Create objects in a selected area

I have written code for a loop to create objects in a select area based off mouse position A and Mouse position B. but the problem i have come across is that it only works is if point1 is to the right of and lower to point2, How can write this correctly?

var point1 : Vector3;

var point2 : Vector3;

var z : float;

var ray : Ray; //Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && box2)
     	point1= ray.origin + (ray.direction*distanc);
     	point1.y =  hieghtFloor;
      	point1.z = Mathf.RoundToInt(point1.z);
      	z = point1.z;
      	point1.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(point1.x);
      	pointStr1 = point1.x+","+ point1.y+"1,"+point1.z;
      	Debug.Log("Point "+pointStr1);

      if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)&& box2)
      		point2= ray.origin + (ray.direction*distanc);
	      	point2.y =  hieghtFloor;
	      	point2.z = Mathf.RoundToInt(point2.z); 
	      	point2.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(point2.x); 	
	      	pointStr2 = point2.x+","+ point2.y+","+point2.z;
	      	var currentz : int = point2.z- point1.z;
	      	var currentx : int = point2.x-point1.x;
	      	var maxInt : int = currentz*currentx;
			if(maxInt > 0)
				for(var i = 0;i <= currentx; i++)
					for(var t = 0 ;t <= currentz; t++)
					    if(!GameObject.Find(pointStr1) && !GameObject.Find(pointStr2))
						 	currentObj=GameObject.Instantiate (startCube,point1, Quaternion.identity);
					     	pointStr1 = point1.x+","+ point1.y+"1,"+point1.z;
	 = point1.x+","+ point1.y+"1,"+point1.z;;
					    pointStr1 = point1.x+","+ point1.y+"1,"+point1.z;
					point1.z = z;
					pointStr1 = point1.x+","+ point1.y+"1,"+point1.z;

After you get your second point, do a quick compare to see if the second one is to the top left of the first. if it is, you’re good to go, if not, swap the values ie

var temp : Vector3 = point1;
point1 = point2;
point2 = temp;

This should allow your existing code to work identically regardless what the orientation of the two mouse inputs are.

No i cant get this to work