create world from scripts... is this possible?

Sorry for this beginner question, but it’s something i need to know to evaluate Unity for my upcoming project… I have some “maps” that have to be build and populated with objects on the scene manager “on the fly” at the beginning of the play… just try to imagine you have to read a file with some data and basing on these data you have to populate the scene manager with objects (which may be pre configured with scripts into unity i guess) and create the world, spawn the players and the npc/script controlled objects and so on… So it’s quite a different approach than dragging things into the manager, configure them and save them at design time and give out preconfigured levels like GooBall… I think that unity is the best tool i’ve seen so far but i need this feature… Is this possible somehow? i didn’t trace it in the forums yet. I hope someone will help me to understand.
Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Yes, definitely. Most often you preconfigure your objects as Prefabs and Instantiate them from a script.

If you want to go much further, it is possible to create 3D meshes and textures from script as well (take a look at Procedural example project).

Thank you very much for your answer :smile:
As i thought, Unity is by far the best tool i’ve seen in a long time!