Create multiple prefabs from multiple objects in the selection of the Hierarchy (Unity 5.3.5)

I know this question has been asked several times and there are several solutions out there. Sadly not for the Unity version I am using. I’m using Unity 5.3.5 and am forced to use it in the boundaries of the project i’m working on.

I tried to fit some of the code out there to fulfill my needs, but my C# is not advanced enough to get that to work. I can do some very basic stuff, so I would really appreciate if someone can lend me a helping hand by providing a script that would work for me.

Examples that don’t work for me I found here:

Thanks in advance

Hi, thats very old Unity.

I am not sure what exactly you want to do.
The objects are in the scene? And you want to make prefabs out of them?

But as I can see PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab was also available in 5.3.5.

Can you share your code and what error you getting. Maybe I will be able to help.