This Video explains what a lightmap is and how to make a simple lightmap that can be used inside Unity.
Nice work… hmm maybe I should make some 3ds Max vids
Put it on the wikiwikiwiki?
Really informative videos man! Appreciated
Hope to see more of these in the near future!
good stuff! Keep the modo-love coming! :]
One little tip on the side for everyone who does this (just because I ran into it earlier today…):
If you’re using Indirect Illumination with Iradiance Caching enabled (and you do want to enable it because it’s nicer AND faster if set up correctly), then the position of the render camera matters! yes, even though you’re baking to a uv texture! So if you run into areas that aren’t rendered as nicely as the rest, check if the render camera is too far away or pointing in the wrong direction…
Good video. Nice to see someone taking some time to make some useful user based training.
d/l anyway, but as Im on dialup, what application is this for? Modo?
Heya Targos
Yes it is for modo
i have d/l it already.
Great work on this tut, looking forward to more.
Just a quick question, does the texture map and the lightmap share the same UV coords? if so does Modo work well with exporting 2 sets of UVs?
@Kini - Usually they do, but it is no problem to use a second set of UV Coordinates for lightmapping only.
Ok Thanks.
I’m just looking at a solution to get my Lightwave models to export with 2 sets of UVs, and I think Modo works reasonably well with Lightwave (?).
do you know what version of LWO Modo will import? most other programs only support the Lightwave 5 version of LWO, which doesnt support 2 sets of UVs (as far as I can tell).
Sorry, i have no idea how you would export that from Modo or Lightwave…
I currently use Cheetah3D to get a second set of UVs into Unity. Cinema 4D R11 also exports 2 sets of UVs nativly to Unity now…
Ok Thanks for that, Maybe I’ll just keep my fingers crossed in the hope Newtek fix the FBX plugin some more.
Hi dclarson
I’m so glad I found this thread and your example. I’m learning modo and need tips on how best to bring models over into Unity. I wonder if you could provide some direction.
I’m modelling from CAD and scale is important. How do I ensure my models are to scale in Unity when I bring them over? I’d hate to set up a walk through and then feel like Gulliver!
Secondly, what is the best way / format to bring modo models over to Unity?
Hope you can help. And do please keep the video examples coming - they are an inspiration and very much appreciated!
So glad you put the LightMap video tutorial on the forum. Making maya lightmaps for my level today.
Thanks so much
i cant see your video. its removed ?
if yes can you reupload the video
You can use beast now, don’t forget.