Create grass in a normal's possible?

I’m creating a platform game. I created the platforms in Blender. Then, I exported to Unity and all was correct. I want to create grass into the platforms but I don’t know if it is possible.

If it’s possible…can you explain to me please? And if not…can you contribute me some ideas for create grass?

If you are intending the grass that Unity provides as tools for Terrains (that’s this one), you can’t, because your platforms aren’t Terrains for sure. You have some solutions:

  1. Modelling grass directly into Blender (yeah, that’s a lil’ bit difficulty that making simple flattened-cube platforms…);
  2. Use Textures, even if the final result wouldn’t be so nice (it will still 2-dimension). If you still interested, look here. By the way, on this point there’s a big difference if your game is 2D or 3D, as I’ve just said.
  3. You can visit the Asset Store, and searching for something there.
  4. Using Fur Shaders. I never had occasion to try them, but they seems very good.

ohh!! lots of thanks I’m going to explore about the Fur Shaders!