Crazy Collision Problems

I have created a model and exported it to FBX. I have triple checked the polygonal model for inverted normals or so. I import this model in Unity, attach a rigid body and mesh collider to it and hit play.

This is what I see if I start to push the model around…

The model shakes frenetically half buried on the ground. Sometimes the model stabilizes and stays correctly on the ground, sometimes, as you see on the video, it passes the ground and goes away.

How do I solve that? Thanks.

why not put a simple collider? like a capsule collider? sometimes a mesh collider is too much for the engine on some weird shaped models

What type of collider is your ground? Is it a meshcollider too?
Then you have to mark the meshcollider of the barrel as convex (only possible if < 255) triangles.

I am not sure if your geometry for this has to be convex (I noticed your barrel is a little concave at the egde, maybe that by itselft is the problem)

Hope this helps.