Create clickable ECS entity, WITHOUT authoring component from Editor

I can set up a GameObject cube, and convert it to an entity using authoring component scripts. With this, I can write a script that does a raycast on click. When I do this, the raycast works correctly.

However, I want to create that component in the script, and not have to use the authoring component conversion workflow.

The objects I am trying to spawn are spawned in random positions on each startup, so I don’t want to have them all created in the hierarchy, just so they can be converted. How do I create an entity, WITHOUT conversion components in the editor, that will register the raycast?

andrew-lukasik had a great comment above.

By creating a “Bounds”, using the “WorldRenderBounds” of each entity queried, an IntersectRay can be run to determine if the mouse-click intersected the entity.

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, in WorldRenderBounds bounds) => {
                float3 center = bounds.Value.Center;
                float3 extents = bounds.Value.Extents;

                Bounds newBounds = new Bounds(center, extents);

                bool haveHit = newBounds.IntersectRay(ray, out float distance);

                if (haveHit)
                    Debug.Log("Click registered hit");