Create road side objects

Is there any tutorial how to dynamically generate road side objects along the roads ? I tried to find something helpfull in procedural generation topics but I’m new in unity and simply don’t know where to starts so I’ll be glad for any advice :wink:

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by the roads, are you using one of the road makers from the asset store? What you’re probably looking for though is instantiate, then maybe you would have some empty game objects placed along the road to use as the positions for the instantiate.

Hi AlexLeighton, thanks for your reply.
I just want add fence to left and side of road, add I want to add it automatically. I know easyroads3d pro has such functionality but I don’t need it to be so sophisticated like in easyroads. I found also this awesome tool Now I need simpler solution but If I can’t do it on my own I will have to buy something from asset store.