To start off I followed this tutorial: Hex Map 1
Now I have been meddling with the code and I am trying to instantiate one building to the center of the a hexagon. The problem is that I am unsure how to send the hex position to my building creation script, or call the building creation script in the script where the grid is maintained.
The code (HexMapEditor.cs):
public List<GameObject> BuildingList = new List<GameObject>();
public HexGrid hexGrid;
private Color activeColor;
private int activeBuilding;
void Awake () {
void Update () {
if (
Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) &&
) {
void HandleInput () {
Ray inputRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(inputRay, out hit)) {
hexGrid.CreateBuilding(hit.point, activeColor);
public void SelectBuilding(int index)
activeBuilding = index;
public void BuildingCreation(Vector3 Bpos)
Instantiate(BuildingList[activeBuilding], Bpos, Quaternion.identity);
The code (HexGrid.cs):
public Color defaultColor = Color.white;
public HexCell cellPrefab;
public Text cellLabelPrefab;
HexCell[] cells;
Canvas gridCanvas;
HexMesh hexMesh;
HexMapEditor Building;
void Awake () {
gridCanvas = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>();
hexMesh = GetComponentInChildren<HexMesh>();
cells = new HexCell[height * width];
for (int z = 0, i = 0; z < height; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
CreateCell(x, z, i++);
void Start () {
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
public void CreateBuilding(Vector3 position, Color color)
position = transform.InverseTransformPoint(position);
HexCoordinates coordinates = HexCoordinates.FromPosition(position);
int index = coordinates.X + coordinates.Z * width + coordinates.Z / 2;
HexCell cell = cells[index];
cell.color = color;
for (int i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
void CreateCell (int x, int z, int i) {
Vector3 position;
position.x = (x + z * 0.5f - z / 2) * (HexMetrics.innerRadius * 2f);
position.y = 0f;
position.z = z * (HexMetrics.outerRadius * 1.5f);
HexCell cell = cells *= Instantiate<HexCell>(cellPrefab);*
cell.transform.SetParent(transform, false);*
cell.transform.localPosition = position;*
cell.coordinates = HexCoordinates.FromOffsetCoordinates(x, z);*
cell.color = defaultColor;*
if (x > 0) {
cell.SetNeighbor(HexDirection.W, cells[i - 1]);*
if (z > 0) {*
if ((z & 1) == 0) {*
cell.SetNeighbor(HexDirection.SE, cells[i - width]);*
if (x > 0) {*
cell.SetNeighbor(HexDirection.SW, cells[i - width - 1]);*
else {*
cell.SetNeighbor(HexDirection.SW, cells[i - width]);*
if (x < width - 1) {*
cell.SetNeighbor(HexDirection.SE, cells[i - width + 1]);*
Text label = Instantiate<Text>(cellLabelPrefab);*
label.rectTransform.SetParent(gridCanvas.transform, false);*
label.rectTransform.anchoredPosition =*
new Vector2(position.x, position.z);*
label.text = cell.coordinates.ToStringOnSeparateLines();*
- }*
Please let met know if more code or information in required.