create asset in illustrator cs 6 and import to unity

Hi unity community,
I am wonder if it is possible to create asset in illustrator cs 6 and import to unity?

The thing is, Unity3D can import bitmaps such as PNG, etc. that you then place on a flat game object. You can create the bitmap in any program you like, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. But if you’d like to keep it as vectors and bezier curves, you can’t. What you can do, though, is to import Illustrator into a 3D rendering program such as Blender, LightWave or 3DS Max and that will reduce your vector graphic into a lot of small surfaces. A curve will then become a succession of straight lines. How many depends on your setting when importing to the 3D program. But if you want a fine definition of the curve, that will create a lot of polygons!

There is a new asset available in the store. It allows you to create entire scene in illustrator and import the file to unity.

Only if Illustrator allows you to save as a PSD or JPEG or PNG, or TIFF.

SVG Importer | Vector Graphics Plugin for Unity

alt text

Unity 4.6.0 Compatible, fully cross-platform.

Easily drag and drop your SVG files directly in your scene. SVG importer fully mimics Unity native sprites so your team doesn’t have to learn anything new. Extremely fast and simple workflow for rapid level design. Resolution independent graphics ready for retina displays and full support of the new Unity UI system.

SVG importer automatically converts SVG files into highly optimised meshes and does fully supports both
linear and radial gradients.


  • UI rendering
  • Opaque rendering
  • Transparent rendering
  • Manual level of detail
  • Depth compression
  • Custom pivot point
  • Drag & Drop
  • Recolor artwork
  • Automatic Colliders
  • Full demo project

SVG Importer fully Supports

  • Simple shapes
  • Complex shapes
  • Holes
  • Linear Gradients
  • Radial Gradients
  • Strokes

HTML 5 realtime demo

Asset Store download

