Create Keyframe for _MainTex_ST via code.

Hi, does anyone know how I might go about programming a keyframe animation clip for _MainTex_ST with incoming data of tiling, offset, and time?
I’m trying this out, but can’t seem to get around the ‘Object’ limitation.

AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();

EditorCurveBinding binding = new EditorCurveBinding();
binding.type = typeof(MeshRenderer);
binding.path = “”;
binding.propertyName = textureManager.materialGroups[0].texturePropertyName + “_ST”;

ObjectReferenceKeyframe[ ] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[Data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < (Data.Length); i++)
Vector2 value = Data*.textureOffset;// Stores a Vector2 of the material offset I want to save in an animation.*
keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe();
keyFrames*.time = Data.time;*
keyFrames*.value = value; // a Vector2 is obviously not a UnityEngine.Object.*
AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, binding, keyFrames);

Any help would be much appreciated! @Aras

I also tried this with no success.

AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
EditorCurveBinding binding = new EditorCurveBinding();
binding.type = typeof(MeshRenderer);
binding.path = “”;
binding.propertyName = “_MainTex_ST”;

Keyframe[ ] keyFrames = new Keyframe[Data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < (Data.Length); i++)
Vector4 value = Data*.textureOffset;*
keyFrames = new Keyframe();
keyFrames_.time = Data*.time;_
_keyFrames.value = value;

AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(keyFrames);
clip.SetCurve(binding.path, binding.type, binding.propertyName, curve);_

clip.SetCurve(“”, typeof(MeshRenderer), “material._MainTex_ST.x”, curveX);
clip.SetCurve(“”, typeof(MeshRenderer), “material._MainTex_ST.y”, curveY);
clip.SetCurve(“”, typeof(MeshRenderer), “material._MainTex_ST.z”, curveZ);
clip.SetCurve(“”, typeof(MeshRenderer), “material._MainTex_ST.w”, curveW);

Thanks bgolus, that’s exactly what I was looking for! For anyone else looking for this in the future, here’s my final solution.

Void Main()
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
Keyframe[ ] keyFramesX = new Keyframe[Data.Length];
Keyframe[ ] keyFramesY = new Keyframe[Data.Length];
Keyframe[ ] keyFramesZ = new Keyframe[Data.Length];
Keyframe[ ] keyFramesW = new Keyframe[Data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < (Data.Length); i++)
keyFramesX = new Keyframe();
keyFramesX*.time = Data.time;*
keyFramesX*.value = Data.x;*
keyFramesY = new Keyframe();
keyFramesY*.time = Data.time;*
keyFramesY*.value = Data.y;*
keyFramesZ = new Keyframe();
keyFramesZ*.time = Data.time;*
keyFramesZ*.value = Data.z;*
keyFramesW = new Keyframe();
keyFramesW*.time = Data.time;*
keyFramesW*.value = Data.w;*

ApplyKeyFramesToTexture(clip, texturePropertyName + “_ST.x”, keyFramesX);
ApplyKeyFramesToTexture(clip, texturePropertyName + “_ST.y”, keyFramesY);
ApplyKeyFramesToTexture(clip, texturePropertyName + “_ST.z”, keyFramesZ);
ApplyKeyFramesToTexture(clip, texturePropertyName + “_ST.w”, keyFramesW);
private void ApplyKeyFramesToTexture(AnimationClip clip, string texturePropertyName, Keyframe[ ] keyFrames)
EditorCurveBinding binding = new EditorCurveBinding();
binding.type = typeof(MeshRenderer);
binding.path = “”;
binding.propertyName = “material.” + texturePropertyName;
AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve(keyFrames);
// Sets the curves to constant so that the frames don’t lerp between each other.
for (int i = 0; i < (keyFrames.Length); i++)
AnimationUtility.SetKeyLeftTangentMode(curve, i, AnimationUtility.TangentMode.Constant);
AnimationUtility.SetKeyRightTangentMode(curve, i, AnimationUtility.TangentMode.Constant);
clip.SetCurve(binding.path, binding.type, binding.propertyName, curve);