I have a collected number of .map files that I used in the Torque Engine to create interiors for gameplay. I am a little baffled as to how unity supports interiors and/or if it does at all. If I must model my brushes in a 3dapp and render them out as geometry it will severely affect the performance of the game I am developing. Can someone please tell me the workflow they have used or are currently using to create interiors within their terrain. Is Quark and option or is there another program that can be used?
From my understanding, modern 3D engines no longer require BSP / CSG geometry for optimizing interiors. Unreal Engine 3, for instance, does not require it, although they still provide the tools as many level designers have spent most of their careers building interiors this way.
It shoulde possible to convert the .MAP files to standard 3D format using Quark, or other games-focused 3D modeling apps.
Mileage may vary, depending on the intended delivery, I suppose.