm::Runtime::InvokeWithThrow(MethodInfo const*, void*, void**) + 582 (Runtime.cpp:582)
3 UnityFramework 0x4438004 il2cpp::vm::Runtime::Invoke(MethodInfo const*, void*, void**, Il2CppException**) + 576 (Runtime.cpp:576)
4 UnityFramework 0x443887c il2cpp::vm::Runtime::CallUnhandledExceptionDelegate(Il2CppDomain*, Il2CppDelegate*, Il2CppException*) + 868 (Runtime.cpp:868)
5 UnityFramework 0x443880c il2cpp::vm::Runtime::UnhandledException(Il2CppException*) + 702 (Runtime.cpp:702)
6 UnityFramework 0x47e1c34 ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool) (.cold.1) + 313 (ScriptingInvocation.cpp:313)
7 UnityFramework 0x38d4060 ScriptingInvocation::ScriptingInvocation(ScriptingMethodPtr) + 29 (ScriptingInvocation.cpp:29)
8 UnityFramework 0x38e418c MonoBehaviour::HandleNotifications(void*, int, MessageData&) + 60 (ScriptingNativeTypes.h:60)
9 UnityFramework 0x36eda20 GameObject::SendMessageAny(MessageIdentifier const&, MessageData&) + 1322 (GameObject.cpp:1322)
10 UnityFramework 0x37d2724 SendMessageToEveryone(MessageIdentifier const&, MessageData) + 1507 (GameObjectUtility.cpp:1507)
11 UnityFramework 0x3943ae4 iphone::DeliverPlatformEvents() + 49 (iPhoneNativeEvents.cpp:49)
12 UnityFramework 0x37d8308 ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*) + 383 (PlayerLoop.cpp:383)
13 UnityFramework 0x37d8348 ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*) + 407 (PlayerLoop.cpp:407)
14 UnityFramework 0x37d85a4 PlayerLoop() + 514 (PlayerLoop.cpp:514)
15 UnityFramework 0x3e6eda8 UnityPlayerLoopImpl(bool) + 342 (LibEntryPoint.mm:342)
16 UnityFramework 0x2287338 -[UnityAppController(Rendering) repaint] + 210 (UnityAppController+Rendering.mm:210)
17 QuartzCore 0xfcec <redacted> + 760
18 QuartzCore 0x16880 <redacted> + 368
19 CoreFoundation 0xaa3c <redacted> + 172
20 CoreFoundation 0x4ac8c <redacted> + 56
21 CoreFoundation 0x4e290 <redacted> + 596
22 CoreFoundation 0xb4a0 <redacted> + 2392
23 CoreFoundation 0x1e194 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572
24 GraphicsServices 0x1988 GSEventRunModal + 160
25 UIKitCore 0x4e5a88 -[UIApplication _run] + 1080
26 UIKitCore 0x27efc8 UIApplicationMain + 336
27 UnityFramework 0x2286f94 -[UnityFramework runUIApplicationMainWithArgc:argv:] + 96 (main.mm:96)
28 XYZ 0x412c main + 28 (main.mm:28)
29 ??? 0x1008704d0 (Missing)
Any help is much appreciated, thanks!