Creating a balance scale...

Hi and thank you for you expertise.

I am trying to create a scale from scratch. On the left side there is a jar of water, on the right side is a wall. As the player absorbs the water, the left side raises, lowering the wall on the right side.

To do this, I have an update script that moves the platforms on each side of the scale in opposite directions. The left side has a gravity of negative 1. The jar has a gravity of positive 1.

The script works perfectly for the scale platforms. However, the jar is sent upward , and when it returns to the platform, it bounces indefinitely.

I have created a physics material that has 0 bounciness. I dont know how to resolve this.

If you have any ideas, i’d appreciate it. If you know of a scale tutorial or template, that would be even better!


Use the Mass feature. Make the board scales with very high mass, like, 5 or 10, and the rest - with small mass.

Toying with physics requires a lot of work