Im making a game called WWII Mobile and I would like to have a in game player chat room, where players can buy/sell, change their chat avatar. Any one know where I can find the code for that? or if not, tell me where to start?
Photon has a chat infrastructure that provides multi-room chat functionality. That would be a good place to start. If it doesn’t do everything that you need, you should check with them about expanding on their base functionality, and if it’s not possible then you might want to write your own chat or look for other alternatives.
If you end up writing your own chat, you will need to write network code to your client, write the chat server code in whatever language you know best, and be able to deploy the chat server to AWS or another online service.
All in all, writing it yourself is NOT a simple task, but it is doable given the right time and a decent programmer with good ability to learn. I wrote one myself a year back and it took me a few weeks.