Create Project on Network Shared Drive or NAS

I want to share a project with other computer with network. I set up shared folder on Mac, but I failed to read an existing project on other mac with an error: “The project you are opening contains a locked Library/SourceAssetDB file”. I set up a shared folder on the NAS, but the same error occurred.
Is it possible to create or ready a Unity project on the network shared folder?
Thanks in advance.

Use source control such as Git instead.

Git is an overkill if you have a NAS folder and a couple of computers at home …

I encountered the same issue but I fail to understand how to unlock the file, since it’s unity itself creating the file every time I open the project. The popup message says: “The project you are opening contains a locked Library/SourceAssetDB file.”.

Like @artilla I am probably a single person working form 2 different computers, so if a Library is locked, I assume I should be safely authorized to unlock it as I will be the only one person working at the one time.

I think Unity hashes the computer id of where the project is created, then if you try to open it form another computer, for “safety reasons” creates a lock file to disallow other computer to “POTENTIALLY” operate on the same DB at the same time.

If this is the intention, it does not hold true for one single user, so would be nice to know if Unity wants to help or wants users to go through the cloud system.

That’s simply not true.

Version Control and network storage have two different goals. On the top of that Unity stated clearly they do not support networked storage in any shape or form. Reading/writing Unity projects from two different locations is quickly get you in a failed state.

If you don’t want to have a Git in the cloud, you can install one at one of your home computers. But it only will save you from yourself (when you do something wrong in your project - NAS won’t even do that, mind you), the data locality is still a problem, you don’t have a copy of your project in a different location. Which means in case of any local event (fire, earthquake, children, or a spouse gone mad) will compromise your project.

Do not use a project folder from two different location. And do not sync it through network.


For some “projects” (as a folders in a computer) git is totally an overkill. When you handle multiple projects from different drives and manage your collections of assets one might like to open up a project from a remote hard drive. And you can. Whether or not you should is another question… I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t have a recent backup.

We tend to follow our old habits and one of them is being overly cautious. I would say that at the start of the project it’s a great idea to put your projects on a remote computer and manage them from your local client. I have been now running two unity projects from remote server with one local Unreal project and played Apex on 8K resolution 240hz flawlessly. And all this done with a laptop.

You can get rid of the temporary solution soon enough by upgrading to git when you feel like the initial commit is ready.

I would say that it more depends on your hardware. Can you safely assume you have a connection strong enough and your HDD’s are reliable (maybe even designed for NAS).

Make a backup and try it out if you have a chance. Works great for me.