Crazy first Project?

Hello everyone I was hoping to get some insight if creating a basic version of Clash Royale would be a bit crazy for a first project. I just love the style and strategy part of the game. I am pretty passionate about this style of game. Not just Clash Royale, just this style of card game/ action.


It looks like a stripped down version of the game castle fight a map in warcraft3

Sounds like something that would take a year to build for an experienced developer. Do you want to spend a year on your first project?

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If you are doing the gameplay only vs AI then it’s probably not too hard project but if you include the multiplayer and server side stuff then you can probably forget it.

Well I’d just ask the OP to give it a go. He will find out based on his own needs. Perhaps he’ll scale the problem down some?

Yes, very crazy, start smaller.

Or take one mechanic you like from Royale and implement it as a game.

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Clash Royale is like 80% Backend, 15% UI and 5% gameplay.

IMO the gameplay is actually a pretty good idea for a intermediate hobbyist project as it’s easily deconstructable to small portions of maybe a week, like the cards, movement, AI, towers etc. Then once those are done the UI is a nice step up then backend, multiplayer are more advanced extensions… It’s like a good project that can grow with the players skill.

That being said start much smaller, like pong, then naughts and crosses(Using UGUI) then a tower defence, then snap(Mix of UGUI and without)and they should give most of the skills necessary to make the gameplay of Clash Royale.

I was actually prototyping a Clash Royale/Card Wars kind of game for VR the other day. I like the idea of the other player being able to see your hand if your not carefull and having a world happening around the player that they can interact with using the cards.

Yeah, I think it’ll be fine, if you don’t do netcode stuff (online multiplayer), only against AI. Heck, my project is way crazier - a 3D platformer with full modding support where I am building levels with the same tool modders will be using to create custom levels later on. Devlog.

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First project? Your insane. After a couple of small primer games, then certainly. I wouldn’t bother networking anything, that’s another layer of complexity you don’t need.

But hot seat multiplayer is doable.


Ok thanks for all the great replies. What projects would everyone recommend to get the skills to create a game like Clash Royale? I have played with a Crossy Road Tutorial and a Flappy bird tutorial. So I think I have a decent knowledge of how a project is to be setup. I have considered purchasing books, since most videos don’t explain all the details and don’t have a project from start to finish. Also the VR Clash Royale type game sounds sweet.

Just start in the Learn section, after a few of those start doing some self guided projects. In about 5 months after starting using Unity I created a simple version (local gameplay only) of Clash Royale (not a copy as the game hadnt come out yet) in just a few days.

Just start doing stuff, I messed around with just random stuff for the last 9 months of my time with Unity and I have learned so much. Honestly just creating anything is a great way to learn.

Best of luck! :slight_smile:

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