How can i create a custom player spawning script (Netcode for GameObjects).
I have a problem where I’m trying to spawn first person characters with different player models and also fix a problem where when a new player is spawned, all previous players see through the new players camera. If there’s a way to solve this without writing a new player spawning script please let me know. but so far I thought that the best way for me to achieve this is to create a script called CustomNetworkManager that extends the NetworkManager script, the problem with this is i have no clue which function in the NetworkManager script is responsible for spawning players so i dont know which function to override.
This issue seems like it would be pretty common for anyone trying to create a first-person game but i can’t seem to find anything online about the issue except old UNet solutions, I was wondering if there is a different workaround that people are using instead of writing a customer player spawning script?
Thanks in advance.