Create List of Dictionaries C#

I’m using Parse ( to store saved games on the cloud. They limit what kind of data types you can use. I’m new to C# - usually I use Javascript but Parse does not work with Javascript

I’m iterating over all of the GameObjects in my scene and making a dictionary type for each one containing its name (string), x (int), y (int), rotation(float). I would like to store these items in a List.

	var blocks = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("GameItems");
	foreach (var obj in blocks) 
                    //Make a new dictionary and add to list
		//IDictionary<string, object> levelBlocks = new Dictionary<string, object>{};
		levelBlocks.Add("x", obj.transform.position.x);
		levelBlocks.Add("y", obj.transform.position.y);
		levelBlocks.Add("rotation", obj.transform.eulerAngles.z);

Generic types can be nested:

List<Dictionary<string, object>>

List.<Dictionary.<String, Object>>

The best resource to learn about arrays/list/dictionaries with Unity3d would be here.