Create a Octagon using line renderer. What could be the perfect X,Y numric values for doing this?

Hey guys need to create a Regular Octagon using Line renderer so what could be the perfect X,Y position numeric values for doing so… I was able to create a hexagon by watching brackeys video…but octagon is much more complex. Any help would be appreciated?

What have you tried so far?

I don’t believe it’s way more complex…

With the following code, you can have any regular shape you want:

    public LineRenderer lineRenderer;

    [Range(3, 20)]
    public int positionsCount;

    [Range(1, 10)]
    public float radius;

    [Range(0, 360)]
    public float rotation;

    public Vector3 normal = Vector3.forward;

    private void OnValidate()
        lineRenderer.positionCount = positionsCount;
        Vector3[] positions = GetPoints( lineRenderer.positionCount, radius, rotation * Mathf.PI / 180f, normal ).ToArray();
        lineRenderer.SetPositions( positions );

    public List<Vector3> GetPoints( int sides, float radius, float rotation = 0 )
        return GetPoints( sides, radius, rotation, Vector3.forward );

    public List<Vector3> GetPoints( int sides, float radius, float rotation, Vector3 normal )
        List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>( sides ) ;
        float angle = 0 ;
        Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross( normal, Vector3.up ).normalized;
        Vector3 up = Vector3.Cross( normal, right ).normalized;

        if ( sides <= 1 )
            points.Add( new Vector3( 0, 0 ) );
            for ( int sideIndex = 0 ; sideIndex < sides ; sideIndex++ )
                Vector3 point = up * Mathf.Cos( angle + rotation ) * radius + right * Mathf.Sin( angle + rotation ) * radius;
                points.Add( point );
                angle += Mathf.PI * 2f / sides;

        return points;

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        Gizmos.DrawLine( lineRenderer.transform.position, lineRenderer.transform.position + normal.normalized );

I have created a octagon by editing the points and using mouse and some maths…but without code[125948-octa.jpg|125948]