On my home comp when I create a new game object like a cube, plane, sphere, etc. Nothing is visible except for the manipulator handles. At school when I do the same exact thing it works properly and I can see the object created. I’ve uninstalled and re-installed. Is there some kind of setting I’m missing or something or is this just a bug?
I’m not sure but two things to check. If you select one of the objects so its Gizmo(handles) show. Press the F key which should focus/center the object and zoom in so it takes up most of the screen.
If this works, and you can see the object then the problem is most likely Unity’s default scale which imports objects so tiny as to be invisible. Unity’s default scale is 0.01 and for most apps needs to be set to 1.0 in the mesh/fbx import part of the inspector.
If that’s not the problem, I’m not sure what to suggest.
I don’t know what happened, but it just started working properly. Just one of those things I guess. Still a weird thing though.
I know this is old… but I was having the same Issue and found a possible reason. I had turned the default layer off under layers in the top right corner. there… that made me feel silly. 
Once the Default layer was activated… of course all new objects became visible again… since they are put into the default layer.