Crazy Work

I’ve created a new project in Unity, and it’s running my CPU like crazy. All I’ve done is create a terrain and imported a heightmap. The status bar says stuff like 7/11 Light Transport | 36 jobs and various similar things. Does a single terrain really take so much work? I don’t recall this happening with the previous version.

BTW my CPU is a recent corei7, and it’s been chugging along for about 10 minutes so far, running two processes both called JobProcess.exe

Unitys standard behavior is setup-ed to generate the light-map in the background via the JobProcess.exe processes.
Normally that should just work in the background and you can work on but if it does not fit for you, you can disable it inside the Lighting window and there uncheck “Continuos Baking”.

The enlighten “GI / Light-backer” takes quit some time on big objects and terrains do usually fall under that criteria.

OK, thanks for that. I guess I’m going to have to get my head around the new lighting model.