Create prefab from textfile entries

I am creating a instantiating a Prefab when clicking on screen and saving position and name in a text file like so:
(0.9,3.7,0.0) nameA
(2.1,3.2,0.1) nameB, etc.

On load I am looping through the TextAsset and grabbing the position and string to populate my PREFAB

    TextAsset textFile;
    string text;
    string[] lines;

    textFile = Resources.Load("test") as TextAsset; // Loads file
    text = textFile.ToString(); 
    lines = text.Split('


    for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
        GameObject go2 = Instantiate(prefab_, new Vector3(-0.3f, 0.2f, 1.7f) // **HARDCODED for test**, Quaternion.identity);_

I am ultimately trying to instantiate my PREFAB where
Vector3 will be (0.9,3.7,0.0) and Text.text component will be nameA
When I test the above, it is only instantiating the first prefab when I expect items.length as I am looping through the lines and trying to instantiate based on the count.
What is best way to achieve this?
Thank you

Thanks for responding.

In my test, hardcoding the Vector3 position, I get the following error after first Prefab instantiated

Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Goal is to read contents of file and then instantiate like so
FIle contents:
(0.9,3.7,0.0) nameA
(2.1,3.2,0.1) nameB,

Instantiate(prefab*, new Vector3(POSITIONS FROM FILE ABOVE) , Quaternion.identity);*

I think you may need to convert your content to a vector3 type for each line, then you can Debug.log the converted results to check if they are right or not.