This is a weird one, and I honestly assume it’s a bug. So, I’m making a Minecraft clone based on these videos and after video 6 I have a script called BiomeAttributes.cs with this code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "BiomeAttributes", menuName = "MCClone / Biome Attribute")]
public class BiomeAttributes : ScriptableObject
public string biomeName;
public int solidGroundHeight;
public int terrainHeight;
public float terrainScale;
public Lode[] lodes;
public class Lode
public string nodeName;
public byte blockID;
public int minHeight;
public int maxHeight;
public float scale;
public float threshold;
public float noiseOffset;
After I wrote this and went back into Unity, I right clicked in the project panel and hovered over the “Create” button to show my options to create something, only to discover that there are now literally hundreds of options, 99% of which are “MCClone” and the other 1% are the original options. From my later testing of this, it would appear that every time I hit play, many many more of that same option show up. This doesn’t really impact my ability to do my stuff, but it is rather annoying. If it helps, I’m using Unity 2018.3. Is there a way to fix this, or at least a way to delete those stupid menus?