Create video from Timeline

I am new to Timeline but old to Unity by about 12 years.

I must be missing something. I have been looking at both Timeline and Cinemachine and I don’t see
a workflow to record or export to video. Specifically mp4.
I am sure it is done but I can’t seem to find it.

Can someone please point me to this kind of information??

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Yep! Unity provides a free Media Recorder that you can grab from the Asset Store
The recorder comes with a Recorder Track that can be used in Timeline to trigger a video recording.

If you have any question suggestion or request please use the recorder forum .

hope this helps!


Thanks so much!

Any idea how you could do this in 2019?

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Unity recorder is available via the Package Manager.

There is a Recorder track that you can add to Timeline - configure the clip settings to output either a movie or Image Sequence. I’d recommend using the Image Sequence for higher quality output, you can stitch the images together in any video editing software (Resolve etc) to create the final output video.


Why does it only support the editor? It will be nice if we can create our videos at runtime on our phones …

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Cannot find this asset in the current package manager (unity 2019.3.2) any idea where it is located now?

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Make sure you’re looking for it in the packet manager and NOT the asset store! Might save ya a few minutes

You may also need to check ‘show preview packages’ under the advanced dropdown in the package manager


Thanks! Shows up when checking ‘show preview packages’.

If you plan to edit this in post (like After Effects or Premiere) make sure you render it out as a PNG image sequence. Otherwise if you do movie, you will get a highly compressed mp4 file.

Is the Unity Recorder gone? I installed the package but can’t see the option on the Timeline. I used it a lot, so I hope anyone know where it is?

How are you installing the Recorder. Which recorder/unity version ?
Are you having any compile errors?
I just the latest tried 2.5.0 and it works just fine.

I installed it from the Package manager (from my assets). I tried with different versions. The one I am running now is 2.2

All good, enabled the preview packages and installed the newest preview version.