I want to have several radio buttons with different value applied on each of it.
For example:
First radio button gives string “A”
Second radio button gives string “B”
And etc.
How to do that?
I want to have several radio buttons with different value applied on each of it.
For example:
First radio button gives string “A”
Second radio button gives string “B”
And etc.
How to do that?
Any help with this?
radio buttons are “toggles” in the UI system, they only return a boolean, but you can act on that bool how you like in the script. If you just mean the text displayed to the user, just change the text in the associated child gameobject…
If you want the toggles to be mutually exclusive (click B deactivates A etc.) they all need to be assigned to the same toggleGroup
Gonna look further into this, thank you!