I think you should find out the font’s name first. See if you can actually use it comercially. Otherwise you may search for a similiar one that is free to use. If you know the name and is free to use, you can probably download it from the internet.
I hear ya. But the user(s) will be transferring their own files into the Unity Editor which contains their own fonts from their OS; which will then be exported out as a WebGL.
In the editor you can see the fonts working (textmesh), but I need them contained as an asset so they can be built with the project. Manually or looking for a similar font isn’t really an option
I’m not sure I follow you.
In my unity project I can only see the fonts I’ve added to the assets folder. I have a lot of fonts installed an none is appearing, except Arial, that’s probably Unity’s default. In my project I have fonts that are not installed in my PC too. I’m almost sure the fonts in my asset folder will get exported and used with the rest of the proyect once I build. Is this a problem related to the use of OpenGL?
I can’t build to WebGL because I don’t have the OS fonts I’m using in my Unity Project Folder. It will error out.
I have the OS fonts working in my scene because I’m using "CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont ".
So I’m trying to find a way using/creating the fonts as an asset from my OS into my Unity Project Folder without manually copying the files over from the OS.
Stephan is very active in the UI/TextMeshPro forums, usually he answers any questions regarding TMP, so if you choose to post there next time, he can answer or give you advise. (hint )