Is there any way for the artist to create a mesh line directly on max, and make it behave like a line renderer when exported using FBX?
I have some wires to put on the game and we’ll be more confortable if the artist make all lines on MAX itself.
Is there any way for the artist to create a mesh line directly on max, and make it behave like a line renderer when exported using FBX?
I have some wires to put on the game and we’ll be more confortable if the artist make all lines on MAX itself.
Line renderer meaning Physics.Linecast?
Or do you mean the exported spline doesnt show up in Unity? If so, check line properties in Max and tick Show Viewport or something similar.
I think what I’d (try) to do is get your artist to export the wires as a sequence of square cross section pieces. I guess by extruding a square along the wires. This will give you a simple mesh model that you can use in the game using the usual FBX importer. You can then have a go at optimising this mesh into a series of lines. I guess you’d locate vertices at the joins between the piece and replace these with a single 3d point. The sequence of 3d points can then be used to draw lines with the GL class. This approach should allow you make some rapid progress, and you might find that the performance is just fine with the mesh rendered wires.